Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1363: One hundred sixty-five

After Zhenbai left, Feng Yuanlin had been waiting for Shuyan to wake up, but after a morning, when they all had breakfast, it was almost noon, and they hadn't woke up yet, Feng Yuanlin was really worried.

And Zhenbai suddenly said to leave and leave again, don't know if he can come back today?

Feng Yuanlin couldn't stay in the room, ready to go for a walk, and let Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan look at Shu Yan. When she woke up, she immediately informed him that he didn't go far, and walked nearby.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were still a little worried, but they habitually listened to the order to close the bureau and nodded immediately.

"By the way, Lao Wu, the car that you checked early in the morning is okay?" Feng Yuanlin asked about the most important thing before leaving the house.

Wu Haoming hurriedly waved his hand and said that the car was okay, but he still felt a little guilty about what he had revealed to Yang Kun early in the morning, and he didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of his house.

Feng Yuanlin didn't think much about it. After getting Wu Haoming's words, he asked Xiao Shan to go in for a while to see if Shuyan was awake, and let her drink the porridge first.

"Yes, close the game!" Xiao Shan responded immediately.

As soon as Feng Yuanlin left on his front foot, Chi Shuyan woke up not long after she woke up, but Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were so happy.

Wu Haoming didn’t have time to say a word. He hurriedly got excited and went back to his home office. Xiao Shan immediately ran the kitchen to serve hot porridge for Master Chi to drink. Because of this'illness', Xiao Shan realized that Master Chi would also When I am sick, I look at people as carefully as fragile products, even asking if the porridge is hot.

Chi Shuyan just woke up, and when she propped up her body, her brain was still a little bit painful, and her complexion was much better. Seeing Xiao Shan's cautious appearance, she was not impatient and waved her hand to indicate that she didn't need to treat her as a fragile thing, she was fine. .

"Sister-in-law... Sister-in-law, are you really okay?" Xiao Shan was still worried!

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but rejoice when Xiao Shan was so worried: "I'm fine!"

"Sister-in-law, hurry up and drink the porridge, I have been hot, warm, neither cold nor hot!" Xiao Shan hoped that Master Chi's'condition' would get better soon.

Chi Shuyan just woke up and didn't eat breakfast. He was indeed a little hungry. Listening to Xiao Shan's words, he held the bowl and took a few sips.

Xiao Shan was relieved to see that Grandmaster Chi had an appetite and liked to drink porridge. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Lao Wu and his feet hurriedly running in from outside.

She was a little bit of breath when she ran the game, which had always been very physically strong. It could be seen how fast he ran, and couldn’t wait to take a break. He first looked up and down and saw that her face was much better than her pale face in the morning. With some blood, Feng Yuanlin first breathed a sigh of relief. With a lot of questions in his stomach, he didn't dare to ask. First let Shuyan drink the porridge quickly, and sighed excitedly: "Shuyan, you finally woke up, great! Too great! All right!"

"Sister-in-law, it's great for you to wake up!" Wu Haoming followed.

Feng Yuanlin and Wu Haoming were really excited at the moment, and their **** faces were a little bit on the face. Feng Yuanlin was especially excited and kept talking about it. When Shu Yan finished a bowl of porridge, Feng Yuanlin couldn't wait to ask: "Shuyan, what happened to you this morning?"

Hearing Brother Feng's questioning, Chi Shuyan's face sank severely. He didn't rush to answer Brother Feng's words, but let Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming pack their luggage and leave the village within today.

Feng Yuanlin was shocked, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were also somewhat shocked when they heard Master Chi's order.

If it were changed to other occasions, Feng Yuanlin might still be tempted to tease Shu Yan with a clear heart, but after listening to Shu Yan's words, he was puzzled and uneasy after he was surprised. He grinned and said: "Shuyan, before Zhenbai came back, he has arranged for the two boys to pack up, saying that they will leave the village within today."

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, Mr. Qi asked us to pack our luggage, and we have almost packed."

Wu Haoming also added: "By the way, sister-in-law, I have checked the performance of the car, engine and throttle, and there is no problem."

Chi Shuyan didn't expect that Qi Zhenbai, the man would be so thoughtful, he looked surprised and inexplicably relieved.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but glanced at Shu Yan a few times. He always felt that Shu Yan, who had just woke up, looked extremely solemn. Seeing her look over, thinking she wanted to know about Zhen Bai, he quickly said: "Zhen Bai is back in a hurry. , I left in a hurry, but said I will be back within today, don’t worry."

Chi Shuyan nodded.

Feng Yuanlin continued to ask: "Can I ask you two about why you are both eager to leave the village today, Shuyan, what happened? You and Zhenbai don't say anything, why my heart is so uneasy! "

After talking, Feng Yuanlin remembered the few words he said in the morning. He still doesn't understand what he said wrong, which can make Shuyan have such a big reaction. He racked his brains for a whole morning, but he didn't think of one. So, he was very curious and couldn't help asking: "Shuyan, what did I say wrong in the morning, Brother Feng, why are you suddenly... unconscious, but it scares me. Or you can tell me something. , I am really upset in my heart!"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming also looked at them curiously.

Chi Shuyan was not in a hurry to answer the words of her brother. She followed the wooden window to the quiet village and the mountains in the distance. Although the scenery was good, her complexion was really not beautiful, and even her brows were abnormal. Points abnormal irritability.

Feng Yuanlin hadn’t seen Shu Yan look so uncharacteristically impetuous. For some reason, he became more anxious, so he listened to Shu Yan opening his mouth and said, “Brother Feng, there are some things I need to verify, and I can’t give you an answer right away. As for leaving the village, it’s my personal instinct. I can only say that no matter whether I can verify what I suspect today, we must leave the village within today. This village gives me an extremely unknown and dangerous premonition. Some things in the village are beyond my control. If we don’t leave the village within today, maybe in the future... we must be buried here forever."

Speaking of this, Chi Shuyan remembered the scene when she saw the surrounding mountains collapse and buried the entire village in the morning. For some reason, Chi Shuyan always felt that this scene was not only a sign, but even extremely likely to happen within a few days. Regardless, they must leave within today.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan did not think deeply, but Feng Yuanlin heard Shu Yan clearly and finally described it with the word'buried'. He shook his heart, and a strong feeling of anxiety and horror enveloped him, making him a little overwhelmed and even confused. Panicked.

Feng Yuanlin also wanted Shuyan to speak more clearly, Chi Shuyan said: "Brother Feng, I have to go out beforehand. Don't think too much about it. It's human, to be honest, I really don't believe this little one. A village can confess my fateful life here."

Speaking of this, Chi Shuyan’s eyes burst with cold light and danger, which made people feel very relieved, including Feng Yuanlin, who had just become uneasy, and saw that Shuyan was as strong and confident as before, and he was relieved and made up his mind. Still not thinking about it, no matter whether you stay or leave the village, you can follow Shuyan and Zhenbai.

To be honest, at the time of Fifth Middle School, if they hadn't had a beautiful face, they would have been dead. Thinking about it this way, Feng Yuanlin's expression would have improved a lot.

Before Chi Shuyan went out, he hadn't forgotten Ruan Shenglin, Xu Tong, and Yang Kun, and asked Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming to inform them that if they wanted to follow them, they would go together tonight.

Chi Shuyan also allowed them to notify the crew, as long as they don't make a big movement to attract the attention of other people in the village, of course,

She never thought of being a Madonna who only cares about the lives of others. She can at most inform the people who are only one side of the crew. As for those people who really don’t leave, she doesn’t force it, let them decide. .

Wu Haoming originally revealed to Yang Kun about leaving the village and was still a little uneasy. Hearing what Master Chi said, Wu Haoming immediately became guilty, and said with excitement: "Sister-in-law, I will notify them immediately. That's right. , When do we leave the village? Or maybe they will come to our residence at a certain time and leave together?"

Chi Shuyan refused: "No, just let Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin, and Xu Tong come here. The others come together. Our residence is too busy. As for other people who want to leave the village, I will give them a charm. , When the talisman gets hot, they will automatically get along with us. Now you go over and inform Yang Kun a few, and count how many people are leaving with us tonight, and we will talk about other things."

"Yes, sister-in-law!"

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