Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1442: 248

The fourth Qi family over there hasn't slept tonight. Waiting for the dealer to do it, he must first see Qi Zhenbo's nephew dead first with his own eyes before he can sleep.

Thinking that Qi Zhenbai's nephew might die at the hands of the Zhuang family tonight, the fourth in the Qi family is not only excited but also ecstatic and excited.

At this moment, the fourth Qi family in the cubicle vaguely heard the movement of Qi Zhenbai's nephew's room, and the fourth Qi family couldn't help but become excited, as expected!

The dealer has started.

The fourth Qi family didn't care about getting dressed and went out immediately. He stayed at Qi Zhenbai's door and waited for ten minutes. He didn't hear any more, he originally wanted to slow down, in case his nephew was too dead to die.

As soon as his thoughts turned, he saw Zhang Tianshi who was walking over in a panic. The Qi family’s old four's expression changed. He gritted his teeth and had to unlock the lock first, pretending to open the door and yelled, "Zhenbai, Zhenbai, you Are you okay!"

It's a pity that the fourth Qi family had bad luck. He just opened the lock and pushed the door to enter. Before he took a few steps, he was shaken by a strong wave inside and flew out of the door, hitting his body on the wall a few meters away. The screams of killing pigs resounded throughout the Qi family. When they fell to the ground, the fourth Qi family was still unbelievable and unwilling to spit out a mouthful of blood. Staring at the door, his eyes went dark and he passed out directly.

However, Zhang Tianshi, who had been late, noticed that his face changed drastically, and he didn't care about the sudden coma from the ground, the fourth old Qi family posted a few evil charms and gritted his teeth and went inside.

The Qi family old man and the others in the Qi family were awakened by the scream of the Qi family old fourth, and they heard the howling seems to be coming from Zhenbai's direction, one by one got up in a hurry, for fear of what happened to Zhenbai!

Father Qi and Father Qi came together, and when they saw the fourth Qi family who was unconscious, their expressions changed suddenly, with different expressions.

Father Qi's eyes were puzzled, he really didn't understand why the fourth child was in a coma outside Zhenbai's room so late?

If Father Qi's eyes were suspicious, then Father Qi looked at the fourth Qi family in a coma outside Zhenbai's room so late, and the muddy eyes flashed with chill.

"Dad, what the **** is going on? Why is the fourth child at the door of Zhenbai?" Father Qi was awakened by the screams of the fourth child just now. After the conversation turned, his attention finally fell from the fourth child of the Qi family to his son. , His face was flustered: "Dad, Zhenbai, he won't have an accident too!"

Father Qi was about to rush to his son’s room after speaking. Father Qi didn’t speak, his face was very ugly, and he looked a bit anxious as Father Qi’s expression. The father was worried about Zhenbai in his heart, and he didn’t want to go back to Father Qi, leaning on crutches. Follow Father Qi to go in together.

But before the two of them entered, Zhang Tianshi, who was rushed out quickly, could not help but stop entering. At this time, Zhang Tianshi's face was very dignified and ugly, and he hurriedly said: "Old Qi, I advise you to better not go in now."

As Master Zhang Tian said, he immediately set up a formation at the door, and Father Qi and Father Qi saw a flash of golden light, and a golden barrier blocked Zhenbai's door.

Father Qi and Father Qi were worried that Zhenbai would be broken. After hearing what Zhang Tianshi said, their expressions changed drastically. The old man's face was gloomy and ugly and asked urgently: "Tianshi Zhang, what is going on?"

Father Qi also immediately answered: "Yes, Master Zhang, what happened to my son? What happened just now?"

When Father Qi and Father Qi questioned, Mother Qi, the second child of the Qi family, the third child, and several concubines, as well as Qi Hao and Qi Yunshang all came here in a hurry.

A group of people first saw the fourth (fourth uncle) body in a coma at the door, and first changed their complexion. The second and third Qi family hurriedly asked, "Dad, what happened?"

"What's wrong with the fourth child?"

Mother Qi's attention was on her son, and the fourth child was in a coma at Zhenbai's door. What about Zhenbai?

When Qi's mother thought that Zhenbai's son might be in a coma like the Qi family's fourth uncle, Qi's eyes went dark. Fortunately, Qi Hao and Qi Yunshang hurriedly supported Qi's mother first, Qi Hao hurriedly persuaded: "Auntie, my brother must be fine! Don't worry, listen to grandpa and uncle talking."

Qi's mother's complexion improved a bit after Qi Hao's comfort, but her face was still pale, and she asked Father Qi with a shaking voice: "Zhen...Zhenbai, what happened to him...?"

Zhang Tianshi set up an array and swept through the Qi family. Seeing that the Qi family’s faces were really ugly, he would give an affirmative answer.

I'm afraid everyone will have to enter the room forcibly.

Zhang Tianshi pondered for a while before he had no choice but to speak: "Shao Shao is okay, he's still in the room. Don't worry, Mrs. Qi."

Zhang Tianshi's words not only caused Qi's mother and the Qi family's people's heart to fall back to their original place, but the old man and Qi's father were also greatly relieved.

Qi Hao was worried that his brother would be worried, so he couldn't wait to go in and have a look, and immediately asked Zhang Tianshi: "Zhang Tianshi, I want to see if my brother is successful?"

Zhang Tianshi's expression is still calm, and he pursed his lips and said: "Qi Shao is indeed alright, but Qi Xiaosha, you better stay calm and not irritable now. I have set a barrier. You may not enter if you want to enter. Tonight is best. Let Shao Qi rest first."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the Qi family became flustered again. Qi Mu's face was pale, her eyes turned black, and she was unwilling to ask again and again: "Tianshi Zhang, is my son really okay?"

Old man Qi swept across Zhang Tianshi's dignified and ugly face, and his heart sank inexplicably, but the old man has always been decisive, and immediately ordered: "No one is allowed to enter Zhenbai's room to disturb him to rest tonight."

Then the old man asked the second and third to carry the fourth and leave, and waited for Zhang Tianshi to set up the enchantment, and then signaled Zhang Tianshi to go to the study with him.

However, Zhang Tianshi did not follow the old man to the study this time, but said to his old man Qi: "Old Qi, if you believe me, it is better to wait for me to take a good look for Young Master Qi tomorrow, now is not the time!"

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