Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1381: One hundred and eighty four

After hearing Qin Qing’s threat again, Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin’s expressions changed first. They looked at Brother Wu subconsciously, for fear of him misunderstanding. Ruan Shenglin immediately explained in a low voice that the woman Qin Qing had heard about leaving the village. The woman entangled them, and they had nothing to do.

Wu Haoming was very uncomfortable with this woman Qin Qing. In addition to this woman’s piety, his face was sneered, thinking that he and Lao Xiao were both good at calling this woman’s sister-in-law, and this woman is also worthy. ?

When they remembered that they said at the beginning that the match was closed with women, Wu Haoming wanted to poke his eyes.

Yes, how blind are he and Lao Xiao?

It's because this woman is divided from the ban, or she will marry this woman back for a lifetime and regret it for life.

Wu Haoming's eyes swept over the threatening Qin Qing with a cold voice, and he spit out a sentence at Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin: "It's okay!"

Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin, and Xu Tong breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Kun even patted Wu Haoming on the shoulder, channeling: "After returning to Beijing, Brother Wu, you must give me a meal. Me and Sheng Lin treats himself personally!"

Ruan Shenglin immediately agreed and nodded!

If it had been before, Wu Haoming would have been very excited when he heard this, but at this moment, thinking of the magnitude 9 earthquake in Master Chi’s mouth, Wu Haoming’s heart was cold and cold. He still wondered if he could leave the village smoothly.

Thinking of this, Wu Haoming's face was not very good, and he didn't dare to delay any longer. Since the woman surnamed Qin made up her mind to stick a few King Ruan, this woman couldn't get around, so it's better to tell the news openly.

Besides, Master Chi had previously instructed to inform the rest of the crew that one more Qin Qing is not more, and one less is not a lot.

Wu Haoming immediately regarded people as transparent people, and just wanted to reveal the earthquake, saw the pregnant Xu Tong is there? Wu Haoming said, "I do have something important to tell you, but can Mrs. Ruan avoid it?"

Xu Tong thought Wu Haoming wanted to use her hand to push Qin Qing away, and was very happy to find an excuse to let Qin Qing go out with her and walk near the door.

Qin Qing's face was very ugly. The Huangmao girl who was determined to be Chi Chi must be guarding her. She didn't want to take her away from the village at all, and wanted her to die. Thinking about this, Qin Qing hated Chi Shuyan at this time. A ruthlessness flashed, new hatred and old hatred together, if they only treated her just now as a threat, and Qin Qing sneered, she would never let them leave the village as they wished.

Wu Haoming's attention was focused on the important things that Master Chi ordered, and he didn't pay attention to Qin Qing's abnormality, seeing that she was unwilling to follow Xu Tong out.

Without that woman, he wouldn't be an eyesore anymore, and Wu Haoming's mood was much better. After a while, Wu Haoming and Ruan Shenglin told the woman that it was better, so that he would feel flustered every time he saw this woman.

When Xu Tong and Qin Qing left, Wu Haoming stopped appetizing Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin. When he told them what Master Chi had said, he looked solemnly and said, "Have you packed your luggage? Master Chi said we will do it tonight. go away!"

One sentence immediately changed the expressions of Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin. Neither of them was stupid. Knowing that time has changed, I am afraid that things have changed. I don't know what caused Master Chi to change his mind.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin looked at each other, and immediately asked the key points, their voices became more intimate: "Brother Wu, what is going on?"

Wu Haoming knew that the two of them might have to notify the crew, but Master Chi only gave him an hour, so he was in a hurry. He was almost a race against time. He was also afraid of delaying their time, because an explanation would require a lot of time. And he also proved that knowing the truth first has nothing to do with panic.

He has such a good psychological quality. Just after hearing the truth, he sat on the ground in fright. He was afraid to tell the two people the truth first, and the two of them estimated that they could not do anything in terror.

He was really worried about their accident here, and he said: "Do you want to listen to the reason now or immediately inform people to pack up and prepare. I suggest you the latter. Master Chi only gave you one hour. After one hour, if For other people who want to stay, Master Chi will not intervene anymore, and will not wait for anyone!"

As soon as these words fell, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun were completely panicked. They were very convinced by Master Chi, and there was nothing unbelievable at all, so even if Wu Haoming did not explain at this time, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun still trusted them very much, but just let them The two of them were very panicked that Master Chi would leave in an hour.

This time is too rush.

And what event happened to make Master Chi change his schedule immediately?

They also had to persuade the rest of the crew to leave. Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun looked at each other, with a lot of fortune in their eyes. Fortunately, they had already listened to Master Chi's words and packed their luggage. Now they just need to notify people.

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun made up their minds that, regardless of other people's belief, they would have to take away a few close friends by force.

So the two of them looked panicked and made a decisive decision to notify the person first, as for the matter after the notification.

Wu Haoming was very satisfied with the answers from the two of them. As expected, he is a smart person. Talking to a smart person is not tiring. To be honest, it is still important to escape. Wu Haoming raised his hand and looked at the time and found that it was ten o'clock, an hour later, Twenty-three in the evening.

It takes an hour or two for them to leave the village. Wu Haoming thinks it’s best to leave the village before early this morning.

It was tomorrow after twelve o'clock, and he was more panicked than them.

After ordering these things, he was anxious to go back. If he didn't go back, he felt uneasy. He immediately said: "Sure, then I will go back first, and you two should also inform others. Just a little bit of reason, pay attention to be quiet. "

As soon as Wu Haoming went out, Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun wanted to immediately rush to inform people, but thinking of his (Sheng Lin) wife, Yang Kun ran to inform people first, and Ruan Shenglin settled in Xu Tong first.

It didn't take long for Ruan Shenglin to see his wife come in alone. Qin Qing's woman was not there, and she was very surprised. Isn't the woman entangled with the brown sugar? Can't help asking: "Tongtong, where is that woman Qin Qing?"

Xu Tong also had some doubts in his eyes, and said, "Qin Qing said he had left beforehand!"

After hearing his wife’s words, Ruan Shenglin became more and more puzzled. The woman was not a master of knowledge, but he didn’t have the time to focus more on that woman. Instead, he asked his wife to stay in the room. Come back right now if something happens!

"to make!"

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