Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1335: One hundred thirty seven

This movement not only alarmed Yang Kun, but also the rest of the crew. Everyone, including Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin, thought they would see a **** corpse. When the smoke and dust dissipated, they would see a huge stone pit. Next to him, a strange and stern tall man was just holding Master Chi, and the two of them just happened to be standing beside the stone pit safely.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin could not see Master Chi’s face in this direction, but clearly saw the man holding Master Chi tightly. His face was pale and ugly at this time, his body was shaking, and his dark eyes were bursts of murderous intent in the stormy waves, which made people look out of nowhere. He was numb, and even forgot to explore how this strange man suddenly appeared here.

It was Ruan Shenglin who was the first to react and forgot to make the film. He rushed up and asked with a pale face, "It’s okay, Master, Master Chi, are you okay!"

Ruan Shenglin asked, the other people who were scared by the scene just now and forgot to react sluggishly, all came forward and personally stepped forward and hurriedly asked: "It's okay! Are you injured? I have a place here, so quickly put people here. "

Among them is Wang Dao.

After all, an accident has just happened just now, and if another accident happened in front of them, even the few people who value the interests the most can't be indifferent.

Chi Shuyan only realized what had happened at this time. She moved her eyes from the huge stone to the man who hugged her tightly in front of her. She was a little surprised, and she didn't know how this man suddenly appeared here.

But after a while, she has calmed down, and she is surrounded by many people who care about and ask questions. Chi Shuyan is a little uncomfortable with this small battle, and even less used to hug this man in front of so many people. She did such an intimate move.

After all, the two hadn't been so close for a long time. She was about to push the person away, and the person was held by the man next to him again, and her body was tightly pressed against the man. She was so strong that she almost never cut her waist.

Chi Shuyan was dumbfounded, and the man gasped heavily in her ear. She thought that the man in front of her would say a few words, but she didn't hear the man speaking for a while, and Chi Shuyan wanted to speak again.

But as soon as she moved, the man immediately pressed the back of her head against his shoulders, and clasped her waist tightly, with the usual tough command: "Don't move!"

Chi Shuyan was no longer dull, and at this time faintly felt the man's tense and trembling body, confusion and complexity flashed through her eyes, and she was about to speak, when a low, powerful and very nice man's voice sounded in her ear: "All right? "

Listen carefully, the man said these two words with a little vibrato.

Fortunately, he quickly heard someone ask if there were any injuries elsewhere. Qi Zhenbai didn’t care about any other reactions. He immediately held the person in the rocking chair of the king’s guide with a cold face, with a cold face, from top to bottom. Next, carefully check her body carefully, asking constantly, "Does it hurt here?" ’

Chi Shuyan did not suffer any injuries at all. Under the strong actions of the man, she carefully examined her body from top to bottom in front of so many people. Although Chi Shuyan was very moved in her heart, she felt it was hard to say anything. Li said that it was all right, but the man in front of him who was cold from beginning to end still did not let him go. He had to personally check his body carefully to make sure there were no wounds before he was relieved.

While examining the wound, Qi Zhenbai's fingers twitched from time to time because he was too irritated just now. He didn't utter a word, but just flicked it and continued to lower his head to check.

The eyes of the people who were still concerned about her accident and talk a lot turned from fright to ambiguous, and looked at them with a look at the play.

Both of them have high looks, especially the man Qi Zhenbai. Not to mention his overall temperament and aura, he took that perfect and impeccable appearance, completely dumping hundreds of thousands of the most handsome traffic stars in the entertainment industry. The street, looks tough, masculine, and a bit expensive, not to mention that this woman's eyes are straight, but some men look straight.

At the beginning, Director Wang almost misunderstood that others were also in the entertainment industry. His eyes looked bright, but he had some eyesight and faintly realized that the other party was unusual, so he didn't rush to say something, but waved to evacuate. The staff gathered together just now, let them go as they should, don’t just stay here.

Just thinking about nonsense, don't think he didn't hear their discussion just now.

Not long after, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief from a crowd of people to only a few people with some weight in the crew, and couldn't help but look at the place where the stone fell just now.

Qi Zhenbai's eyes were sharp and sharp, and his sharp eyes fell on the top of the cliff mountain that had just been smashed down by the stone, and his killing intent flashed past.

"Master Chi, are you really okay?" Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun had not left, and asked with a trembling voice.

The two really care about Master Chi, for fear that something will happen to her, Yang Kun didn't know if he had been stimulated just now, and he just stopped talking.

Director Wang took away the look of the men in front of them, their eyes fell on the big rock that had just been smashed into the pit and took a sigh of relief.

But Director Wang didn't think much about it, and didn't think about some of them. He only felt that the terrain of this mountain village was too dangerous, and there was an inexplicable chill in his heart. Fortunately, the little girl in front of him was much luckier than the other people in front.

The messenger was also bloodied by the rocks that rolled down from the top of the mountain, so he immediately arranged for someone to bury him.

But how come there are so many rocks of this size in this village, and they just roll off when they say they roll?

Or is the little girl in front of me too unlucky?

A thought flashed through Wang's head. After all, someone had an accident in his crew, and Wang couldn't help but ask Chi Shuyan: "It's okay! Little girl!"

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