Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1417: Two hundred twenty two

Sister-in-law Miao said this, and the group of people who listened to Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Ruan Shenglin were quite frightened, including Feng Yuanlin's brows. After listening to Miao's sister-in-law, the brows were not relieved.

Even if they have not experienced Dashan Village before, they will not be easy to think about it, not to mention Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Song Yanru, etc. who have been used to various methods and conspiracies in the circle. A group of people.

Before Miao's sister-in-law continued, Wang Daoxian couldn't help but said: "This family's accident has something to do with Pan's father and the "nobleman" in the village!"

Director Wang's tone was affirmative rather than doubtful.

Sister-in-law Miao sighed and continued to write: "I didn't know at the time, but I just thought the accident at Father Pan's cousin's house was too strange!"

What she didn't say was that she was taking care of her family and taking care of the children and she didn't even bother to care about what happened to Pan's father's cousin's house?

But when Pan's cousin's child and pregnant woman disappeared, she looked at her child very closely.

However, she also heard some comments from people in the village, such as how cousin Pan's father disrespected the true Buddha and was later punished.

Speaking of it, in fact, after the incident of the Pan family's cousin, no one really believed the Buddha statue. Most of them thought that the accident at the Pan's cousin's house was an accident. In addition, the villagers were simple, and the Pan family's cousin had an accident. Very sad, it is impossible for the villagers to suspect that this matter has something to do with Pan's father.

She always thought that her family was too far away from these things, as long as she took care of her own family, she was too lazy to pay attention to the Buddha statue or not, but she never expected that she wanted to live a good life in her own family, but someone had already focused on her home.

Later, her mother-in-law had a terminal illness. At first, she really thought that her mother-in-law had a terminal illness. Later, after thinking about it, it was not. After all, in such a remote small mountain village as Dashan Village, where can anyone easily diagnose a terminal illness, let alone Dashan Village. Those doctors are barefoot doctors and they have no good medical skills at all.

It was just a method used by others to get Xu Jianmin into the bait.

At that time, she suffered from her mother-in-law's'terminal illness'. The pressure was too high, and it was said by the Xu family's mother and son. How could she have more doubts, just want to make money and take the old woman to the big hospital with Xu Jianmin.

This was fooled into the trap designed by her mother-in-law and others.

Speaking of it, she always felt that there was nothing for her mother-in-law to design with others, until the other party came up with her son's idea.

She really understands that human hearts are unpredictable and vicious.

Although it was Xu's mother's grandson, she never expected that Xu's mother would not care about her son's life or death for the slightest benefit.

She always knew that her mother-in-law not only disliked her premature son, but also disliked Xu Jianmin's "goodness" to her, so she was very uncomfortable with her, but she always thought she was the grandson of the Xu family, as the saying goes. Tiger poison does not eat children, including the Xu family's mother and son.

But she never expected that the human heart could be so vicious.

Xu's mother sold Ranran for a small amount of money. Regardless of his life and death, she naturally disagrees, and Xu Jianmin naturally disagrees. After all, he only has such a son, so he is willing to sell it.

She disagrees with Xu Jianmin, but Xu's mother is very angry. For Xu's mother, this is a business that makes a profit without losing money. This grandson is not in good health because of the premature birth, so I don't know if he can live and grow up. Give your son some money to marry a new wife and have a healthy child.

So even if the two disagreed, Xu's mother's thoughts of selling her son remained unchanged.

Later, the people who followed her family found Xu Jianmin's weakness to co-act with Xu Mu in a scene, that is, Xu Mu pretended to be terminally ill.

Although Xu Jianmin was reluctant to part with his son and had feelings for Ran Ran, he was a well-known filial son, and his son and his mother were about to die. Of course he did not care about Ran Ran.

Originally, Xu Jianmin's unwavering heart not to sell his son was also loosened a lot.

Xu Jianmin also persuaded her that the other party was in a good family situation and that adoption would certainly help him in the future. Not only that, the Pan family and other people in the Pan family also persuaded her, saying that it would be better for the child to be right.

The more people like the Pan family say this, the less she dared to believe it. She didn't think much about the accident in the Pan family's cousin's house before, and she didn't think much about it, but she couldn't help thinking more about it when it happened in her own family.

After all, she is not a real village girl. On the contrary, in the Miao family, she has seen a lot of evil and weird things, and she has also seen a lot of things that hurt the nature and reason. In addition to Gu worms, including some people grabbing many babies and cutting their hands. And the limbs, used to refine some "baby" things, she also learned from her father, and they sometimes communicated.

In fact, she had a hunch that the "noble man" invited from Father Pan wanted to invite true Buddha into the village. She had a hunch, but she didn't want to admit it. Now that people are labeled with her son's idea, she has to think more, and at the same time she is most afraid of it. I am worried that the other party is not trying to adopt her child, but that there are other uses for buying her son.

The more she thinks so, the less willing Miao's sister-in-law is to know that some babies have been refined into something by some side sorceries, and their souls are imprisoned forever and can't be superborn. How can she let her son suffer such sin and such suffering?

She was still relying on Xu Jianmin at the time, and hoped that Xu Jianmin could persuade Xu's mother to give up her thoughts because this was his only son.

I don’t know that Xu Jianmin is a real mother and a ‘big filial son’. Seeing that his mother is terminally ill, he no longer cares about the relationship between father and son, just want to sell it.

Here Xu Jianmin wants to sell it, but the "nobleman" and the Pan family have other ideas and ideas. First of all, Pan's father tricks Xu Jianmin into saying that the newly-invited true Buddha is particularly efficacious. As long as you devote yourself to believing, you can invite the true Buddha. The Lord stayed in his house, not only can the **** terminal illness get better, but also what wish can be fulfilled!

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