Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1399: Two hundred and two

Chi Shuyan stared at Brother Feng with a dumbfounded look at this time, and Feng Yuanlin looked a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it, only thinking that what happened just now was too urgent to attract Shuyan's attention.

Although he didn’t see what happened just now when he was sitting in the car, he heard many people yelling in panic. At this moment, everyone’s screaming in panic had not stopped, and the crying voice was getting louder and louder. I'm afraid it's a little serious, so I didn't want to talk to Shu Yan Duo. Feng Yuanlin's face was solemn and strode forward to the desperate and crying crowd, hoping that he could help.

Chi Shuyan's gaze has been following Brother Feng's figure, her sharp eyes wishing to penetrate his body, seeing that there is nothing on his back and no more strange Buddha statues, she breathed a sigh of relief, but her face was relieved She was always a little uneasy in her heart. She knew that Brother Feng had not invited the true Buddha of Dashan Village. What happened to the Buddha statue that suddenly appeared on the back of Brother Feng just now?

Chi Shuyan looked uglier the more he thought about it. After a while to calm down, he patted the door of the car and let Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming look at Xu Tong, and she went over.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming are very curious on weekdays. Just now they were itching to know what was going on after listening to the exclamation outside. The two looked at each other, and the shrewd Wu Haoming first said: "Sister-in-law, Miss Xu Xiaoshan alone That's it, I'll go with you too, maybe I can help?"

Chi Shuyan didn't know the thoughts of the two of them, and deliberately did not see their curiosity, and refused directly, letting the two watch them in the car.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were reluctant and had to listen to Master Chi's words obediently, and nodded in response: "Sister-in-law, we know!"

After telling the two, Chi Shuyan strode towards everyone.

Because of the help of Brother Feng, the chaotic order of the people not far away has improved. Everyone is surrounded by the periphery, but the atmosphere seems to be more serious than before. Each eyelid is red, and the eyes are very desperate and panic. There are many in twos and threes. People's heads gathered together to discuss something in a low voice. The more they discussed, the more frightened their expressions. Chi Shuyan guessed that it was scary.

At this time, Feng Yuanlin was squatting beside Ke Mingmei's broken body to examine Ke Mingmei's body carefully.

"Brother Feng!"

Yan Zhengming’s eyes were sharpest, and he was the first to see Chi Shuyan come over, but compared to the past, Yan Zhengming didn’t take people seriously.

He didn't dare to doubt people anymore, his expression was uncharacteristically very excited, and Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin excitedly said: "Little master is here, little master is here!"

Without waiting for Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin's actions, Yan Zhengming hurried over to greet the people with excitement, his tone was cautious and respectful: "Master, are you here? You are finally here!"

It was also the two accidents that made Yan Zhengming unclear, his expression trembling, his face pale, his eyes wandering, and he didn't dare to look at the corpse of Ke Mingmei who died just now and the other two charred corpses. Obviously he was not scared. clear.

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun saw Master Chi coming over at this time, and their trembling expressions improved. They seemed to have found the backbone, and they were excited and choked: "Something happened, Master! It happened again, Master!"

Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong looked at Chi Shuyan with a look of an expert. If they changed the occasion, they would have squeezed smiles and treated the expert in front of him respectfully, but at this moment they really couldn't laugh. , Still panicked and wanted to cry, hearing Yang Kun's words, the two immediately choked and agreed.

Yang Kun spoke sharply, and immediately explained what had happened just now. When he talked about it, his face became more ugly, Chi Shuyan glanced at it, and sure enough! The faces of the others were also ugly and terrified.

As for Director Wang and the others, who were still affected by the corpse of Ke Mingmei in front of them, they were too irritated, and their faces were pale and pale. They stood in a daze and looked completely unresponsive. Next to him, Song Yanru was persuading him for fear The stimulated nerve is abnormal.

Chi Shuyan put the expressions on the general face into his eyes, and nodded at Yang Kun: "Yes, I know it all."

At this time, Brother Feng's deep voice came over: "Shuyan, what do you think this is?"

Chi Shuyan followed Feng's voice and looked over, and saw that Feng opened the middle of Ke Mingmei's body, and saw her back broken into three parts of the Buddha statue. Her pupils shrank and her expression was not unexpected.

When other people saw the Buddha statue, their expressions were much more excited, and they recognized the Buddha statue.

"Why is there a Buddha statue behind her, why haven't I seen it before?"

"Why look at this Buddha statue so familiar?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Wait, why does this Buddha statue look at the true Buddha like our village?"

While others were frightened and talking and talking, Feng Yuanlin walked to the two charred bones just now and opened the charred bones.


Feng Yuanlin saw that two black Buddha statues suddenly appeared under the charred bones. The two Buddha statues seemed to have been scorched by fire. They were completely different, except that the names of the two were clearly remembered on the Buddha statues, including Ke Mingmei's Buddha statue. With her name.

No one else in the crew is stupid. Suddenly, someone keenly discovered that the Buddha statue not only appeared out of thin air, but the way of death seemed to be exactly the same as the Buddha statue.

As soon as this person’s words fell, all the people who were talking and panicking were like ducks that were suddenly pinched by their necks. Their voices stopped abruptly. Many people remembered Ruan Shenglin’s advice to them not to invite the Lord Buddha. At first, everyone didn't take it seriously, but at this time, their eyes touched on the Buddha statues on the bones of Ke Mingmei and the other two. The blood on everyone's faces instantly faded clean, and the panic in the eyes could no longer help overflow. One by one, the hairs screamed.

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