Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1482: Seven hundred and eighty nine

"Fortunately not insulting one's life!" Chi Shuyan pursed his lips and handed over the spirit bottle. Even if the mouth of the bottle was closed tightly, a faint scent spread throughout the room.

Jing Hengran almost shook his hands to pick up the spirit bottle on the table, and Qian Zhengde also craned his neck and stared at the spirit bottle with wide eyes without blinking.

Soon, Chi Shuyan saw that Jing Hengran pulled out the cork and got close to the mouth of the bottle to smell it first. However, this time Chi Shuyan handed in the superb spirit pill, let alone that it was refined with Ganoderma lucidum of thousands of years. Yes, the general aura is more abundant than other pill, not to mention this is the best pill. Just as Jing Hengran approached the bottle mouth, a very authentic pill came, Jing Hengran only felt that the aura was too much. The abundance caused his dantian to shake slightly.

Jing Hengran hurriedly poured out a round, white and fat pill in his palm, and saw that this pill was not only the color but also the fragrance, it was the top grade, very beautiful, and even better than the previous top grade pill. Beautiful, is it possible that this is a top grade Xiusui Dan?

When he thought of this, Jing Hengran's expression became even more agitated, and the blue veins on his forehead twitched slightly because of his emotions. Qian Zhengde also saw this pill clearly. He had also seen the world and had seen many top-grade pills. Yao, Qian Zhengde was also excited, shaking his voice and blurted out and asked: "Miss Chi, this...this is the top grade Xiusui Dan?"

When Jing Hengran stared at the Xiusui Pill carefully, Chi Shuyan was still a little worried that the other party would recognize the best pill. Fortunately, the other party should have never seen a real best pill. It can be said that in modern times, there is a lack of aura and refined top grade. Dan is very difficult. As for the best Dan, it is also the chance of winning tens of billions of lottery tickets.

However, since she brought these three top-grade Xiusui Pills, Chi Shuyan also came prepared and prepared for reasons. At this time, seeing that the other party hadn’t guessed about the top-grade Xiusui Pill at all, she was willing to believe that it was a top-grade Pill. There was also a little smile on Zhu Yan's face, and he nodded shyly and deliberately: "Fortunately, I have good luck, and I will not shame my life. I have refined three'top grade' Xiusui Dan!"

The three words of three top-grade Xiusui Pills fell, as if they had thrown a blockbuster in the hearts of Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde. The two people who exploded had their eyes widened, almost staring out their eye sockets. This irritated mood was normal in daylight. It makes no difference between people and ghosts.

It can be said that before the other party handed over the pill, the two only hoped that the other party successfully refined the Xiusui Pill, as for the grade, there was really no requirement.

And just now one can make the two of them tremble so much, not to mention the sudden three'top grade Xiusui Pills', not to mention how excited Qian Zhengde, the shopkeeper, is, just that Jing Hengran, who has always been very calm, has a calm expression on his face this time. After her words fell, she cracked completely, her eyes were red, and her body trembled. He didn't say anything, and immediately poured out the other two pills in the spirit bottle.


The other two Xiusui Pills were almost the same as the Xiusui Pills in his palm just now in terms of color and fragrance.

Jing Hengran suppressed the concussion and excitement in his heart and couldn't believe it, and immediately asked Qian Zhengde to get the pill to test the aura. After some testing, Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde both saw that these three pills were not only top grade xiu. The marrow pill is still the top-grade Xiusui pill. The aura in the pill made the two of them unbelievable and shocking, and they seemed to be daydreaming.

Chi Shuyan, with a calm complexion on the side, saw Jing Hengran personally test the aura of the pill, sweating in his heart, and saw that after the two of them finished testing the aura of the pill, there was no movement for a long time, and his face was always confused and confused. She vaguely felt that she was a big show off this time. She wiped her forehead and broke into a cold sweat. She said nine points of fake and a genuine self-care explanation: "Jing Shao, this time I counted as lucky, but I didn't expect it to be really refined. After the high-grade Xiusui Pill came out, speaking of it, I would also like to thank you specially. If there is no pill furnace provided by your store for free, how can I refine such a high-grade pill?"

Jing Hengran:...

Qian Zhengde:...

"what did you say?"

"what did you say?"

Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde were almost shocked and stared at Chi Shuyan with round eyes. Chi Shuyan pretended to be innocent and said: "

Before, Shao Jing and the shopkeeper Qian didn't let me choose a pill furnace for free. I found that the pill furnace in your store is very good for alchemy, and the speed of alchemy is very fast! "

She had to make some reasonable excuses for being too popular this time. The alchemy furnace was a good concealed excuse. Besides, the alchemy furnace Jing's gift was indeed indispensable for refining the best pill this time, even if the other party discovered these three afterwards They are all top-grade pills, and there are reasonable excuses for alchemy furnaces.

Of course, since she said so frankly about the benefits of the alchemy furnace, based on the cooperation of the two, she was sure that the other party would not have such a thick skin to return the alchemy furnace.

Jing Hengran:...

Qian Zhengde:...

The reason Jing Hengran and Qian Zhengde wanted to break the sky was that they had never thought that the'top grade' pill produced by the other party was actually related to the pill furnace that their store had previously presented. It was also because they believed a little bit more, Chi Shuyan From Qiankun Jie Ling, the pill furnace that has become pale gold said: "This is the pill furnace that your shop gave before, and it really is not a common product!"

Jing Hengran was not surprised when he took out the things out of thin air. Qian Zhengde was a little surprised, but the two of them were seeing this pill furnace, and they couldn't have any other mood to think about other things.

Because I can see that this pill furnace is definitely not a common product. Qian Zhengde went over to take a closer look and found the complicated and familiar patterns engraved around the pill furnace. This is indeed the pill that was given away for free in their store. The furnace, but the pill furnace was dark all over before.

But now this pale golden alchemy furnace was blinding his dog's eyes, and Qian Zhengde's painful breathing became heavy when he thought that this alchemy furnace was probably not a common grade.

Seeing Qian Zhengde's behavior, Jing Hengran was sure that this pill furnace was indeed given away for free in their store, but when he thought of giving away such a treasure for free in their store, Jing Hengran almost choked to death with a sigh of pain. , And look at the pale gold and very textured pill furnace almost vomiting blood out of breath.

"Jing...Jing Shao, this...this is really the pill furnace our shop gave to Miss Chi before!" Qian Zhengde stammered.

Chi Shuyan curled his lips and said, "Thank you for the pill furnace that your shop gave for free. I use this pill furnace very smoothly. Without this pill furnace, how could I have this luck to refine a top-grade Xiusui Pill! Thanks! "

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