Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1470: 277

That's what Yan Zhengming said, but the speed of drinking porridge didn't slow down at all. Instead, it got faster and faster. After a while, he immediately filled himself with a bowl of porridge.

Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin: ...

Everyone stared:...

Waiting for others to taste the taste of this rice porridge, including Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin, they just tasted a bite, and they stopped immediately. After they tasted the taste of Ling rice porridge, they took a breath of air-conditioning. They couldn’t believe this. Is the taste of white porridge, white porridge can be so delicious? This rice porridge is not only drooling for the fragrant people, but also the tongues of the people who can taste it, too...too...too **** delicious!

Song Yanru, who is more reserved, self-disciplined and elegant on weekdays, drank this porridge and reincarnated with a starving ghost, and so did Yang Kun, an agent.

The younger Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong couldn't help but yell as they drank, shouting that it was delicious, while their eyes were reddened. The taste of this porridge is really...too delicious.

At this time, Song Chu was very fortunate that he also grabbed some spiritual rice. He couldn't eat enough at Brother Ruan's side, and he could still taste it slowly when he returned home. Thinking about this, Song Chu was relieved, but the action of drinking porridge was also Still did not slow down.

Among the people, the most complicated mood is the three of Ruan Shenglin, Xu Tong, and Yang Kun, especially Ruan Shenglin. When he thinks that he didn't put the rice in his eyes just now, he also grabbed a lot of rice while cooking porridge. So he cooked almost one-third of the amount, and then looked at the thick white porridge in the pot, Ruan Shenglin regretted and distressed, and his face changed. Seeing everyone gobbled and drank, he felt this. This girl is not drinking his porridge, but drinking his blood.

As for Yang Kun, the agent is distressed and regretful for Shenglin, how much money it takes to make such a thick porridge!

I knew that Shenglin shouldn’t have agreed to cook porridge for everyone at the beginning. Otherwise, the amount would allow them to drink more in the future. Yang Kun used to have dinner with Ruan Shenglin and his wife for most of the time, so naturally he would eat the porridge. Lin bought this spiritual rice as his own food. At this moment, everyone is not drinking porridge, but eating all the meat he cuts.

Especially when I saw that Brother Mouyan, who had previously said not to drink porridge, drank happily, he quickly filled himself with a bowl of white porridge after he finished drinking.

Everyone's expressions are hard to say:...

"Brother Yan, can you drink it slowly?" Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong and Yang Kun were anxious, it was because this girl was drinking porridge too fast.

Even Song Yanru couldn't help interjecting at this moment: "Madam first, you have almost drunk!"

No matter what everyone said, Yan Zhengming continued to drink the porridge quickly, especially after the porridge was cooler, he didn't use a spoon, but instead used a spoon.

In the end, he grabbed the last layer of porridge at the bottom of the pot and scraped it clean with a spoon. Yang Kun didn't know what to say.

As for the others, including Ruan Shenglin, he couldn't help but stare at Yan Zhengming, who had just said not to drink porridge, but now he drank the happiest porridge.

Yan Zhengming waited for the last bowl of porridge, but he still had some thoughts. The white porridge tasted fragrant and felt very comfortable after drinking. After drinking, Yan Zhengming felt a little bit of shame, mainly because he didn't humble pregnant women.

The words of Chi Shuyan in Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun’s ears made them feel that Master Chi was sincere. With a look of excitement, they immediately shook Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, and asked them to buy it quickly. It's not that there are not enough talisman in Master Chi's pocket, they both want to buy more just in case.

But it’s not the same thing in the ears of Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming and others. When I think of Song Yanru’s two million yuan to buy these broken charms, they also called out a sky-high price of one hundred thousand. Although Zhengming didn’t lack money, they were really shocked by the “sky price”. They couldn’t believe that they looked at the little girl in front of them, and looked at Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun who had been encouraging them to buy some charms. It's hard to explain in a word.

After all, no one's money came from the wind.

He usually takes a lot of effort to make a movie and occasionally wants to make millions and it is very difficult, and there is still a loss. On the contrary, the little girl in front of him has the same black method of making money.

Dare to call out two million for less than twenty pieces of torn paper?

Yan Zhengming didn't say anything, but his idea was similar to that of Director Wang, and he didn't want to buy a talisman at all!

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun didn't see the black faces of Director Wang, but they were anxious and forced to persuade them: "If you can buy more, you can buy more. Anyway, we are not short of money!"

Dao Wang, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong: ...what kind of ecstasy soup did this little girl give Shenglin and Yang Kun?

Chi Shuyan caught the expressions of a few people in her eyes. She really didn't say that she didn't want to buy or sell by force. Since the other party is not like buying, she doesn't ask the other person to buy. She has other things and is too lazy to be with other people. Nonsense, I rushed to Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin: "Since others don't want to buy it, just forget it,..."

Before Chi Shuyan finished speaking, Yang Kun hurriedly and excitedly said on behalf of Director Wang and a few friends: "Buy, buy, want to buy, Master Chi, other people want to buy, especially want to buy. I will do it for them first. Advance money,"

Ruan Shenglin has a particularly strong ability to act, and immediately and decisively transfer money to Chi Shuyan. He has transferred eight million in a row, completely cutting off the back of a few people!

Dao Wang, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, who just breathed a sigh of relief, had a silly face: ... they don't want to buy or want it!

Finally, under the compulsory intervention of Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin, Chi Shuyan sold almost all the talisman in his hand, leaving only a few exorcism talisman on him.

Before a few people left, Chi Shuyan specifically stated that he would leave an exorcism talisman on the Buddha statue, and then seal it in a place. Don’t take it out, bury it, or hand it over to her. Let the people in the village find out.

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin looked solemnly at what Master Chi explained.

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