Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1472: Seven hundred twenty nine

Grandpa Jiang was very impatient at this time. It was Father Jiang that after listening to the boy's words, not only his heart was almost down, he listened to the **** and said: "Grandpa, does my dress look good? Is it fashionable?"

As soon as Father Jiang wanted to scold him, he listened to his old man open his eyes and said nonsense: "Good-looking! Good-looking, my grandson looks good in everything!"

The corner of Jiang's mouth that listened to him twitched fiercely, and there was no way to clean up the boy.

Fortunately, the old man changed his words and continued: "But, my dear grandson, you can wear this kind of clothes at home in the future, don't wear them outside!"

Father Jiang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Otherwise, with the support and indulgence of the father, he really worried that one day this **** would only wear underwear and go downstairs naked and ask them if fashion is not fashionable. Then he vomited blood as a dad. .

Jiang Duo is also a person who accepts as soon as he sees it, knowing that if he has to go further, the stick in his dad's hand may have to be smashed.

Jiang Duo is still a little bit embarrassed to his dad now, feeling that his dad's temperament on his surface has changed for him, but in fact it is still very difficult to provoke.

At this time, Father Jiang thought about the good things this **** bought from the master shop, and he couldn't wait to quickly say: "Boys, didn't you say the things came? Go get them!"

"Dad, be nice to me, or else I will grab something good from the master shop in the future, don't try it!" After Jiang Duo was done, regardless of Jiang's fatherly blue face, he turned and hurried. Go out to get the courier.

As soon as Jiang Duo went out, Grandpa Jiang couldn't help but vent his anger for his grandson, and said angrily at Father Jiang: "You have a stubborn temper. My old man didn't have your stubborn temper before. My good grandson just wore a piece of clothing. Is your eye? My dear grandson is filial enough, and besides the good things my dear grandson bought before, your kid didn’t eat less!"

Father Jiang was speechless, choking on a word.

In the past, the old man guarded the calf, but now since the **** indirectly saved the old man’s life by accidentally hitting and accidentally hitting the old man, he has also been protecting the calf. Father Jiang felt that his father’s work was difficult. He immediately looked at Mother Jiang. Mother Jiang was naturally Standing on the side of the old man, she also felt that although her son liked to play a little bit, but filial piety is really filial and sensible, why Jiang's mother is willing to scold the son Jiang Duo.

Father Jiang saw that Jiang’s mother didn’t look away and didn’t speak. He was so angry that he didn’t hear anything. It didn’t take long before he saw the boy come in with a box, and he couldn’t wait to put him in front of the old man. This is it! I'll open it for you!"

When Jiang Duo opened the box, there was a bottle of Moisturizing Pill and a bag of tea. It was estimated that the tea fragrance was too strong. The box was full of tea fragrance, which smelled very good.

Even Jiang's mother, who doesn't like tea very much, thinks the smell of tea is abnormal.

And Father Jiang and Father Jiang are both tea lovers. At this moment, I can smell the smell. Not to mention the old man, even Father Jiang is a little unable to sit still.

Without waiting for the old man to speak, Father Jiang immediately sat opposite the old man, and immediately spoke with a gentler tone: "Go, A Duo, make two cups of tea for your grandpa and dad."

Jiang Duo:...

Father Jiang was afraid that his father would deprive him of the right to taste this spiritual tea. Before Jiang Duo's son could do it, he hurriedly got up and started to make tea. He cautiously said: "Dad, I will taste it. I won't drink too much. The filial piety of this child!"

With the father's permission, before making tea, Father Jiang changed his irritable temper and said in a very gentle tone: "Go, let's have lunch first and cushion the stomach."

Jiang Duo was flattered for a while.

After he spooned the rice and ate a few mouthfuls, his father had already made the tea, and the scent of spirit tea drifted from his grandfather and his father to his side. The whole room was full of unusually fragrant tea, and Jiang Duo didn’t. Anyone who likes tea can't help but want to taste it. He took a sip and looked over, and saw his grandfather and his dad enjoying tea. The expressions are as much as you can enjoy them. Those who don’t know think they are. What do you drink?

Jiang Duo didn't know at this moment that although Father Jiang and Father Jiang were not drinking the jade jelly brewed, this spirit tea was called jade jelly brewed in their eyes.

Both father and son have seen the world, but they have never drunk such a delicious tea. The things in the high-ranking store are simply eye-opening time and time again. Not only does this tea taste great, after every sip , Father and Jiang's father not only filled their mouths with lingering fragrance, but also a stream of heat gushes out of their abdomen.

They are very familiar with this kind of heat flow. For example, every time the two fathers and sons take Nourishing Tango, there will be this kind of heat flow. They also know that this kind of heat flow is good for the body. At this time, thinking of the taste and effect of this spirit tea, Mr. Jiang and Father Jiang glanced at each other, and he was a little uneasy.

Even if the effect of this tea is not as good as the moisturizing pill, the tea can be drunk longer than the moisturizing pill. In addition, the two father and son are tea lovers. How can they not like it?

Mr. Jiang was immediately excited to take the case: "This tea is good! My good grandson will really grab it!"

Father Jiang was so helpless that he spoiled Jiang Duo, the bastard, and couldn't help but draw his eyes.

But having said that, Father Jiang now thinks about it, the more he feels that his son is not capable, but he is really lucky. At this moment, Father Jiang is cautiously drinking tea one sip, and he is in a very good mood. He was angry with his son just now. Also swept away.

If this kid gives him some respectful tea from time to time, Father Jiang consciously can still be a benevolent father. Unknowingly he drank the tea in the cup again, Father Jiang was about to pour another cup, but Father Jiang stared at him. Seeing that the old man not only took all the remaining packets of tea leaves on the table, but also put the teapot to his side, obviously not planning to let him drink any more, Jiang's father couldn't help but feel anxious: "Dad!"

"What are you yelling, your kid just scolded my grandson and I haven't settled accounts with you. This thing is my good grandson's filial tribute to me. I'll give you a cup of it. I'm already sorry for you. Next time you dare to be with me. My dear grandson shows power and prestige, don't blame my old man for being unreasonable." After the cursing, the old man immediately hung up the teapot and walked to the study room upstairs with his pockets, and the old man just disagreed with him.

Jiang Duo was very relieved when he saw his dad's miserable appearance next to him, and he gave a cold snort, and was afraid that his dad's flame would burn him, he quickly took a few bites of food and prepared to leave.

But before he ran away, he was suddenly called by Father Jiang. When Father Jiang changed his previous temper, his tone was as gentle as a gentle one. Not only that, before Jiang Duo asked for money, Father Jiang took the initiative to beat Jiang Duo’s son. I paid a sum of money, and asked this kid if he had enough money from time to time.

Jiang Duo with a frightened look:...

"Good... good son, it was Dad’s fault just now. Next time you kid will grab some spiritual tea from the store for Dad, and secretly give it to Dad. Don’t let your grandpa know." Father Jiang coughed embarrassingly. Suddenly, his eyes could squeeze out the water softly, but Jiang Duo knew his father's urinary sex, shivered severely, and got goosebumps all over his body as his father said, and hurriedly ran away.

But now he finally understands how he can control his dad's bad temper and violent temper, and it makes him never expect that in front of Lingcha, his dad can... be so spineless?

The words of Chi Shuyan in the ears of Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun made them feel that Master Chi was sincere. With a look of excitement, they immediately shook Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming, Song Chu, and Cao Zhengsong, asking them to buy it quickly. It's not that there are not enough talisman in Master Chi's pocket, they both want to buy more just in case.

But it’s not the same thing in the ears of Wang Dao, Yan Zhengming and others. When I think of Song Yanru’s two million yuan to buy these broken charms, they also called out a sky-high price of one hundred thousand. Although Zhengming's few people are not short of money, they are really shocked by the'high price'. They can't believe they look at the little girl in front of them, and then look at Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun who have been encouraging them to buy some symbols. It's hard to explain in a word.

After all, no one's money came from the wind.

He usually takes a lot of effort to make a movie and occasionally wants to make millions and it is very difficult, and there is still a loss. On the contrary, the little girl in front of him has the same black method of making money.

Dare to call out two million for less than twenty pieces of broken paper?

Yan Zhengming didn't say anything, but his idea was similar to that of Director Wang, and he didn't want to buy a talisman at all!

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun didn't see the black faces of Director Wang, but they were anxious and forced to persuade them: "If you can buy more, you can buy more. Anyway, we are not short of money!"

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