Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1427: Two hundred thirty two

Chi Shuyan Huiyi nodded at the other party, and saw that the other party had already gone downstairs, so he was no longer troublesome, and simply waited for the other party to come downstairs for breakfast.

But before Chi Shuyan put the pallet back, when did the man upstairs go downstairs and stand upright behind her, pursing his lips and said, "For me?"

When the man asked, his eyebrows changed from the cold, the outline was quite gentle, Chi Shuyan did not deny that the porridge was already filled, she could not pour it back, and simply handed the tray to the man in front of him and said, "Have some breakfast. .Half an hour left!"

Qi Zhenbai took the tray, her dark eyes staring at the person's eyes darker and darker until she turned upstairs.

In the end, he didn’t waste any more time. He took the tray and chose a position to sit down. The position happened to be opposite to the location Feng Yuanlin was looking for. With expressionless face, he held the soup ladle and drank the porridge one sip without moving slowly. Slowly, eyebrows are inherently expensive.

Because of the fright of something last night, Feng Yuanlin wanted to get close to his brother again, and he had a lot of guard and doubt in his heart. After holding back for a long time, he couldn't help but test a lot of the private relationship between the two before. It's a pity that even though Qi Zhenbai is still expressionless, he can answer fluently. While answering, he still stares at Feng Yuanlin faintly. Look carefully, there is no temperature in his eyes and there is a bit of contempt. Feng Yuanlin's heart is hairy and choking. Panic, quickly waved his hand and surrendered: "Brother, don't...don't use this...look at me again, I'm afraid of you, brother!"

Time passed by one minute and one second. Soon it was 10:30. At 10:30, there was almost no need to remind. Everyone stopped at the door of the hotel and was about to return to Beijing. Director Wang and a group of people drove in a car. Yan Zhengming was still driving.

Chi Shuyan and the others were driving in another car. This time it was Xiaoshan. Everyone was preparing to get on the car. At this time, sister-in-law Miao suddenly stopped and rushed to Chi Shuyan and said: "Miss Chi, I am not going to go back with you. Jing, I am going to take my child back to another place!"

Speaking of children, following the line of sight, everyone saw a beautiful little guy obediently holding an umbrella standing next to Miao's sister-in-law. Compared with the muddledness of last night, the little guy's eyes were gurgling, very smart and beautiful, but his face Too pale, looks a bit sickly, and has a shy personality. Every time he is looked at, the little guy is very embarrassed and shows his little tiger teeth and smiles. He is especially shy and shy, not to mention that Chi Shu’s face is a bit softer, even the king The guide, Ruan Shenglin, Vanity, Yan Zhengming and the others all think the little guy is cute.

Dao Wang still had preparations in his heart for the little guy to film his scene. I didn’t hear that Sister Miao was going to take people away. Dao Wang felt a little anxious, and strode over and said, “Why don’t you go back to Kyoto together? Okay, if this child needs help, I can help with funding, including the child's grandmother!"

The words "child grandma" fell, and the atmosphere was quiet.

Director Wang is not a good person, but he is willing to support him this time. On the one hand, this child fits his eyes, and on the other hand, he has experienced various things about the three views and life outlooks. Director Wang feels that it is safer to be a good person in this world. What's more, he used to do all kinds of wicked things for profit. Now he has a guilty conscience and is afraid of retribution. Now he is eager to do good deeds.

Xu Tong liked little guys before, but now she looks at beautiful little guys the more she likes, she made a look at Ruan Shenglin, and wanted Ruan Shenglin to say a few words in the past. In fact, Xu Tong would like to adopt Miao’s wife without the existence of Miao’s wife. Little guy.

As for Ruan Shenglin, other people didn’t see the child’s abnormality. He could see clearly the child’s behavior at night and in broad daylight. He also guessed some of the child’s true identity from Miao’s sister-in-law’s narrative last night. As for why the child can "Resurrection from the dead", he didn't dare to guess more. In fact, he was more inclined to another possibility. Ruan Shenglin looked at the direction of the child.


Seeing that there was no shadow of the little guy on the ground, look carefully, there was only the shadow of a small umbrella on the ground. Under the umbrella, there was no shadow at all. Ruan Shenglin couldn't help shivering, even if the little guy looks beautiful, people and ghosts. The difference made Ruan Shenglin subconsciously panic.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Director Wang, then put Ruan Shenglin's horrified gaze into his eyes and curled his lips.

At this time, Miao's sister-in-law did not hesitate to actively reject Wang Dao's funding. Her temper was not as weird as Dashan Village before. She was a little grateful for Wang Dao's'support' and her attitude was kind.

Director Wang wanted to say something about trying to persuade others. He suddenly thought of his true identity. He was an expert at Gu and insects. He immediately shut up and didn't dare to mention more.

Chi Shuyan led the little guy to stand in front of her when Dao Wang was talking with Miao's sister-in-law, and injected aura into the little guy's soul, making his soul more solid and his face more and more beautiful.

Sister-in-law Miao noticed Chi Shuyan’s movements and the little guy’s face, and she was naturally very grateful. Chi Shuyan focused on the little guy. She squatted down in front of the little guy and said a few words to the little guy, and then took out a few bottles. Ninghun Pill was handed to the little guy and told him to hide it well and take one every day.

The little guy was not in a hurry to catch the pill. Although the contents of the bottle instinctively attracted him, he raised his eyes and looked at sister-in-law Miao, who also vaguely sensed what the several bottles of pill that Miss Chi gave her son were. However, she knew that it was so precious and rare, but she couldn't refuse it. If other medicines were rare and precious, Miao's sister-in-law didn't plan to ask for it, but she couldn't refuse this soul-condensing medicine.

Sister-in-law Miao was grateful and she nodded to the little guy. When the little guy took the pill, she took a deep breath and solemnly said: "Miss Chi, I am the stupidest person. I don’t know how to talk, so I can only say a few words. , But I still have to say thank you. By the way, I am going to take my child back to Miao’s Chenzhai. My real name is Miao Yue. If Miss Chi has any needs, you can come to me! As long as I can help, I will try my best And for!"

Sister-in-law Miao’s cough is much better because of Nourishing Pill. She doesn’t cough anymore, but she is so emotional now that the cough recurs. She coughed a few times and coughed up all the blood. Dao Wang and the crowd were frightened and afraid of her. Something happened.

Sister-in-law Miao immediately wiped the blood off her lips, indicating that there was nothing serious about her.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, and planned to send the Buddha to the west, and then took out a few bottles of Nourishing Pills and handed them over. This time the sister-in-law Miao was not willing to accept this Nourishing Pill anymore. She took too many others, and she was very Do not feel at ease.

Moreover, Sister-in-law Miao knew that the Gu King she had sent was precious and rare, but it was nothing for the Miss Chi in front of her. Because of this, Sister-in-law Miao was reluctant to accept it again, and repeatedly refused, saying that she was fine.

Chi Shuyan pinpointed the other party's weakness and said, "I also forgot that Sister Miao takes care of her body. As long as you take care of your body and get better, you can take good care of this child."

Seeing that Sister Miao's face was a little loose, Chi Shuyan continued his efforts: "This child shouldn't have a good life since childhood. The most important thing for Sister Miao is to take care of his body. Without you, no one would be so careful and patient with you. Take care of this child! Besides, this nourishing pill is really not a rare thing to me. If you take this pill, you can heal the disease as soon as possible. Think about it for your child!"

When Chi Shuyan was talking to Miao’s sister-in-law, they didn’t notice Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, and Song Yanru. Everyone changed their calm expressions and stared at the pill that Chi Shuyan handed over. Guiding's eyes were the hottest, his eyes flashed with a large light bulb of hundreds of watts, and his eyes were staring at the pill bottle.

For this reason, Sister-in-law Miao also knew that Miss Chi really helped her mother and son in front of her, and she would be a little hypocritical if she refused. Sister-in-law Miao gritted her teeth and took the medicine with a trembling face. She remembered that she paid it last night. The unfinished Dashan Village thing, she said: "Miss Chi still wants to know what is going on in Dashan Village. I must know that I can say everything! For example, the life and death of other people in the Pan family, such as what happened to me in Dashan Village for decades Survival!"

This is the biggest secret of Miao's sister-in-law. She didn't intend to reveal it last night, but today she intends to confess, as long as Miss Chi asks in front of her.

Chi Shuyan really didn't have the thought and curiosity to explore the secrets of Miao's sister-in-law, who has no hidden secrets?

She guessed that this secret Miao Sister-in-law has been hiding and tucked away, and I am afraid it should be her last resort to protect herself. In that case, she is still interested and doesn't want to ask more. Besides, she doesn't have this curiosity or this greedy desire to get it from Miao Sister-in-law. What, it’s better to have a good relationship, so Chi Shuyan refused without hesitation: "No, since Dashan Village’s affair is over, it’s over. As for the lives and lives of the rest of the Pan family, you don’t need to say much, but I also Guess the ending!"

There is such a person who is passionate about power and ambition, I am afraid that the life and death of relatives is not very important in his eyes. This is human nature!

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