Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1491: Seven hundred and eighty seven

Fan Yin rushed into the lobby aggressively, and when he saw that not only Fan Ping was there, but also Fan's father and the Fan family elders were there, he was inexplicably persuaded. Wait, Fan Ping not only sued his parents this time. , Have sued so many elders?

Thinking of this, Fan Yin's anger rose in his heart, and he felt that Fan Ping’s dog wanted to pull him off the horse. The higher Sima Zhao’s heart is known to everyone, but his parents trust this girl very much, not this girl. Have you fooled the clan elders?

Thinking about this, Fan Yin subconsciously looked in the direction of Fan Ping and saw that the other party was gloating at him. When his father looked over, the dog's face immediately changed a respectful look, and Fan Yin was frustrated. This girl is too pretentious.

Before Fan Yin called someone, Fan's father believed in Fan Ping's words first, with an ugly expression on his face and angrily said, "You wicked son, get out of here!"

Seeing that Fan’s father didn’t ask anything, Fan’s mother became angry with her son. Her face was dissatisfied and she forgot that this was the conference hall and not the two-person bedroom. She furiously said, “What are you angry about? My son didn’t say a word. In a hurry to get angry at him, what did he do wrong?"

Fan’s father was choked by Fan’s mother’s words and was speechless. The elders next to him rarely spoke for Fan Yin. There were only three elders. At this time, some of them couldn’t help but go straight to the subject and asked Fan Yin: At the auction, what did Yin Shao gain? According to Aping, you took the Jin Pin Lian, which is very good, but what about Jin Pin Lian? By the way, what about Jing’s Ling Tea?"

Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng saw the gloating look in Fan Ping's eyes, and when they heard the tribesmen asking about Lingcha and Jinpinlian, they felt like a cold-blooder.

Fan Yin didn't think much about it. He didn't know the purpose of the tribal elders asking these questions. After all, the tribal elders treated him well in the past.

At this time, when the other party mentioned Lingcha and Jin Pinlian, Fan Yin's expression was quite triumphant and confident, and excitedly said to Fan's father, Fan's mother and Dazulao: "Dad, mom, grandpa, this time I really met a nobleman! You told me before that my life is precious, and I don’t lack nobles, sure enough!”

Fan's father, Fan's mother, and the elders of the big clan twitched fiercely when Fan Yin was so confident and full of boasting words:...

Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang and Fan Zheng:...

other people:……

Fan Ping and Xu Hu looked at each other for schadenfreude. Fan Ping lowered his head and scorned, and whispered: "Fool!"

Fan Yin continued: "Dad, mom, grandfather, I'm serious, I really met a noble man this time, no, I also bought a spiritual tea specially refined by the nobleman. By the way, the nobleman promised to replace it. I refine four promotion pills!"

"what did you say?"

"What did you kid say?"

As soon as the three words "Promoted Dan" fell, the quiet atmosphere of Fan's Conference Hall exploded with a bang, and a few drops of water were added to the oil in the pot, which exploded and splashed.

At this time, everyone was attracted by the three words "Jinji Dan" in Fan Yin's mouth, and their faces were shocked and unbelievable. Among them, Fan's father, Fan's mother, and several Fan family elders were all promoted. Dan's words caused a sudden loss of state. The teacup in his hand was not steady. He just put his hand on the table and shook his hand. The teacup rolled on the table for a few times before it stood diagonally aside. I don’t have time to worry about it, but my eyes are staring at my own son in front of me and repeat again: "Ayin, what did your kid say?"

"Dad, I said that I met a noble person, and the noble person took the initiative to help me refine the promotion pill! Three days later, she will hand me four promotion pill!" Fan Yin looked triumphant and pleased with a look of praise, completely I didn't see the expressions of Fan Chunyang and Fan Xi who were unrequited and unloved.

Fan Ping and Xu Hu were also shocked and confused by Fan Yin’s words at first, and soon Fan Ping calmed down. In all likelihood, he felt that this kid had been deceived again, thinking that Fan Yin was fooled by Jin Pinlian. Fan Ping was proud of his heart, but deliberately said: "Brother Yin, we have to be cautious about the promotion of the pill. Let's not say that the promotion of the pill is lost. Even if the alchemy master is really helping to refine it, you think a golden lotus can be refined. Come out with four promotion pills? If she promises you one, maybe I still believe it a bit, wait, Brother Yin, you won't be fooled again!"

Having said this, Fan Ping glanced at the Lingcha in his hand and continued: "By the way, why do I see that the Lingcha in your hand doesn't look like Jingshi's Lingcha at all? Yin brother, at that time I should stop you from the auction house!"

Fan Yin was disgusted by the inconsistency of Fan Ping's inconsistency, and when he saw him pretending to be a good person in front of him, he couldn't help but smash his head with a stick. He couldn't help but said, "I didn't let you go. What the **** are you talking about? Is there a place for you to interrupt?"

Fan Ping gave Fan Yin's contemptuous eyes, a fire burst into his heart, his face was stunned, and his fists creaked.

However, he glanced at everyone, including several clan elders and the most trusted and loved Fan Yin’s father, fan, and big clan elders. Most of the lobby believed his words, and a weird and gloating smile appeared on his lips. .

Speaking of which, everyone will believe Fan Ping's words, one is that Fan Yin, this kid has too much black history, and the other is like Fan Ping's words, if the other party promises a promotion pill, maybe they are still dubious, but they promised four promotion pill all at once. , Fan's father, Fan's mother, and Dazu elders couldn't believe it if they wanted to, let alone other people.

Father Fan didn’t know that his son was deceived again at this time. His expression was innocent and stiff and ugly. When he was suing Fan Ping just now, although he was angry, he may not have no expectations for his son. Now I heard it. The Jin Pinlian in the hands of this son was really coaxed away, or was coaxed away by a woman. Fan's heart was disappointed and he felt that this son couldn’t change eating shit, so why did he give birth to such a wasteful son? ? You said that talent is not good, you can get some IQ together, but his son is usually troublesome, IQ is not enough, and talent is not enough, how can you let Fanfu comfort yourself.

But he still only has such a useless son.

Fan's face was very ugly at this time. At this time, the three tribes were afraid that Fan's father would have forgotten what he said earlier. He added fuel to the fire and added a sentence: "Patriarch, it seems that the Ping boy is right. I lied, I think he is really not suitable to be Fan's heir!"

"What are you talking about?" Fan Yin's voice suddenly rose up. Although he didn't care if the heir's position was his, he could clearly see that Fan Ping had to be deprived of the heir's status by deceiving him. How could Fan Yin swallow this breath?

Look at the third elder again and again to discredit him in front of his father and the elder, what else does he not understand?

Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng also never expected that the matter would develop into such a serious situation, their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly pleaded with Fan's father for Fan Yin.

Fan's mother was also anxious to intercede for her son, and the clan's veteran said more and more about depriving Fan Yin's heir status. Fan Ping's eyes flashed with pride and cruelty, and Fan's father once again angered Fan Yin: "You bastard, kneel down on my knees, tell me the truth, tell me that Jin Pinlian was tricked by you into the woman again?"

Without waiting for Fan Yin to explain, Fan Xi hurriedly explained: "Uncle Yin, brother Yin was really not tricked, and the little girl admitted that she was an alchemist." Maybe the little girl is really an alchemist. Ability, how can I auction her spirit tea at Jingshi!

It’s a pity that Fan’s father and the Fan’s clan elders didn’t give Fan Xi a chance to finish speaking. After listening to Fan Xi’s words, they all agreed that Fan Yin was too troubled to learn. This son was disappointed, and didn't want to deprive him of his heir status in public, and let him get out.

Fan Yin has been spoiled by Fan’s mother and in Fan’s family since he was a child. At this moment, after listening to his father, he told him to go public and deprive him of his heir status. His temper was angry, and his face turned blue and straightforward. Fan's father: "If you don't do it right, you **** think I really want this heir. By the way, I bought this spirit tea and that promotion pill with my own money. You'd better not ask me when you come back. !"

Fan Yin turned around to go out after speaking with anger, Fan Xi, Fan Mu, and Fan Zheng called him in a hurry.

The third elder smiled on his lips and looked at Fan Ping at each other. Then he poured oil on the fire, intentionally or unintentionally, and sighed. He deliberately said to Father Fan, "Boy Yin is really spoiled. I don’t know if this kid is tempered and will come back!"

The old man swept his eyes sharply at the three elders. The three elders immediately silenced. Before Fan father became angry, he heard the old man suddenly call Fan Yin and said: "Boy Yin, wait, I suddenly want to taste what you bought. Spirit tea, why don't you make a cup for my old man to taste?"

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