Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1359: One hundred sixty one

When Qin Qing left, Xiao Shan couldn't help asking: "Sister-in-law, you don't really believe this woman's words!"

Before Chi Shuyan could speak, Wu Haoming spoke first: "I think the woman's words just now are indeed somewhat credible."

Xiao Shan choked.

Chi Shuyan was indeed sure that Qin Qing didn't dare to lie to her just now. She really lied to her and she could see the abnormality. She didn't see the abnormality just now, which proved that the other party was really telling the truth.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while and wanted to ask Wu Haoming to secretly inquire about the matter, and came back early by the way to help take care of Brother Feng.

As for Xiaoshan, she was going to take someone out together. Before talking about it, she had always wanted Qi Zhenbai to take her to the place where Brother Feng was buried, but it was only a few days after he went out suddenly, and she had no patience and time to wait. When people come back and go, the closer they are to the birthday of some Buddha statue in this village, she hopes that it is best to figure out everything before this.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan naturally agreed with Master Chi's words, but Wu Haoming wanted to follow Master Chi for a while. After thinking about it, he also knew the reason for Master Chi's arrangement and went out immediately to do the work.

Chi Shuyan also took Xiao Shan to drive to the place where Brother Feng was almost buried alive.

In the car, Xiao Shan was quite leisurely at first. He talked to Master Chi from time to time and said, "Sister-in-law, if you are tired of driving, call me, let me drive!"

Xiao Shan was a little embarrassed to let Master Chi drive.

Chi Shuyan gave a hum, and looked at the road carefully, and by the way asked Xiao Shan to also look outside. If he noticed something was wrong, tell her.

Xiao Shan nodded: "Okay, sister-in-law!"

Although Xiaoshan was leisurely, he didn't dare to put down his guard and stared at the outside with full vigilance. Speaking of driving all the way, Dashan Village was full of green mountains and rivers. If it weren't for the weird things in the village, this village is considered a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

What a pity such a place.

Xiao Shan sighed. It didn't take long before it started to rain on a sunny day. The fog in front also increased. A few drops of patter hit the car windows, and then the rain got bigger and bigger. This weather is not easy to drive, Xiao Shan thought directly Change positions and drive by yourself.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Xiao Shan lightly, letting him sit in peace.


Facts have proved that Master Chi's driving skills are not bad. Although it is not easy to drive along the sandy road, Master Chi's car is still very stable.

After closing the car windows for too long, Xiaoshan always felt a little boring. I manually turned the windows down and a cold wind blew in. Xiaoshan caught a chill and asked Master Chi: "Sister-in-law, do you feel cold? This season is not summer, and the temperature is unexpected. It can still be so cold."

Chi Shuyan didn't have time to reply, but she smelled a faint smell of blood, and her expression sank.

Xiao Shan didn't notice Master Chi's abnormality, but found that they had almost reached their destination. Isn't this the place where the closure of the game happened?

Before Master Tongchi drove here, he also specifically asked the location of the closure. In order to allow them to find the location, he also specifically stated several characteristics of this place.

Xiao Shan glanced at the environment and reconfirmed the location: "Sister-in-law, see if it is here? Where are we...?" Get off the bus.

Before getting off the car, Xiao Shan only felt a flower in front of him. Not far away, there seemed to be a shadow flashing quickly in the fog. The speed was amazing.

Even though he didn't see anything at all, Xiao Shan's expression changed abruptly.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had also seen some shadow before he was injured, he might really be dazzled or not taking it seriously. Xiao Shan immediately told Master Chi about the matter.

Chi Shuyan stopped the accelerator, her expression unchanged: "It's almost indeed here, let's get off the car."

Xiao Shan nodded, opened the door and got out of the car. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the raindrops to become heavy and then to become drizzle. There was no effect, except that the entire mountain was covered with a layer of fog, making the surroundings more unclear.

Looking from a distance, it was quite poetic, but it was full of thrills. Xiao Shan didn't dare to rest assured, after all, the closure of the game was in this place, let alone him.

Chi Shuyan didn't move after getting out of the car. Xiao Shan thought that Master Chi was affected by the words he saw the shadow flash by just now.

I couldn't help asking: "Sister-in-law, did you see anything just now?"

Chi Shuyan shook his head: "I didn't see it!"


Chi Shuyan didn't think long before he took Xiao Shan into the woods. Before going in, he repeatedly told Xiao Shan to follow her closely, as well as the talisman he had given before.

Xiao Shan also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he touched the talisman in his pocket and was sure that they were all there, and he was relieved.

The two approached the woods and found a lot of pits within a short time. Most of them were trapped by trapped animals. There were a few traps on the side. Xiao Shan didn’t pay attention just now and almost said, but Chi Shuyan reminded him. After a while, he was not caught.

It was almost caught by an animal trap, Xiao Shan was also a little bit shocked. It was not good to be caught by this thing. What's more, they were in a small mountain village and couldn't go to the hospital right away. Being caught by this thing could suffer, so Xiaoshan was very grateful. Master Chi: "Sister-in-law, thank you!"

"Be careful, look at the road!" Chi Shuyan glanced over a lot of traps and all kinds of traps. She always felt that the woods violated a bit, and she couldn't think of any violations.

The two stayed in the woods for a long time, bypassing a field, and found nothing.

Although Xiaoshan had good physical strength, he couldn't compare with Chi Shuyan who was practicing. After walking around a large area of ​​woods and walking a long way, he finally couldn't help being a little tired and thirsty. There was a small river just in front of him.

Xiao Shan couldn't help saying: "Sister-in-law, wait for me for a while, I will drink some to quench my thirst. By the way, would you like to drink it?"

Chi Shuyan was not tired or thirsty at all, but seeing the dense sweat on Xiao Shan's forehead, she realized that Xiao Shan was an ordinary person, different from her, and immediately stopped and let him go over and drink water. She was waiting for him.

"Good!" Xiaoshan was so thirsty that he walked three steps in two steps towards the river. When he walked along the edge of the river, Xiaoshan found that the water was very clear and could see the bottom. It was very strange. He also saw that the water was flowing down the cliffs. Yes, it is probably mountain spring water. Xiaoshan couldn't help but want to taste this mountain spring water. I heard that this kind of spring water in the mountains is very sweet and rich in minerals. It is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Before Xiao Shan drank it, he couldn't help but Chong Chi said, "Sister-in-law, this big pond is probably mountain spring water. The quality of the water is good. Would you like to taste it first?"

Chi Shuyan showed no interest in this mountain spring water, and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't use it.

Seeing that Master Chi was really not thirsty, Xiao Shan immediately took a handful of it and drank it. He was so thirsty that he poured water and gobbled it up. After drinking a handful, he wanted to drink a few more handfuls, but the water just swallowed. A strong fishy smell almost made him feel nauseous. The quality of this water is not as sweet as normal mountain spring water. On the contrary, there is a bit of fishy and carrion smell everywhere. Drinking this water is like drinking human blood, no, more than human. The blood is still horrible, and he is disgusting enough.

"What's the matter?" Chi Shuyan walked over and asked.

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