Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1449: Two hundred fifty six

When Chi Shuyan took the little guy out of Yu's house, it can be said that everyone in Yu's family was sent to the door with a look of diligence and enthusiasm. Yu's mother was the most superstitious on weekdays. Today, Master Chi didn't say anything about helping her Yu's family. She said that the few tricks she used made Yu Mu simply convinced, plus the fact that she was looking for Yu Wei. Yu's mother now has a sentence from the left to the master and the other to the right. The tone is very respectful and enthusiastic. Enshrined by the ancestors.

This person hasn't left yet. Yu Mu was already thinking about her next visit to Yu's house, and asked Chi Shuyan what she would like to eat, saying that next time she will cook by herself, let her learn how to cook.

As for Sister-in-law Confucius, she said that the little master had driven away evil for her family and rescued her. Sister-in-law Confucius was convinced before, and coupled with what happened today, she was even more grateful and believed that this little master was definitely not so high. People, she used to dare to treat people as older than students, but now Sister Confucius has no such guts.

At the same time, Sister-in-law Confucius is a bit selfish. It is rare to meet such a real master. She really wants to ask for some peace of mind for her family.

Sister-in-law Confucius just planned to see off the guests alone, but Yu's mother didn't give her this opportunity, and now she couldn't find the opportunity for a while. Seeing that the master was leaving, Sister-in-law Kong was anxious.

Chi Shuyan didn’t pay attention to the anomaly of Sister Kong’s sister-in-law. While talking to Yu Wei, his attention was focused on the teacher. Teacher Yu saw that Shuyan had something to say to him. He simply talked to his mother, daughter-in-law, and Xiao Wei. When Yan sent the door, he wanted to distract people and let them go back to the house, so he sent Shu Yan.

Chi Shuyan’s enthusiasm for his family is a little indigestion. Riding on the teacher Yu’s words to be echoed, Yu’s mother rushed to talk to the teacher and said: “You child, the master is rare to come to our house, and he will help We Yujia and Xiaowei solve problems, and I, my mother, have to send it to the master."

After talking, it doesn't mean that the teacher speaks, and Yu Mu continued to say: "That is to say, the master has a good temper. If you don't have the same knowledge as you, you change to another master, don't you see that you can't blame the master?"

As soon as Yu's mother's words fell, Sister Confucius immediately went on to echo: "What Mom said is that the master has a good temper and is old Yu. You will change this temper in the future!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Teacher Yu: ...He is Teacher Shuyan and his elders, and when is his status so low?

Yu Wei saw that Chi Shu's face was a little embarrassed, so he helped him and said, "Mom, sister-in-law, the master must be busy with other things, or else you and your sister-in-law will send them here first, and my brother and I will send the master out of the community?

Yu Wei's words really quickly received a late response, and immediately said: "Yes, Auntie, Confucius, you can send me to the door, and the rest of the way, let Teacher Yu and Sister Xiaowei send me off!"

Yu's mother and Kong's sister-in-law still wanted to refute. Teacher Yu used her mother's feet as an excuse and decisively asked Kong's sister-in-law to help her mother return to her room. Kong's sister-in-law was still thinking of the peace symbol. It lies in the teacher's ear, beckoning him not to forget to ask for a peace symbol from Master Chong.

Asking for a peaceful talisman here by the master is comparable to asking for the efficaciousness in some temples.

Teacher Yu's face froze, and finally she convinced Sister Kong and Mother Yu to return to the room.

It was equal to mother and sister-in-law returning to the room. Teacher Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to leave Yu Wei. Yu Wei Qiqiao Linglongxin first noticed that his brother and Master Chi had something to do, and sent the person to the door, stopping and taking the initiative. Said: "Brother, don't forget to thank the master for me in a while. By the way, don't forget to take the master home next time. I cook by myself. I can eat whatever dishes I want. I don't think much else. I’m good at cooking, but I’m not boasting about cooking. Few people cook better than me."

At first, because she was good at cooking, Yang Peng had to meet her for a few days when she was newly married, but after a long time, forget it, Yu Wei didn’t plan to think about it anymore. Yang Peng's feelings were lost, otherwise she would not be so calm today to face the betrayal of Jiang Li and Yang Peng.

Chi Shuyan has always felt that Teacher Yu is too few words and too heavy-minded, but she was better when she was pregnant, and she could speak to her actively, with a smile on her face, but now people see no sadness or joy. Before leaving, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder, and said: "There are fate and fate, don’t think about this marriage of the Yang family, and adjust your mind. , Prepare for a good marriage in the future!"

When Yu Wei heard the words'good marriage', the bitterness of her eyes couldn't be resolved. Although she believed the words of the master in front of her, she really didn't have any hope for the next marriage, but her lips curled up and said:" I see, master!"

Chi Shuyan didn't intend to use a few words to untie her knot. As the saying goes, it is necessary to tie the bell to untie the bell. In the future, she will be able to untie the knot in the next marriage.

Waiting for the elevator door to close, Teacher Yu thought of his sister and couldn't help sighing a few times, but thinking about the ending of his sister is not bad, at least she has left the Yang family.

Before the incident of Yang Peng and Jiang Li hooked up, according to his traditional thinking, he really did not approve of his sister's divorce. Now thinking about the toil that Shuyan gave to his sister, he wanted to follow the Yang family. Mother and son are quelling people's urinary sex. If she didn't get divorced, I'm afraid that her sister would really end up like this. Thinking about it this way, Teacher Yu would look away a lot.

After the big deal, he raised Xiaowei. His wife is also an open-minded person. Thinking about it this way, Teacher Yu doesn’t worry anymore.

On the contrary, remembering that Shuyan didn’t go to school for a few days a few days ago, Teacher Yu couldn’t help being a little worried and said: "By the way, Shuyan, where are you going these days? Why didn’t you go to school at school for a few days? ?"

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