Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1478: Seven hundred and eighty five

Afraid that the little girl in front of him would think too much, Jing Hengran’s gentle face was very gentle and explained: “Miss Chi, don’t think too much, I’m just a little curious, thinking about what kind of pill this husk fruit is going to make, maybe We can do a business again and win each other!"

Chi Shuyan is now more and more understanding that the Jing family heir in front of him has a gentle face on the surface, but his eyes and abacus in his heart are more slapped than anyone else, and his personality is scheming. Such a businessman is definitely a profiteer. Profiteers.

Chi Shuyan didn't dislike Jing Hengran's conspiracy. Although he was contemptuous, he was not stingy and very grand. Only then did he have the thousand-year fire ganoderma provided by the other party.

Although such a person is definitely a profiteer’s material, she has great wisdom, and Chi Shuyan is quite admired. The most important thing about her being able to stay in the negotiation with the other party is not her sharp lips, but her alchemy ability. The admiration of the other party and the value she showed made people dare not look down upon.

To a certain extent, let her have an advantage when negotiating, and the other party did not dare to take advantage of her blatantly. She didn't suffer, otherwise Chi Shuyan felt that even if she had ten minds, she couldn't play with the other party.

This can be said so nicely without a tentative word from the other party. Chi Shuyan did not intend to hide the pill that can be made with fire durian fruit. On the one hand, this thing is very welcome to women, but for men, it is fixed. Yan Dan is very tasteless, she said that the other party might not even care.

So Chi Shuyan directly talked about the effect of the name of the fire durian fruit, and the main material for making Yan Dan.


When Chi Shuyan talked about the effects of the fire pear fruit and the pill that can be refined, Jing Hengran changed his very interested appearance and was not interested in the Dingyan Pill. At the same time, he also understood why the little girl in front of him had complicated eyes just now. Look at this. I am interested in this pyjama fruit.

In fact, Jing Hengran discovered the business opportunity of Dingyan Pill, but when he thought that it would take thousands of years of herbs to refine, Jing Hengran felt that it was too violent and wasteful.

If you really want to do business, the capital is too large to be able to do it.

Jing Hengran had to give up the idea of ​​doing Dingyan pill business, and handed the box containing the husk fruit to the little girl in front of him. He smiled and said, "Miss Chi, this husk fruit is yours now, don’t forget. It's our business with Xiusuidan."

Chi Shuyan naturally heard the other party’s hint, took the fire durian fruit and the fire ganoderma lucidum box, respectively closed the boxes, and then said: "Sure, at this time in a week, I will pay three Xiusui Dan for money. Shopkeeper!"

"No, I'm here these days, and you can give it to me directly!" Jing Hengran didn't believe in Qian Zhengde, but Xiusui Dan was too important, so he wouldn't worry if he didn't collect it personally.

Qian Zhengde also understands Jing Shao's worry, and is not lost. On the contrary, if the Xiusui Pill really asked Miss Chi to give him, Qian Zhengde would worry, because he was afraid that such a precious and very precious pill would cause problems in his hands. You Jing Shao took it personally, and he was relieved.

Both parties in this business are very happy and harmonious, especially Jing Hengran's side, I really want to get the refined Xiusui Pill immediately and try the effect.

After that, Chi Shuyan picked a lot of herbs in front of the two of them. Before, she planned to hide, but now there is no need to be too careful. Chi Shuyan picked a lot of herbs that she needed, one-fifth of the herbs she needed from Jing's auction house. The herbs were emptied for her.

Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde looked at each other. In fact, they really wanted to be ok. Chi Shuyan wished to emptied all the herbs from Jing's auction house and refining the medicine for Jing's. It's too big, too eye-catching, too abnormal.

Jing Hengran wanted to speak again. He didn't feel distressed about these herbs, but was worried that the little girl in front of him would only be able to refine other medicines and could not wholeheartedly refine Xiusui Pill, so he couldn't help but remind him.

Chi Shuyan had to stop obediently, but before she stopped, she discovered that in addition to medicinal herbs, Jing's auction house also sells a lot of tea. There are ordinary tea and some spiritual teas, but compared to the spirit tea washed by Chi Shuyan, Jing's The spiritual tea has too little aura,

The taste is not as good as she washed by herself, and the color of the tea is not as bright as she washed.

Chi Shuyan felt that the most fundamental reason was the difference in aura between each other. She was considered a real monk. Although the Jing family was an ancient martial artist who practiced spiritual aura, in truth, the other party was cultivating ancient martial arts, and the one who cultivated was only considered a monk. fur.

Before Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde met, the little girl stared at Lingcha. Qian Zhengde wondered if tea could be made into pill?

As for Jing Hengran who thought she was interested in Jing's Lingcha, after all, he had sent Lingcha to the other party before. These days, the other party should have tasted the taste of Lingcha, and it is normal to be interested.

Jing Hengran raised his lips and immediately asked Qian Zhengde to hand over a pack of spiritual tea to the little girl in front of him, indicating that it was Jing's wish.

Chi Shuyan was really not interested in Jing's Lingcha, so he asked about the price of Lingcha and ordinary tea!

Chi Shuyan tentatively asked, Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde were a little surprised, Jing Hengran pursed his lips and replied: "Whether it is ordinary tea or Ling tea, it is the best tea cultivated and picked by Jing's family. It has rich color and good taste. Ordinary tea is cheaper, 21,000 kegs, as for Ling tea, the price starts at 100,000."

Jing's spirit tea is very famous in the ancient Wu family. Not only the spirit tea tastes good, but also the spirit tea contains a lot of spiritual energy. Drinking it for a long time is not only very useful for cultivation, but also very good for the body. It is possible that barrelling tea can be auctioned for more than a few million yuan or even better.

Chi Shuyan took a sigh of relief as Jing Hengran said the price, staring at the opponent in disbelief, rubbing! It really is a profiteer!

Before, she sold a bucket of spiritual tea for more than four hundred thousand and wondered if it was too expensive. Now, compared with Jing Shi, it is the little witch to the big witch. Chi Shuyan is too shocked, and blurted out: "So expensive! Sell it?"

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