Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1475: Seventy eight

Chi Shuyan still wanted to concentrate his eyebrows to listen to the gossip about the dealer. The other party had entered the hospital without saying a few words, and disappeared at the entrance of the hospital.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to give up. After getting in the car, thinking about the dealer, somehow, she always felt that Qi Zhenbai was the man who cleaned up the dealer, but since the dealer had something wrong, she might have sent it to him before. The text messages worked, so Chi Shuyan no longer worried.

But not long after, I thought about the relationship between the dealer and the Buddha statue enshrined in Dashan Village. Maybe the dealer had something to do with evil cultivation. Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment and was a little worried, and put aside the past grievances between the two people. Still took the initiative to make a call to the other party, but unfortunately the phone rang several times, and no one answered the call.

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to call Mr. Qi instead. The Qi family couldn’t watch the accident. Mr. Qi quickly got on the phone. When he heard Shuyan’s familiar voice, he changed his dignity and seriousness. The tone and attitude are very kind: "Zhenbai wife!"

"Grandpa, how are you doing these days? Are you still used to drinking the spiritual tea you used to drink? I have made some spiritual tea recently, and I will send it to you later?" Chi Shuyan automatically ignored the name of the old man, and the tone was very gentle.

The old man Qi coughed a few times in a low voice, and quickly replied happily, "Yes, my old man likes to drink some tea, especially the spiritual tea made by you, wife Zhenbai."

The two greeted as usual on the phone. After that, Chi Shuyan inadvertently asked about what happened in the Qi family's home. Old Qi's tone did not change and said, "Granddaughter-in-law, there is nothing wrong at home, but when will you go home? By the way, you Did you quarrel with Zhenbai? If this kid bullied you, tell your grandfather, turn around and clean him up for you."

Chi Shuyan saw that the old man's tone had not changed, and he was still kind and kind as usual. When talking about the Qi family's tone, she was also normal. It didn't look like something went wrong. She was a little relieved and said: "Grandpa, I have been idle lately. Now, contact me immediately if there is anything."

"it is good!"

Chi Shuyan was sure that the old man's tone was normal. As for the Qi family and the dealer, she was not very careful. To be honest, she has nothing to do with the Qi family and can't stretch her hands too long, so she directly reminded the old father of the dealer. Perhaps it was related to evil cultivation, but after hanging up the phone with the old man, he again sent Qi Zhenbai a message about Zhuang Yanru and the Buddha statue in Dashan Village, reminding him to pay more attention to everything. After sending a text message, she just Put away the phone.

Not long after the car stopped and arrived at the destination, Chi Shuyan turned to Alipay and got off the car and walked to Jingshi Auction.

At the front desk of Jing's auction house, Qian Zhengde saw Chi Shuyan come in with a sharp eye. Qian Zhengde immediately looked excited and excited, and immediately greeted him with a very respectful attitude, more respectful than ever: "Miss Chi, you are here. I'll go and notify Shao Jing now, and Shao Jing is upstairs!"

Chi Shuyan nodded to Qian Zhengde, preventing him from telling Jing Hengran's actions, and said: "You don't need to be so polite, I'm here to choose herbs, it's not a big deal, so I won't bother you."

Chi Shuyan really didn't think it was a big deal to choose herbs. There was really no need to inform Jing Hengran. On the contrary, the other party was there and she couldn't choose many herbs.

Upon seeing this, Qian Zhengde had to give up for the time being, and took the initiative to bring her to a new batch of herbs, let her choose at will, and she can choose whatever herbs she wants. He also deliberately said: "Miss Chi, look, if there is a shortage of herbs, Just tell me directly. We, Young Master Jing, told me specially before that these herbs are close to you, Miss Chi!"

Speaking of it, Qian Zhengde really knew the talent and ability of this pill refining. He wished that the young lady Chi in front of him had chosen all the herbs, so that he could refine some more pill for them Jing Clan.

Not only did this Miss Chi have a very high rate of alchemy, the alchemy made was very different from all other alchemists in the past. Not only was there no impurity, but the aura was dozens of times more abundant than the usual alchemists, which was really surprising.

Moreover, the last time this shot was made with three third-rank Gathering Pills, Qian Zhengde was an eye-opener. After Jing Shao took it, the effect was really extraordinary. Jing Shao also told him again and again that he must greet this. Master Chi, his benefits will be indispensable in the future.

The more Qian Zhengde thought about it, the more he felt that the little girl in front of him was really his lucky star. Not only did this little girl be reused by Jing Shao, the benefits were not lost.

Qian Zhengde now feels that he is very much looking forward to staying at the Kyoto auction house. He has been fortunate for countless times that he was a wise eye and talented person and did not offend this little girl alchemist. When he thought of this, Qian Zhengde felt very fulfilled and his hospitality became more respectful and intimate.

Chi Shuyan’s heartfelt hospitality towards Qian Zhengde is still quite useful. She has always had a good impression of Qian Zhengde. In addition, Qian Zhengde’s attitude towards her is respectful but not too flattering, and there is not much nonsense. Chi Shuyan is very satisfied and nods to follow him. Got a new batch of herbs. Look.

It can be said that the herbs of Jing's Auction House dazzled her. Not only were they diverse in variety, they were also well preserved. Some centuries-old herbs still carried a few hints of aura, which made Chi Shuyan very pleasantly surprised.

"Miss Chi, can you take the liberty to ask, what kind of pill do you want to refine this time?" Qian Zhengde tentatively asked when this Miss Chi was in a good mood.

Chi Shuyan didn't feel offended either. After all, she and Jing Hengran are in a cooperative transaction relationship. Chi Shuyan's eyes have been lingering about the herb for a long time, and he said back, "I'm not sure, I'll see more!"

"Yes! Yes! You see! You take your time!" Qian Zhengde smiled respectfully, suddenly thinking of something, and said: "By the way, Miss Chi, I wonder if you are interested in thousands of years of herbs. I’m lucky to have a few rare grasses that are thousands of years old. Would you like to see it?"

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