Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1404: Two hundred and eight

No one had thought about Qi Zhenbai’s move. Chi Shuyan had never thought about the friendship between this man and his brother.

With a startled expression, he hurriedly looked at Brother Feng who had fallen into it.

Fortunately, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan got into the car and lifted Brother Feng and checked the wound again. They confirmed that the closure was okay. The two shook their heads at Chi Shu Yan. Chi Shu's complexion only softened, but their faces were still not pretty. , Looked suspiciously and stared sharply at a certain man who was very present in the passenger seat, trying to ask him to explain.

I didn't know that the man who was still looking fierce just turned his eyes with a cold expression, and wrote lightly to everyone: "I'm sorry, I just missed and didn't control his strength!"

He said it was an apology, but there was no apology at all in the light tone.

Chi Shuyan:...

Xiao Shan, Wu Haoming:...

Feng Yuanlin: ...Zhen Bai is sure that he didn't change the core?

He squeezed a smile on his face and glanced at the expressionless Zhenbai a few more times, making sure that this girl is really not apologetic. Through the rearview mirror, the cold and harsh eyes of the other party still pass him through the rearview mirror from time to time. Naked with threats and warnings.

and many more!

Zhenbai doesn't think he is the rhythm of the rival of love!

Thinking about it this way, Feng Yuanlin's whole person is not well. Toothache, backache, and chest pain are terrible. I can't wait to open this girl's brain to see how his brain circuit grows?

Why does he have such a brother who is ungrateful?

Feng Yuanlin gritted his teeth and waved his hand, deliberately facing Qi Zhenbai's eyes, gritted his teeth and uttered a few words: "It's okay, it's okay!"

In a hurry, Chi Shuyan didn't have time to care about Qi Zhenbai and Feng Ge. Besides, Feng Ge didn't care about it, she couldn't talk more.

Ruan Shenglin, who was about to hold his wife in the car, witnessed this scene with a bit of embarrassment. After all, he is an outsider. Seeing the internal conflicts in Master Chi’s circle of friends is always so embarrassing, he should put his wife in the last corner first. Not easy to accidentally hurt.

After putting away his wife, Ruan Shenglin hurried to run, Chi Shuyan shouted, "Wait!"

"Chi...Chi...Master!" Ruan Shenglin just stopped to ask Master Chi what he had in front of him. An inexplicable cold stare on him made him feel uncomfortable.

Ruan Shenglin was very keen, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of his line of sight, and saw the strong and tall man in the front passenger seat staring at him blankly.

There was not much expression on the man's face, but his scalp numb when he stared at you, and his heart felt chills. Ruan Shenglin was shocked, and subconsciously instinctively kept his distance from Master Chi before him.

Chi Shuyan is very sensitive to changes in people's emotions. Feeling Ruan Shenglin's alienation and actions, she subconsciously followed his gaze and looked in Qi Zhenbai's direction, her eyes a little confused.

The tall and hard man in the front passenger seat suddenly smiled at her, his eyes were particularly gentle, and his cold outline was softened a lot, but the eyebrows still showed a bit of sorrow and hostility, which made her feel very different from the past. In the same way, her face was slightly startled, and she didn't want to explain to Ruan Shenglinduo, only that if their car broke down, she could drive their car just now.

Chi Shuyan didn't realize that when she turned her head to talk to Ruan Shenglin, the sister-in-law Miao in the car was eager to speak and was worried for a while looking at Qi Zhenbai, who was looking at her in the passenger seat, and then sighed, her expression extremely complicated.

Ruan Shenglin quickly waved his hand to refuse under the pressure of the powerful man's eyes not far away, shaking his voice and tactfully refused: "Master Chi, I and Kun brother are going to get into Sister Song's car."

Seeing Ruan Shenglin's group of people sitting in a car, she didn't worry anymore, and nodded at him. Before getting out of the car, she only briefly explained that they followed their car for a while, and called if something happened!

"Success!" Ruan Shenglin was very grateful for Master Chi's care, and suddenly felt that he wanted to say a few more words. He raised his eyes and saw the powerful man in the passenger seat not far away, still standing high and staring at him expressionlessly. Very dangerous.

Ruan Shenglin has been in the circle for so long, and he can be considered to have seen all kinds of big people. But he has never been afraid of anyone because of his aura, and there is no such thing as aura, and more people are pretending to be pretentious. .

At this time, the man in the front passenger seat was different from anyone he had ever seen, just sitting there motionless, his eyes understated.

Not only was he extremely frightened and shocked by his aura, even his eyes crushed him, causing him to feel inexplicably frightened and chilled in his heart, and he couldn't produce any thoughts of resistance or resistance.

He had a vague intuition that he really couldn't provoke the one not far away, even more than the master that caused the delay.

People really want to move him, I'm afraid they can crush him with a finger.

The inexplicable idea of ​​this kind of thought shocked him.

What is that person?

Ruan Shenglin struck a spirit, and immediately hurried towards Song Yanru's direction.

When Ruan Shenglin sat back in the passenger seat, all the people in the car immediately became sober with their pale faces just now. Before Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming could speak, Director Wang eagerly asked, "Sheng Lin, Master Chi confessed. What's wrong? What did she say? Can you leave the village?"

Director Wang wanted to leave the village right away. As soon as he saw Chi Shuyan and their car driving a short distance, Director Wang immediately shouted to Yan Zhengming to keep up, and said Master Chi on the left, Master Chi on the right, calling Biyang. Kun, Ruan Shenglin and the group are all agile.

Yan Zhengming didn't need to say more than Director Wang. When he saw the familiar car in front of him, he immediately followed, and he was an idiot if he didn't go with Master Chi. By the way, he informed the others who were driving behind.

Fearing that the cars behind them would run into a rampage, Yan Zhengming and Yang Kun had specifically called them just now.

Ruan Shenglin didn’t hear the words of Director Wang’s group. His thoughts were still in the shock of the imposing and overwhelming power just now. His eyes flashed, and he suddenly rushed to Yang Kun and said, “Brother Kun, do you think that Master Chi’s car just now? The one in the passenger seat is familiar?"

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