Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1342: one hundred forty four

Chi Shuyan didn't intend to talk to him about the possibility, but directly let him accept this fact immediately: "I suspect that this village can only be entered but cannot leave. You want to leave now, it is too late!"

Ruan Shenglin's eyes were even more red, and both legs softened from panic. At this moment, what he thought most was not himself, but his wife and children.

The children they finally had!

Ruan Shenglin thought that the reason why his wife came into the village was because of the difference in his thoughts. If he said that his intestines that he regretted before were all green, and now he regretted that he wanted to hit the wall, he immediately dispelled the idea of ​​taking people out of the village, choked up and prayed to look. After a while, Master Chi shook out the three words'Master Chi', completely at a loss.

Chi Shuyan can't look down on it. What about the burden of a good actor idol?

At the moment, she was really worried that a famous actor would cry in front of her, but people should not be so weak. Seeing Ruan Shenglin's red eyes gradually returned to normal and calm, she said: "The matter has not yet reached its worst. do not worry!"

Chi Shuyan didn’t know if the King Ruan in front of him was comforted by her words. He only heard him suddenly speak, begging on his face: "Master Chi, I don’t think much about what happened to me. I just hope For the sake of my wife's pregnancy, remember her, and Brother Kun!"

Speaking of this, Ruan Shenglin has no face to say that Master Chi has done his best to save his wife. What qualifications does he have to ask her to pull Brother Kun more?

He wiped his face casually, and Ruan Shenglin gritted his teeth and felt really at a loss. Up to now, the two things he regrets most, one is to pick up the play, and the other is that his wife enters the village because of a difference in thought.

He really didn't want to see his wife have an accident, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

Ruan Shenglin was thinking about squatting on the ground and covering his face.

At this moment, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan, who were a little boozy, suddenly returned to their residence and opened the door to see the scene inside. They stared a little dazedly. Xiao Shan first blurted out a'fuck': "Sister-in-law, what happened?"

Wu Haoming also stared at him: "Sister-in-law, we are not here, has something big happened again?"

The two of them have their brains open together, how do you see how this scene is like an annual drama of ‘forced unspoken rules’? Especially the fragile King Ruan who squatted on the ground and covered his face, how could he look like a little white face who was almost ravaged and driven mad by the "big guy" by the unspoken rules?

Chi Shuyan didn't know that the brains of the two of them could be so big. She raised her eyes and scanned them, but she didn't see Qi Zhenbai. There was a bit of doubt in her eyes. As soon as she was about to ask two others, she saw two people at the door. There was a few traces of death aura on his body. Although these death auras were small, a few traces floated over to the foreheads of the two of them.

Unconsciously, the two of them asked with a bit of drunkenness and a smile on their faces: "Sister-in-law, or are you acting in what annual drama with King Ruan?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Ruan Shenglin:...

Ruan Shenglin is a big man. No matter how scared he is, he doesn't want to show a look of horror in front of others. He gradually calms down and returns to his usual expression, but his face is still a little pale, his expression is also a little sad, and his eyebrows are anxious.

Chi Shuyan Cong saw the traces of lifelessness on Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan, and she stopped focusing on the two of them. When she smelled the drunkenness on them, she had some guesses in her heart, deliberately and inadvertently asked: "Just now Where have you been?"

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan didn’t think much, they opened their mouths and said happily, “Sister-in-law, it’s not like a few people in Daqing asked us for a drink just now. A good brother just happened to invite us to dinner. We just passed by and inquired about what happened in the village. After all, the Daqing people are all Dashan villagers. They must know many things in this village."

Seeing that Master Chi had been staring at the two of them without speaking, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan felt a little uneasy.

Wu Haoming continued: "By the way, sister-in-law, we also asked about Xu Xiaozi's family specifically, but only a few things happened. For example, Xu Xiaozi's wife is a beautiful ethnic minority, and she has a very good-looking head. But the relationship between the two couples was not very good. When they first got married, they were in a good relationship. Later, they gave birth to a premature baby. Xu Xiaozi was not too satisfied with his mother. The relationship between the couple is gradually not as good as before."

Xiao Shan also racked his brains to tell the news he had inquired from Daqing, and continued: "By the way, sister-in-law, we didn’t find out about the village head of Dashan Village. Daqing seemed to avoid mentioning the head of the village. Thing."

The two people scratched the back of their heads. When they looked at Master Chi, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her expression improved.

Not long after, Master Chi patted their hands on the shoulders of the two of them. Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were taken aback, and they heard Master Chi speak, "Take out the talisman I gave you two before!"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming didn’t know why Master Chi suddenly asked them to dig out the talisman, but they were very convinced of her on weekdays. Hearing her words, they had no thoughts or doubts at all. They took out the talisman in their pockets one after another. Wu Hao Ming is smarter than Xiao Shan, and he said with a flattering tone: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I put all the talismans you gave me in the inner pocket of my clothes. You can't lose it. Look..."

Wu Haoming thought that Master Chi was checking their talisman. When he took it out with full confidence, he saw that there were a few pieces of burnt black powder in the original stack of talisman, and one or two corners of it were burnt black. Not only Wu Haoming had this The situation, even on Xiaoshan's side, was that some of the talisman in the stack became burnt black powder, and some were black into burnt black. When the two saw this situation, they also looked at each other, and their faces suddenly changed drastically. A lot of cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and a lot of cold sweat gradually oozes from his back. They asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

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