Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1484: Seven hundred and eighty

Chi Shuyan came to the Jingshi auction house so many times, but only participated in one auction, and had forgotten how the auction was done in the first place. The shopkeeper suddenly invited her for a while when she learned that her spirit tea would be auctioned for a while. At the auction at the guild, she was still looking forward to it, nodding her head and agreeing: "Yes, I will go and see!" 
Auction room, Chi Shuyan did not ask Qian Zhengde to leave her a VIP box, but chose a room near the lobby. From the window, I saw the moving boxes of the lobby auction.

After a while, the auction was held, and the lobby was full of people downstairs. The person in charge of the auction on the stage said a few words of welcome to Jingshi Auction House, and then the auction officially began.

Then I saw a beautiful lady in cheongsam dress carrying a tray on the stage, which was covered with a silk and satin, placed on the table, and then withdrew.

The auctioneer immediately pulled the cloth and began to introduce: "First of all, what we are going to auction this time is a phoenix whip. The color is fiery red. It is a very suitable and easy-to-use weapon. The auction price starts at RMB 500,000, and every increase is not allowed. Less than one hundred thousand, start the auction!"

"Six hundred thousand!"

"Seven hundred thousand!"

"one million!"

"One million and one hundred thousand!"

The atmosphere in the lobby of Jing's Auction House was quite warm. It didn’t take long for the price to reach two million, and then no more. Everyone in the lobby is considered to be people who have seen good things in the world, knowing that the color of the phoenix whip is quite attractive, but This whip can't be forged from real phoenix feathers, but forged from ordinary bird feathers. It will not be too powerful, so naturally no one will be taken advantage of.

Chi Shuyan sat at the window and looked at it seriously, and brought the "Phoenix Whip" on the auction table into his eyes. Seeing that the price of this item was called two million, the auctioneer had begun to confirm: "Two million once, two hundred Ten thousand times, is there anyone else bidding? If not, two million three times!"

In the end, the ‘Phoenix Whip’ was auctioned off at a price of two million.

After the Phoenix Whip, Jing's auction house auctioned a few hundred-year-old but very rare herbs. There was even a flavour of golden lotus which was the main material for refining the promotion pill. Although the age is only a hundred years old, in today’s society, hundred-year-old herbs are already very rare. , Sometimes money may not be able to buy, so as soon as this herb came out, everyone immediately started shouting the price. The auction price of this Jin Pinlian also started at one million, and in the end it was called 10 million.

Chi Shuyan gasped. Speaking of it, she was never short of money. Occasionally, she earned more than tens of millions of money from ghost hunting. She was also considered a small rich man, but a rare century-old herb was called ten million. At this time, Chi Shuyan was quite fortunate that she had agreed to cooperate with Jing’s auction house on the transaction of immortality.

Otherwise, with the value of this herb, she would not be able to buy many herbs when she made alchemy again, let alone some rare thousand-year-old herbs, Chi Shuyan was quite shocked by her lips.

Soon, when Chi Shuyan was silent, this golden lotus was bought for ten million. In fact, the promotion pill was very popular in all the worlds. The function of the promotion pill was to allow the practitioner to directly break through the bottleneck and advance. , That is to say, if the cultivator is stuck at the bottleneck of breakthrough, then there is a need for a promotion pill, so that the opponent can directly ignore the bottleneck and advance, but on the one hand, the pill of the promotion pill has been lost for a long time and will refine and advance. There are few pill alchemists. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to refine the advanced pill, and a golden lotus may not be able to refine it successfully.

Therefore, this century-old golden lotus was only auctioned for ten million. If it was changed to the promotion pill, it would be tens or even hundreds of times that someone would still grab it.

Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan immediately looked at the golden lotus plant that was completely different, but it was a pity that this herb had already been auctioned off.

After the Jin Pinlian was auctioned, it was Jing's Ling Tea auction. The Jing's Ling Tea I saw was still very popular. This happened, and it was immediately robbed. The price of a barrel was even called 101.1 million. This shows the popularity of Jingshi Lingcha.

Chi Shuyan was still thinking about what good things would be auctioned after Jingshi Lingcha was auctioned. On the auction stage, the auctioneer opened the silk and satin, and on the tray was her Lingcha at Jingshi Auction House.

Compared with the tall packaging of Jing's Lingcha, the packaging of Chi Shuyan's Lingcha is simple. The auctioneer estimated that it was affected by the packaging of Lingcha and because this thing was not Jing's Lingcha. His eyes were a little stunned and he didn't know for a while. How should I introduce this spiritual tea? Fortunately, Qian Zhengde soon came to the stage and took the initiative to introduce this spiritual tea ceremony: "Everyone, this spiritual tea is washed and refined by a very famous alchemist. Although it is not Jing’s spiritual tea, But its effect and effect are not much worse than our Jingshi Lingcha."

Qian Zhengde still had a guilty conscience when he opened his eyes and said nonsense. After all, he didn't think this spirit tea could be compared to the spirit tea cultivated by them himself, and he had never tasted this spirit tea at all, and he didn't know the taste of this spirit tea. Function and effect, so I have no confidence to say, but thinking of that Miss Chi's talent for alchemy, Qian Zhengde has the courage to continue speaking, and there are a lot of praise.

It's a pity that everyone in the lobby first looked at the packaging that was obviously weaker than Jing's Ling Tea, not to mention that there was Jing's Ling Tea Beads and Jade before. They only approved Jing's Ling Tea, which was then refined by a very famous alchemist. Lingcha is compared with Jingshi Lingcha, just like the Shanzhai Jingshi Lingcha. The most important thing is that the price of this Shanzhai Lingcha is not lower than Jingshi Lingcha, and the auction price starts at 1 million.

So when Qian Zhengde slobbered, the atmosphere in the lobby was still silent, and no one shouted.

When Qian Zhengde thought that there was Miss Chi watching upstairs, he regretted that he didn't find a support and put the spirit tea at auction. At least there would be no such embarrassing atmosphere and the embarrassment of Miss Chi.

Fortunately, at this time, someone suddenly shouted: "One hundred and one hundred thousand!"

The person who shouted the price was a young man who had just grabbed Jin Pinlian's wealth. When he shouted, several other companions exclaimed, "You're **** crazy!"

Qian Zhengde was afraid of the other party's repentance. Before taking advantage of the other party's repentance, Qian Zhengde immediately hammered it three times, and gave the other party a price of 1.1 million!

Chi Shuyan:...

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