Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1451: Two hundred fifty eight

When Chi Shuyan went back, she received a call from Jing's family midway. It was mainly because Jing Hengran was looking for her temporarily in an emergency. Chi Shuyan subconsciously thought that there was something wrong with the pill that he had sent before, so she was a little bit confused, so she had to take Li temporarily. The little guy Yu first sent him back to the restaurant for Li Yuchu to take care of.

Li Yuchu came out of the kitchen and said happily, "Miss Shuyan, why are you here? How about I make you a rich lunch right away?"

These days, she has been staying in the small village. She hasn't tasted Li Yuchu's cooking skills for many days. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva for a while. Finally, she thought about business or refused: "Forget it, there is business at noon today, and we will talk about it tonight! Li Yu The little guy will leave you here first!"

Li Yuchu hurriedly said: "No problem! No problem!"

The little guy Li Yu was a little unhappy. He hadn't seen Shuyan for a few days. It was rare to finally see her. She wanted to leave him. When all the way back to the restaurant, the little guy could hang the urine bucket with his mouth. Chi Shuyan repeatedly calmed down and promised a lot of conditions, and the little guy Li Yu didn't have temper.

Yuchu Li came from the kitchen and saw the Nine Princes return to the restaurant. Yuchu Li was still very happy and immediately asked the Nine Princes to take a tray to help earn pocket money.

The little guy who had earned pocket money for several months but was unable to spend his enthusiasm for earning pocket money declined, and Li Yu felt that Grandpa Li Yuchu made his prince’s support more natural, just to make more money. Now this grandpa Li Yuchu, who is full of money in his eyes, Li Yu can't recognize it.

Chi Shuyan saw that the little guy's enthusiasm for making money was declining, and he repeatedly promised to buy them more coins to burn them when he was free, so that they would be able to trade in some ghost markets in the future.

For Chi Shuyan's assurance, Li Yu is still very excited, even Li Yuchu is very excited.

But the little guy Li Yu deliberately wanted to get some Joe. Besides, at first he promised Shuyan to use the pocket money he made. What's the matter if he suddenly wants to use it for himself?

Without waiting for the little guy Li Yu to struggle, someone in the kitchen told Li Yuchu that a lot of wealthy customers suddenly came, and Li Yuchu’s eyes shone brightly with a few hundred watts of light bulbs, and he didn’t wait for the little guy. More entangled, Li Yuchu said a few more words with Chi Shuyan, and immediately picked up Li Yu and ran towards the kitchen.

Chi Shuyan laughed a little when he saw Li Yuchu's eyes open when he saw the money, but it was okay for Li Yuchu to take away a little trouble.

Chi Shuyan left the door of the imperial restaurant, took a taxi nearby, and went to the restaurant address that Jing Hengran had previously given.

When she went to the appointment, she had not forgotten the time bomb of Zhuang Yanru. If Zhuang Yanru was related to the Buddha statue, would she remind Qi Zhenbo that man?

Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment, thinking of how the Qi family had treated her in the past, she still dialed the man's phone, but unfortunately she dialed several calls, and the other party's phone kept ringing, but no one answered from start to finish.

She was worried about an accident in the Qi family, and finally dialed Qi Hao's phone. Qi Hao's phone was quickly connected. Once connected, Qi Hao's familiar and excited voice suddenly sounded: "Sister-in-law? It's you! You called me. ?"

In response to Qi Hao's inexplicable excitement, Chi Shuyan changed the slight disappointment he had just now, and was in a good mood. He raised his lips and asked, "Haozi, where is your brother? Very busy recently?"

Qi Hao's face suddenly flustered when he thought about his brother's affairs recently. Fortunately, he was not face to face, but just talking on the phone. Chi Shuyan faintly heard Qi Hao's unnatural gasping, her eyes were a little puzzled, but she didn't expect Qi Zhenbai's accident. In the matter, I thought Qi Hao had been punished by the family for something recently, and asked, "What's wrong? Haozi, what happened to you recently?"

Qi Hao was flustered and immediately denied: "No, sister-in-law, nothing happened to me."

In fact, Qi Hao wanted to blurt out to tell his sister-in-law about his brother at first, but he thought that his brother hadn't woken up yet, he still couldn't worry his sister-in-law any more, and changed his words: "It's okay, sister-in-law, I just did something recently. I was punished again by the family for the wrong thing, but sister-in-law, I already knew it was wrong!


"Sister-in-law, do you have anything else?" Qi Hao asked tentatively.

"Is your brother busy lately?" Chi Shuyan asked.

Qi Hao was afraid that his sister-in-law would hear his brother's abnormality, so he quickly denied and replied: "Not busy, not busy, my brother is very busy lately! Return to the company from home on time every evening!"

Chi Shuyan:...

"Really, sister-in-law, my brother is very free!" Qi Hao said eagerly.

Is sure that Qi Zhenbai is okay, Chi Shuyan didn't say much, but since this man is so idle, he hasn't answered her calls. Is he trying to keep his distance with her?

Chi Shuyan actually felt that the man was very attentive to her when he was in the village, and in a blink of an eye he wanted to keep a distance from her. It is estimated that she would be wrong in the village in all likelihood.

Yes, Chi Shuyan was confused, but at the beginning she agreed to break up and planned to embark on the road of cultivation. Forget it, she is too lazy to think about emotional matters. Since the other party is okay, she will not entangle too much and keep on Keep your distance!

Qi Hao didn't know what a few words he had dug a big hole for his cousin. When Qi Hao wanted to say something, his cousin had already said goodbye to him and hung up the phone.

Qi family, Qi Hao waited for his sister-in-law over to hang up. He was always a little uneasy. He didn't go anywhere on the sofa. He wanted to ask his cousin about his cousin's health from her mother. No good, do people wake up?

It’s a pity that Mr. Qi blocked even the Qi family of any news about Qi Zhenbai. Only Father Qi knew some. The second sister-in-law of the Qi family didn’t know the slightest news at all. This is not the case. Qi Haogang asked, the second aunt Qi was worried about this kid and couldn’t help saying : "Kids, don't ask too much!"

Qi Hao was a little unconvinced. Just about to lose his temper, the second child of the Qi family suddenly went downstairs. Qi Hao simply leaned in front of the second child of the Qi family and couldn't wait to ask his brother about it.

The second child of the Qi family also knew that this son was more closely related to the nephew of Zhenbai than his brother. He was not as impatient as the second sister-in-law of the Qi family. Instead, he told him that Zhenbai was awake.

Qi Hao looked excited: "Dad, my brother is really awake? Then I will go upstairs to see fifth brother!"

Without waiting for Qi Hao to run away, the second child of the Qi family hurriedly grabbed the kid, frowned and said, "Don't bother your brother first, go there later!"

Qi Hao didn't realize that even though his father said that his brother was waking up, his brow furrowed tighter and his complexion was very dignified and ugly. He found an excuse to get rid of the kid and waited for Qi Hao to leave, the second wife of the Qi family. Seeing some anomalies, I couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Zhenbai really woke up? Is it okay!"

"Wake up is awake, but Zhang Tianshi said to take Zhenbai back to Longhu Mountain!"


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