Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1432: Two hundred thirty seven

Qi family, the Qi family was in chaos at this time. Because of Qi Zhenbai’s accident, even the calmest old man of the Qi family lost his usual sanity. His face was panicked and panicked, his body staggered, his face pale, and he stopped at Zhen with a cane. At the entrance of Bai's room, I was afraid that Zhen Bai would really have an accident.

He really didn't dare to think about the consequences of the accident for the grandson of Zhenbai.

This old man of the Qi family can still calm down a bit, and has become the Qi family’s dinghai **** needle. The others in the Qi family are totally irrational. At this time, a big man in the Qi family has red eyes and tears. As for Qi mother, he could not help taking it. The veil covered her face and burst into tears.

Fortunately, a few wives next to me helped persuade, but this was too big, not only a few wives, but also the second and third members of the Qi family, after the accident in Qi Zhenbai, they were completely panicked and completely ignored. , Can only wait with everyone at the door of Zhenbai's room.

A little girl in Qi Yunshang couldn't help crying. Qi Hao and Qi Zhenbai were better off on weekdays. The two cousins ​​were sometimes even closer than their own brothers. How could Qi Hao accept that his cousin had an accident.

Qi Hao's eyes were flushed, and after crying for a while, he couldn't believe it and said to the old man: "Grandpa, what happened to my cousin? How could an accident happen to him? He is usually so capable. By the way, who said If you want to move the grave, why do you want to move the grave? If there is no grave, my brother will be fine!

As soon as Qi Hao's words fell, the second child of the Qi family was about to berate the boy to shut up, and the yin and yang voice of the fourth family member of the Qi family was heard behind him: "Haozi, you can't talk nonsense, and Zhenbai has an accident, and I feel uncomfortable."

The fourth child of the Qi family still has some acting skills. When the old man looked over, he really squeezed a few tears and said to the old man with a look of'pain': "Dad, Zhenbai is okay? How to say something went wrong? I’m okay? How could something happen to Zhenbai? Master Mingming said that this place is the place with the most dragon spirit in Kyoto. It is definitely a good place. Why does Zhenbai not have this luck?"

The old man of the Qi family has lived for such a long time, and there is no way to see that the fourth child is a crying mouse and fake mercy, and he is worried about Zhenbai, and he is expecting that Zhenbai will be gloating. Because of this, the Qi family is completely disappointed with this son. If Zhenbai's matter really has something to do with the fourth child, he would never let this kid go again.

Compared to a wasteful and cruel son, the old man wants a grandson who is filial and capable and capable. Besides, there are so many sons, and there is only one grandson, Zhen Bai, who was raised by his side since childhood.

More important than all his sons, let alone Zhenbai is the hope of the Qi family in the future, thinking of this, the Qi family's old man's eyes flashed a bit of coldness and cruelty on the face of the fourth child.

The fourth Qi family didn’t see the cruel intentions in the old man’s eyes. He saw everyone in the Qi family crying to death, including the old man’s ugly face. The Qi family’s fourth child was gloating at the misfortune. At the same time, he felt that the family was partial and the old man was too partial. As for Qi Zhenbai’s nephew, Get on the road as soon as possible, he can't wait!

The fourth member of the Qi family originally wanted to act in a few plays, and was "sad" and "sad" with the Qi family. The door of the room creaked and was opened.


Tianshi Longhushan once again shook his head at everyone and said: "Now Shao Qi is still unconscious, and coupled with the outbreak of cold, I am afraid it is really...not easy to say! You have to rely on Shao Qi himself!"

As soon as Zhang Tianshi's words fell, Qi Hao blurted out first: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, how could something happen to my brother, how could something happen to my brother, I'm going to find my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law must have a way to save my brother!" He turned around and ran to the door of his house.

Father Qi just heard Haozi say to look for Shuyan, his eyes brightened, but he quickly thought that Zhenbai would rarely wake up once before, and stopped him from looking for his daughter-in-law when he woke up. The old man knew this grandson best, so why would he not understand Zhenbai? worry about what.

If Zhenbai can save it, it’s okay, but if Zhenbai can’t save it, the old man of the Qi family really doesn’t want Shu Yan Pingbai to worry about his sadness. He regards Zhenbai grandson more than life, and he also regards Zhenbai daughter-in-law as granddaughter. It is very important to watch, not to mention that the child is as filial as Zhenbai on weekdays, and he is not willing to see the child sad.

The guards outside the door of the Qi family immediately stopped Qi Hao, but the one who didn’t want Qi Zhenbai to live was the fourth Qi family, for fear that Qi Hao would really find someone to save him. The fourth Qi family’s actions would be better now. The guard was still fast, and first stopped Qi Hao and said, "Haozi, what are you doing in such a hurry? Zhang Tianshi..."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp line of sight fell on him not far away, who was it if it wasn't the old man? It's rare for the fourth Qi family to be flustered and guilty when seen by the old man. He forgot to say the second half of the sentence and shut up obediently.

Qi Hao was stopped with a face full of unwillingness. He couldn't wait to kick his fourth uncle in the legs and kick him, and was pulled aside by the second child of the Qi family in time.

The old man of the Qi family knew that the child was worried about Zhenbai, and he was reluctant to let the second child be scolded, and immediately let the second child's wife take the child.

Then his gaze fell on Zhang Tianshi in front of him, his turbid eyes filled with scrutiny and gleam, and his aura was so full that it was rare that Zhang Tianshi’s aura was reduced a bit. The Qi family said: "Zhang Tianshi, I want to ask you something privately. !"

Zhang Tianshi immediately said: "Yes!"

The Qi family father motioned Zhang Tianshi to follow up to the study.

On the other hand, the fourth Qi family could not help but feel guilty when he heard the words of the old man. This matter has been defeated by the layman, but the layman cannot be defeated by the layman. As for the Longhushan Zhang Tianshi, he has already had a countermeasure. He has vaguely heard of this Zhang Tianshi and Qi Zhenbai. My nephew has had a lot of nasty things, and he has harmed his beloved apprentice, so it is unlikely that he will help Zhenbai.

It’s just that his old man intervened too eagerly, and the fourth Qi family inevitably felt a little flustered. He listened to the voice of the old man in front of him: "Tianshi Zhang, no matter how dirty and misunderstanding my Qi family and you were before, I hope that everything will be forgotten, Qi family To live in peace with Longhushan, my Qi family will naturally give you more help!"

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