Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1455: 262

Thinking of his cousin who was still in the hospital, Feng Yuanlin twitched the corner of his mouth severely. He just came back to the hospital the next day to see him, but he did not expect that the kid was lying on the bed half-dead and still in the hospital. The nurse who takes care of him is the one who provokes the love debt again, and the two of them are still eye-catching in front of him.

In this regard, he can be regarded as admiring this kid very much, and can't wait to break this kid's leg.

All in all, he now thinks of this cousin, his face is hard to say, in the love scene and the romantic, his cousin is more blue and blue than his uncle.

Being kicked into the hospital by Zhenbo deserves to be injustice!

Chi Shuyan noticed the change in Brother Feng's expression, thinking that something had happened to his cousin, frowned and said, "Brother Feng, your cousin... okay!"

Don't really get kicked by Qi Zhenbai. When the conversation turned, she said: "How about I go to the hospital with you, and see if I can help you?"

Chi Shuyan thought that as long as the other party had no head problem, she could still help rescue other problems.

Feng Yuanlin's face grew stiffer when he heard Shuyan's words. He didn't want to go to the hospital to see that stinky boy again. The more he looked at it, the more heartbroken. Besides, he didn't want to let the boy see Shuyan again. Maybe something happened again. The kid typically remembers whether he eats or eats, but he does everything well, so Feng Yuanlin waved his hand and refused: "No, Shuyan, that kid has been eating and drinking well recently, and staying a few months later will be fine. , No need to manage!"

Chi Shuyan: ... Is Feng Yuancen really Feng's cousin?

Since Brother Feng said so, Chi Shuyan also intends to keep her distance. The main reason is that Brother Feng’s cousin is too unreliable. She is really worried about what will happen to the kid if he entangles her again. Then the other party will be Brother Feng again. , But it's not easy to handle. Make sure that Brother Feng's cousin is really fine. After considering for a moment, she nodded immediately: "Sure!"

Feng Yuanlin was led by Shu Yan just now. He did not forget that the man who was quite close to Shu Yan just now asked Zhuang Ruo casually about the identity of the other party and the relationship between the two.

Her cooperation with Jing Hengran is not a matter of confidentiality. Besides, Feng Ge is her own. Chi Shuyan didn’t intend to hide her, and her face calmly said Jing Hengran’s identity, and also about the two people’s cooperation. .

When Feng Yuanlin heard that Shu Yan and Jing Hengran still see the man in the future, his brows frowned subconsciously, but seeing Shu Yan's face calm, and hearing that the two had only seen two or three faces, Feng Yuanlin was a little relieved. But he always felt that the man's eyes were too hot when looking at Shu Yan just now, and he had no good intentions.

Feng Yuanlin, as Zhenbai’s daughter from childhood to age, naturally prefers her own daughter. He hopes that Zhenbai and Shuyan will reconcile, but Zhenbai and Shuyan are now breaking up, even if they really look for it again, he has absolutely no reason. prevent.

Feng Yuanlin had no choice but to hold back what he said, planning to find time to explore Zhenbai's tone. If even Zhenbai didn't care about his attitude, he would be too lazy to stop him.

Regarding other people's feelings, even if it is the real brother's personal matters, it is not totally unpleasant, he still does not want to rush in.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know what Feng Ge was in her heart. Not long after, she remembered Qin Qing’s affairs and what Wu Haoming had said on the phone before. She subconsciously tentatively said: “Brother Feng, I saw one a few days ago. The news, it is said that Miss Qin died suddenly? Did she die quite tragically?"

When asking this question, Chi Shuyan looked at Brother Feng’s expression and saw that his expression hadn't changed much, he only sighed, and then naturally answered her words: "This matter is true. Now Qin Qing's body is still there. The forensic doctor did an autopsy, but her death was a mystery, not very scientific and a bit weird!"

This matter is not in the category of confidentiality. Besides, Feng Yuanlin also wanted to hear Shu Yan’s opinion, so he told her the details of how the witness saw Qin Qing’s sudden death. For example, Qin Qing was fine before the accident. At that time, all the bones in the body, including the limbs, shattered and then smashed into a mass of flesh.

This incident sounds quite appalling. Up to now, the witnesses who have seen with my own eyes are still living in the mental hospital. The shadow of this incident is too big and scary.

Chi Shuyan had a guilty conscience subconsciously listening to Feng's words. She just wanted to solve Qin Qing's woman as soon as possible. She really didn't think much about other things, okay!

It can only be said that those bystanders are too unlucky, Chi Shuyan touched the bridge of his nose and coughed a few times.

Feng Yuanlin thought about Dashan Village because of Qin Qing's death, his face was rather solemn, he pursed his lips and said, "Shuyan, do you think Dashan Village's affairs are not over yet?"

Chi Shuyan said, "Brother Feng, don't worry, all the evil cultivators hidden behind the Buddha statue are dead. Even if there are some small shrimps, they can't make waves. As for the death of Miss Qin, I guess it was her luck. Not great. Before we left the village, she seemed to have gone to the village chief in the village. She died suddenly this time, maybe it was retribution!"

After a few words, Chi Shuyan looked at Brother Feng and his face didn’t change much. He continued, “I always think that sometimes people who are clever and think they can cross the sea and take advantage of others tend to die the fastest. Brother Feng, you say yes. Huh?"

Feng Yuanlin was gradually persuaded by Shu Yan that he no longer struggled with Qin Qing's life and death. He felt emotional about Qin Qing's death, but other feelings were all a little bit wiped out by her past actions.

Although Shuyan only briefly mentioned,'Before leaving the village, she went to the village head of Dashan Village', but with Qin Qing's self-interested character, he thought about a lot of things, and did not believe that she just went to the village of Dashan Village. long.

Perhaps she really said to Shuyan that her death was her due!

But now that the person is dead, he doesn't bother to investigate and spill the dirty water anymore. In the future, he will no longer have a relationship with this woman and have contact with him, which is considered to solve his problem.

To be honest, his mother hadn't forgotten this woman Qin Qing now, and planned to ask her to marry this woman, to make him be responsible for this woman, and that the child had her precious grandson in her belly.

He didn't really want to talk about family matters, and Feng Yuanlin's attention quickly shifted from Qin Qing's matters to other matters in Dashan Village, such as the weirdness of the ‘people’ in Dashan Village, which he could not understand.

Chi Shuyan now has the time to share with Feng Brother what he saw in the temple, such as the content of those paintings, such as the tablets of all people in Dashan Village, and someone set up a time-retrospective formation there. As for the earthquake, some people deliberately set up disaster formations. When disasters gather to a certain degree, they can also cause natural disasters.

It took a long time for Feng Yuanlin to barely digest so much information, and was shocked by the fact that the disaster formation could cause natural disasters.

Chi Shuyan said: "This kind of formation is slow to work, but it is very detrimental to the yin morality. The evil formation of this kind of formation is also for profit and certain purposes. Forget it, don't mention it!"

Feng Yuanlin:...

Brother Chi Shuyan took a taxi and left without getting together. The main reason was that Brother Feng had to go to work in the afternoon. She didn't intend to disturb him. She was sure that Qin Qing's death would not affect him. Chi Shuyan was completely relieved. If Brother Feng was really distressed because of Qin Qing's death, then she would really vomit blood.

Of course, if Brother Feng really wanted to be like this, she would directly tell Qin Qing's design of him one by one, to see how sad he was. As for now, since everyone is dead, she doesn't bother to say bad things about dead people and keep a little bit of morality.

Chi Shuyan had nothing else to do in the afternoon, so she took a taxi back to the villa. The first thing she did when she returned to the villa, she went back to the room and hung up a calendar to circle a time.

The date when her master met the scumbag is approaching. In this life, she has to let her master of the previous life see the true face of the scumbag in advance, and then let her avoid the scumbag and escape!

As for this life, the two do not have the fate of being a master or apprentice, and Chi Shuyan still has some regrets.

However, her father was well in this life and he had a boyfriend. Although he broke up, Chi Shuyan felt that his life was quite fulfilling.

Thinking of the things in the previous life, it is inevitable to think of her dad. Chi Shuyan remembered that the two had not been in contact for a long time, so he still called his dad.

It's just that the phone hasn't been connected, Chi Shuyan thought for a while, and her dad is either on assignment or training, and it won't be too late to call at night.

As for the woman Zhuang Yanru, Chi Shuyan couldn’t guess what the purpose of this woman was. After considering it for a moment, he should edit a text message and send it to the man Qi Zhenbai to remind him to make him be careful of this woman. You can also check it out. The bottom of this woman and the bottom of the dealer!

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