Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1461: Two hundred sixty eight

As soon as the old lady expressed her position, the very old man next to her also immediately expressed her position. Her words were a bit sorry and tired, and she also offered compensation personally. The tone was very sincere, but it did not mean to bully others, and the old man in front of him saw his identity. Not ordinary, not easy to make him bow his head.

As for the young man on the side, he was almost thirty years old, his eyes were sincere and clear, and he specially mentioned a basket of fruit, indicating that everything was his sister's fault, and they could accept whatever compensation they offered.

When Yang Zhi saw that Zhen Yu was covered in blood, he hated not only the woman Yang Lan, but also the woman who stabbed the knife. He made up his mind to bring the mad woman who stabbed Zhenyu to justice no matter how powerful his family is. According to Fa, the only thing that disappointed him was that the other party was indeed mentally ill, and it was estimated that he could not be sentenced.

Yang Zhi didn’t want to talk to the parents of the woman who harmed his girlfriend. His face changed slightly, and his expression sank: “Sorry, I have something to do. I have to send my friend downstairs. Nothing else. I still advise you to go back. That sentence, I want me to let go of the person who stabbed my girlfriend like this for no reason, no way! As for my girlfriend, I have already rested now, I hope you don't disturb her, and I don't welcome you either!"

Yang Zhi’s tone was too cold and there was no whirling tone. The old lady of the Ren family's complexion also changed suddenly, and the old lady cried even more pitifully, pulling at the corner of Yang Zhi’s clothes and said: "Young man, please let me go. My daughter, my daughter is ignorant, she cannot be stimulated, she..."

Before the old lady finished her words, Yang Zhi pulled away the old lady's hand and said coldly: "Your daughter can kill someone if she doesn't understand?"

The face of the old lady of the Ren family who choked in a word and everyone in the Ren family changed. The faces of the two old men were gray and defeated, and the young man waiting by the side hurriedly supported the old lady. Chi Shuyan saw that the other party was facing Yang Zhi. Without any resentment or resentment, they were exceptionally silent. Looking at the two old men of the Ren family, they are both straightforward people. They can only say that they are pitiful to the parents of the world, but they have to pay the price for doing something wrong, not to mention that Zhenyu belongs to her. My friend, she is naturally on Zhen Yu's side.

Yang Zhi was too lazy to deal with Ren's family, and immediately rushed to Chi and said: "Miss Chi, I will send you downstairs first!"

Chi Shuyan nodded, and entered the elevator with Yang Zhi, separating Ren's family.

Chi Shuyan suddenly said, "This is the parent of the crazy woman who stabbed Zhen Yu before?"

Yang Zhi sighed and nodded: "I have been here a few times last time, and someone was sent over to see Xiaoyu in the middle of the way. The Ren family hopes to provide compensation and ask us to let her daughter go."

In fact, Yang Zhi had a good impression of the family. When the accident happened, he specially asked people to check the background of the victim, only to know that the mad woman was the lady of the Ren family.

Speaking of it, the Ren family was called a nouveau riche by the upper class in Kyoto in the early years, but the old man of the Ren family is considered a personal thing. When he was young, he started from scratch. After so many years, the old man has managed the Ren family very well and barely squeezed into the rich circle of Kyoto. , But the old man has a guaranteed character, and he did not abandon his wife of chaff after becoming rich. He has a good reputation.

Moreover, the Ren family is indeed very wealthy. Many chain jewelry stores and department stores do not know where it is. Although Ren’s reputation is a reputation for becoming rich, it is really rich. Compared with some large families, it is not magnificent, but lacks. A little bit of background.

Not only that, the Ren family is also well-known in Kyoto. The first time he saw the Ren family, he thought that the Ren family wanted to overwhelm others. At that time, he thought about how strong his family background is. This time, he decided to harm Zhenyu. You can't put it down so gently, it's a big deal.

Later, I contacted several times and found that the Ren family did not use force to suppress others, but instead apologized to him and Zhen Yu several times, with a very good attitude and a reasonable person.

But speaking of it, the daughter of the Ren family is also unlucky. In the early years, the two couples had only one daughter, and then they did not have any children. They only adopted a son, the young man just now.

It’s just that the only daughter of the Ren family fell in love with a poor boy and insisted on marrying. The old man of the Ren family started from scratch, so he wouldn’t put too much emphasis on his identity. The two couples have only such an only child, and they just want to find a true pair. Their daughters are good.

The Phoenix man performed well in those days, but later agreed to the marriage, but unfortunately, time passed and the hearts of the people changed. The Phoenix man had too much appetite, but he had no ability. He has been reluctant to let his adopted son inherit the family business and want to swallow it alone. Ren, regard Ren as his pocket.

It would be okay if the lady of the Ren family was willing to support the Phoenix man, but the lady of the Ren family had a very good relationship with her adopted younger brother. Even if Ren family really let her younger brother inherit, Miss Ren family would have no idea. The only daughter who is father and mother, even if her parents really let her younger brother inherit the company, can they give her something good?

In addition, her younger brother has some ability to manage the company. The Miss Ren Jia didn’t care much about who inherited the company, and according to the words of the former Miss Ren, her younger brother was adopted when her family was poor. Yes, the relationship between the two is better than that of the elder brother, and if he cares about so much, her brother will never lack her things.

That Miss Ren could be seen so open, but the Phoenix man might not be able to see that open. At first, he cared about the Ren family. He was still good to that Miss Ren. Her adopted brother kept suppressing her, and that Miss Ren just stood in her brother's position and kept saying good things to the Phoenix man. After he had a little bit of power, he immediately stopped putting that Miss Ren in his eyes.

Not only often uses violence, but also takes women home when stealing fishy in private. This hasn't been for many years, plus the cowardly character of the young lady of the Ren family, doesn't this drive people crazy?

Seeing Zhen Yu’s friend, Chi Shuyan, staring at him, Yang Zhi also knew that he knew too well about Ren's affairs. He explained: "Some of them were found by me, most of them were from Ren's family. The adopted brother revealed to me that I hope I will let her go because his sister is a poor person!"

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