Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1349: One hundred and fifty one

In fact, Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin were very resistant to going to the doctor in the village. It was not that they did not believe in the doctor in this village, but that they now feel that not only the village is insecure, but the people in the village are also very unsafe.

In the past, the two still had some thoughts about dealing with the people in the village, but now regardless of how simple each other is, what happened last night, how can they dare to have this idea again?

If it weren't for Master Chi himself, how would the two agree to it? What's more, after listening to Master Chi's tone, they seemed to have to follow them to take a look, and the two of them heaved a sigh of relief.

And speaking of it, Ruan Shenglin was really worried about his wife and the children in his stomach. Tongtong kept getting sick with morning sickness last night.

Ruan Shenglin felt uneasy and asked, "Master Chi, are you going with us?"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "I happen to be free, so naturally I will go with you!"

With Chi Shuyan's consent, Ruan Shenglin looked ecstatic, and Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan beside him kept talking.

When taking Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin to bring Xu Tong over, she called the two to her and asked them carefully about the morning, such as the talisman that had been torn on Pan Jiang's body in the morning.

She's tried the exorcism talisman and still works on the other party, so who tore the talisman on his body.

Mentioned this matter, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan had a guilty conscience. Only then did they tell the truth that this talisman was indeed not torn by Pan Jiang, but was blown by the wind outside. Speaking of which, I blamed the two for being careless. People went to see the other party's abnormality early in the morning, and saw that the other party was frozen and motionless, but he forgot to close the window.

This morning, the wind was strong and the windows in the village were short. The wind blew the talisman on Pan Jiang's body.

Chi Shuyan was a little helpless about this explanation. Seeing that the two of them looked sharp, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan immediately reflected on her and apologized. On the contrary, Chi Shuyan didn’t have much to say. Seeing that they had learned a lesson this time, Chi Shuyan didn't say anything, but told the two of them to stay vigilant every day in the village, and don't take human life seriously.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan also knew the importance of the matter and immediately nodded in agreement.

Chi Shuyan planned to follow Ruan Shenglin to the sister-in-law of Miao. According to Pan Jiang, the other party had a very strange temperament. She was afraid that she would bring too many people over to make the other party unhappy, so she arranged for them to stay at home to take care of Brother Feng.

Before leaving, she glanced at the room where Qi Zhenbai lived. There was no movement in it. She couldn't help saying: "You will notify me immediately when Qi Zhenbai comes back."

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming nodded immediately.

All things explained were clearly explained. Chi Shuyan planned to go out and wait for Ruan Shenglin, but Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming once again remembered the incident they had ran into evil last night and they stopped talking.

Before she left, Xiao Shan couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, we still have something to tell you!"

Chi Shuyan stopped and saw that the two really had something to say to her, and looked at the two of them: "Say it!"

Wu Haoming’s lips were more slick. He hesitated for a while, and immediately told the story of the attack last night: "Sister-in-law, we remembered how we might have happened. Last night we actually...we didn’t go anywhere else, so we went to Daqing. A few drank a few glasses of wine, we didn't think much before, but after listening to Manager Yang just now, we remembered something."

Having said this, Wu Haoming paused, and his expression was a bit dignified: "Last night, Xiao Shan and I were invited by Daqing to eat and drink, but Daqing's behaviors and faces are always a bit strange. We are the first. Seeing a few of them, the faces of a few of them were pale and pale with the paleness of the dead, and it made people panic. We didn't think much about it at the time. We thought they were sick or what happened. Later, when we came to Daqing's house, I was with Xiaoshan. They talked and drank, and they felt that a few people were a bit disagreeable. Most of them kept staring at us without talking, smiling while watching, their smiles were extremely rigid.

Last night, he and Xiao Shan secretly joked that the Daqing guys stared at them as if they were going to swallow them alive, but at the time they didn’t think deeply about it and both took this as a joke. After all these days, the relationship between several people is very good. , So they didn't doubt much at all.

It was Yang Kun's agent who suddenly woke them up last night. They now think about how they got along with Daqing last night. Both of them felt very strange.

Fortunately, they carried the talisman given by Master Chi in their pockets, otherwise the two really didn't know if they had their lives back.

But when they thought of Daqing's several looks and behaviors in broad daylight, they didn't understand what was going on. Is it possible to be possessed by something?

The two of them were quite worried about the number of Daqing, and couldn't help saying: "Sister-in-law, do you think we can give Daqing a few talismans to protect Daqing?"

After listening to the two of them, Chi Shuyan's heart sank again, and couldn't help but think of Pan Jiang's abnormality again, and said: "I know about this. As for Fu Lu, don't rush to give it. I'll be back at noon. If you are free, follow you to see each other."

After talking, Chi Shuyan suddenly thought of something and suddenly asked: "Wait, how many people invited you to dinner last night? How many people are in the same situation?"

Xiao Shan first took the words of Master Chi: "The three are the meals that Xu Gao, Xu Meng, and Daqing invited us to eat. They are indeed in the same situation!"

"Yes, I know!" Chi Shuyan didn't say much, patted the shoulders of the two of them and went out first.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming stopped talking, but still had some questions in their eyes, such as the strange resurrection of Pan Jiang early in the morning.

However, the two of them knew that it was too late for Master to tell them sooner or later, and the timing was wrong for not telling them, or Master Chi didn't know the matter either.

The two thought of the injury of the closure, and finally obediently took care not to ask more.

Chi Shuyan went out. Xu Tong, Ruan Shenglin, and Yang Kun were already waiting for her at the door. She first gave each of the four high-level safety charms painted last night to each of them. Very rare, the safety charms she gave to others before were all first-grade, and the effect can save life.

The fourth-rank high-level peace talisman is a good thing, not only to avoid evil and exorcise evil, but also to keep one's qi running better for a long time. It can be seen that it is precious, so Chi Shuyan only gave one such peace talisman.

Other exorcism talisman, blasting talisman, and lightning talisman are also given a lot.

As for the price, it is still the same as the previous price, one hundred thousand.

As for how many types of talisman she gave to several people, it was also because the things in this village were too weird and mysterious, and sometimes what happened even made her feel a little flustered.

In this village for a few days, she didn't feel at ease for a day, and the feeling of oppression and anxiety in this village became more and more serious.

Occasionally, she even had an intuition in her heart that she could leave the village early, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

But now is not something she can leave if she wants to.

That’s why she is rare to be generous to save the lives of the few people in front of her. She can’t scrupulously care about the others, but these days she has become more familiar with Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Xu Tong. Several of them are of good character. She can’t Watching a few familiar people die.

When giving the other talisman, Chi Shuyan also specially popularized the functions of the exorcism talisman, thunder-attracting talisman, burst talisman, and peace talisman. By the way, a few people always wear the safety talisman and don't take it off in the bath, which means this peace. Fu can forbid evil creatures close to the body can be transported.

Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin, and Xu Tong all knew that Master Chi in front of him, the Talisman they gave was really good. They were caught off guard to see that she suddenly generously gave so much, the three of them looked ecstatic and excited, especially after listening to the effect of the Ping Talisman. , Several people were overwhelmed with excitement.

Xu Tong didn't think much about the crisis in the village, but thought it would be better for the child to have a talisman on him.

But Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin knew what kind of favors Master Chi gave so many talismans at this time, especially in this crisis-ridden village. These talismans are life-saving treasures, even if you have money, you can't buy them, so you can imagine Knowing the excitement and emotion of Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin at this time, the two of them shook their hands and took these talismans as if they were a treasure. After thanking them, they carefully hid them in their inner pockets, and touched them from time to time after hiding them, especially the evil spirits. A safe talisman that can be transported.

The two had already made up their minds to find a red string around their necks when they returned to their residence, saying that nothing could be taken off. If the child in Tongtong's belly hadn't been born, Ruan Shenglin would still like to have more Zhang Ping Anfu to bring to his son.

Several people hurriedly thanked Master Chi in unison. They also said that they would pay for the money when they went back. Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun made up their minds that Master Chi would not lose money. These talismans really cannot be bought by money, especially the Ping An talisman. The role of transshipment, if left in the circle, can also cause a sensation among many people.

Chi Shuyan waved his hand and said politely: "It's okay, don't worry! The money will be settled if it arrives!"

Ruan Shenglin suddenly thought of the people in the crew, and cautiously said: "Chi...Master Chi, can others... buy some talisman at your side?" After a while, Ruan Shenglin was afraid that Master Chi would refuse, and that Master Chi would think of him. With an inch and a inch, he quickly said: "Ordinary evil spirits can be done. They don't need money at all! Any amount of money is available!"

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