Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1453: Two hundred sixty

At this time, Chi Shuyan didn’t know that the other party’s thoughts were twisting around in the blink of an eye. She frowned when the other party’s scrutinized gaze frowned, reflecting on where she had done too much. She clearly remembered the three furnace pills she refined. The medicines selected are all low-grade medicines. As for the top-grade pill, she would never dare to give it. Wait, is it possible that the other party disliked the low-grade medicine she gave?

Chi Shuyan thought about it, but still found it impossible. Not to mention that the pill of gathering spirits is very rare now. The spirit gathering pills she refined are very high compared to those refined by other alchemists. She is also very sure about her own spirit gathering pill, even if it is a third-level low-grade pill, the effect is by no means comparable to the third-ranking gathering pill made by others.

The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more confused she became. Wait, is the lower-grade pill she refined is too effective?

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but look closely at Jing Hengran's face, but the other party's emotions were so deep that Chi Shuyan didn't realize that the other party was a surprise or something else?

However, she didn’t have a good impression of the third-grade and low-grade spirit gathering pills, mainly because she showed great alchemy talent from the beginning when she didn’t know it, and she could produce many pills in one furnace. Later, she gradually mastered the alchemy skills. Methods and techniques, not only the rate of forming a pill each time is a full eight, most of them are top-grade and top-grade, on the contrary, there are very few low-grade pill in her alchemy, almost one per furnace, but she rarely takes low-grade pill Medicine, it happened that Jing Hengran's appearance helped her solve these low-grade pill, and she could get a lot of free herbs from the other party. Why not?

Although she couldn't see whether the other party was pleasantly surprised or not, from the conversation between the two of them today, she could know that the other party seemed very satisfied with the pill she gave. Chi Shuyan heaved a sigh of relief when she thought about it.

He also listened to the other party's suggestion that she could go to Jing's auction house to choose medicinal herbs later, no matter what rare herbs she needs, just talk to him or Qian Zhengde, and Jing's auction house will definitely cooperate.

Chi Shuyan was very moved by the right proposal. At this time, she would be too stupid to see that the other party was extremely satisfied with the pill she gave, but the other party's proposal and words were also a surprise.

From the other party's words, she also heard that the other party has more enthusiasm and trust than before. In the future, it is easier than ever for her to obtain rare herbs from Jing's auction house. This is good news.

Chi Shuyan has always felt that if you cooperate with others, you need to show your maximum value and let people be sold at a price. Only then can you have the capital and confidence to negotiate terms with others.

The third-rank low-grade spirit-gathering pill has shown her value to a large extent. Chi Shuyan is not panicked about this. Opportunities occasionally hide risks. At the same time, occasional opportunities are hidden in danger. Who knows this time the opponent is against the third-rank Does the satisfaction of the low-grade Ju Ling Pill represent her opportunity?

Of course, the main reason is that she has too little capital and too few herbs on the earth. It is not that she can obtain them by taking risks like the cultivation world. Nowadays, most of the rare and cherished herbs have become the collections of these ancient warriors, even now. She did not dare to say that she could have a big family.

But she knows that her only real trump card is Xuan Yin Jue and Bai Yu and her talent for alchemy, which are incomparable to these ancient martial families on the earth. In this case, it is better to cooperate with the two to achieve a win-win situation, and she always has A bit of a hunch, as long as she cooperates with Jing Hengran to deepen, there will be no shortage of benefits in the future. She would like to have the opportunity to visit the Guwu family with the Jing family. In short, this cooperation with Jing Clan is her opportunity.

So after hearing the other party’s suggestion, Chi Shuyan did not rush to hide and refuse, but nodded in agreement, but a few days later, of course, the reason given was that she had skipped class for too many days recently and had to make up classes recently, otherwise Can't keep up, I'm afraid there is no time for alchemy in the past few days.

She speaks very seriously and is really truthful.

Jing Hengran's mouth was violently drawn by Chi Shuyan's seriousness and truthfulness. He never thought that the other party could not make alchemy because he had to make up classes.

Jing Hengran can still tell whether others are telling the truth or lying. He already knew some of her details. He no longer glanced at her face three times, and confirmed that the other party’s supplementary lesson was the truth. Jing Hengran couldn't help but twitched at the corners of his eyes again, his expression sluggish for a while.

Yes, this little girl's thoughts are really weird and unusual, making up school is more important than alchemy? Jing Hengran was deeply shocked by this.

He felt that if he, who replaced the other ancient martial arts family or his father, heard this little girl's excuses, he might have choked to death by this little girl's powerful reasons and excuses. .

But this little girl is really cute as she looks at her. With the prospect of Hengran, she really didn’t think too much, she just wanted to cooperate. Even in the negotiation, the other party was mature in mind and completely unlike children of the same age. Jing Hengran just treated people as opponents. Be a partner again.

Now the cooperation is effective and pleasant, especially after the negotiation, in a blink of an eye this little girl's style of painting has changed, she is less capable and neat, and a bit more innocent and lovely at her age. This kind of violation and contradiction makes Jing Hengran see It’s very fresh, but it’s not fresh. I put my attention on the other person a little bit more. I only think that this girl is really beautiful. Not only that, but Jing Hengran has an inexplicable and very good impression in my heart because of these short-term relationships. This little girl is full of advantages.

And even though this little girl is small, she should be an adult, and she is not a little girl. She is married. For a while, thinking of this, Jing Hengran blurted out inexplicable waves and asked, "I wonder if I can take the liberty to ask. In one sentence, Miss Chi is an adult?"

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