Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1504: Eight hundred

The words of the elders at this time seemed like thunder falling in the lobby of Fan's family, which shocked everyone, including Fan's father, Fan's mother, other elders, and Fan Ping and Fanxi.

Suddenly, I heard from the big clan that Fan Yin was advanced, and he was still on the sixth floor. All of them thought they were wrong. You must know that Fan Yin was only on the third floor before. Even if he took a plane, he couldn’t be promoted in one day. Three floors!

However, almost all the elders of other tribes have higher cultivation bases than Fan Yin, so it is natural to see his cultivation bases at this time. Just now, everyone was focused on Lingcha and did not pay attention to his cultivation bases, so now a group of people brushed together. All the gazes fell on Fan Yin.

When I saw that his cultivation level reached the sixth floor all at once, the few clan elders couldn't believe their eyes widened with Dreaming. Is this the rhythm of this kid going to heaven or are they daydreaming at all?

A few were too unbelievable to gasp and take a deep breath, their faces dull and dull.

It was Fan's father and Fan's mother who noticed that his son's cultivation base had suddenly risen to the sixth floor. She was both excited and unbelievable. She stared at her son in front of him dumbfounded for a few minutes. This is not how Fan's father stared at Fan Yin. The son's eyes were straight.

After confirming that this kid's cultivation level is now really advanced to the sixth level, Fan's mother was trembling and excited, while Fan's father was irritated and trembling. His hand shook, and the tea cup rolled from his hand to the tabletop. After a few laps, he stopped at the corner of the table with a croak, trembling and unattended.

To say that the most unbelievable and unacceptable one here is Fan Ping. His eyes are on Fan Yin at this time, his eyes can’t be cracked. When he is sure he can’t see through his cultivation base, know that unless the other party's cultivation base is better than yours. High-level and high-level people can generally see through the low-level cultivation base, so at this time Fan Ping suddenly couldn't see Fan Yin's cultivation base. That was a blow and he couldn't believe it, shaking his lips: "Brother Fan... Yin, Are you really advanced? How did you...progress?"

This is as true as the old man said. He is now at the sixth level, that is, even reaching the third level. Fan Ping first subconsciously suspected that the other party deliberately concealed his cultivation base, but even if he deliberately concealed his cultivation base, his cultivation base would never be the same. Six floors.

You must know that in the current Age of Domination, the more you go up, the more difficult it is to advance. Generally, when you reach the fifth floor, it is a watershed bottleneck. It is very difficult to break through. There is a clan elder who is very talented. He has cultivated five floors at his age, but when he reaches the sixth floor I was stuck for five or six years. This is very common. Other clan elders and Fan Fu have been stuck on the fifth floor for nearly ten years. Therefore, Fan Ping now has a cultivation base of six for Fan Yin’s age. The layer was shocked. What's more, Fan Yin didn't have much talent in cultivation, and he didn't work hard in his daily practice. When he was practicing day and night, he went back to his room and fell asleep early, so how could he live by himself? To the sixth floor.

Unless he encounters some adventures, yes, adventures, Fan Yin definitely has encountered some adventures and his cultivation base has risen three levels in a row. When he thinks of what adventures Fan Yin has encountered, his cultivation base has risen three levels in a row. Not only the complexion of the jealous person is distorted, but also the eyes are flushed with envy, jealousy and hatred.

He stared at Fan Yin, trying to find a hint of adventure from him.

Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng couldn't understand Yin Shao's (A Yin) cultivation level. They all looked at each other and all looked dumbfounded.

Fan Yin put the dull and dull expressions of everyone in the lobby into his eyes. He was very proud and satisfied, especially when he saw a few stubborn clan elders and his father’s stubborn expressions. What was the expression on Fan Yin’s face? See how proud, after admiring everyone's faces, I saw him deliberately smiled shyly, nodding his head with an innocent look, and said, "You all know!"



"Fuck! Really **** real?"

Fan Xi, Fan Chunyang, and Fan Zheng first heard Yin Shao’s indirect confession. Once again, they looked confused and unbelievable, and they all swearing, and even forgot the occasion, they looked at them with excitement and disbelief. Yin Shao!

As for Fan's father, Fan's mother, other clan elders, and Fan Ping, they shuddered again when they heard Fan Yin's indirect recognition of the sixth-level cultivation base. Especially Fan Ping's eyes turned black when he was stimulated.

As for Fan's father and other clan elders, they are entangled in how Fan Yin, a kid, got to three levels in a row!

When I thought that Fan Yin's cultivation base had been promoted to the third floor in a row, how did this girl suddenly jump to the sixth floor when he was promoted to the third floor in a row?

Father Fan couldn’t even figure out how this son was promoted to the sixth floor. When he remembered that he had been scolding this kid for being unsatisfied before, in a blink of an eye, his son went to the third floor to catch up with him. Fan’s father was shocked and embarrassed. Stimulated again, his right hand was holding his heart, for fear that this kid would be surprised by another heart attack.

However, there is one thing that Fan's father did not believe that his own son had deliberately concealed what cultivation base he had previously deliberately concealed his cultivation base and that these six levels of cultivation base were cultivated on his own, rather than relying on him to cultivate himself, Fan Ping was the same as Fan Ping. More inclined to what adventure this kid had encountered.

The clan elder's thoughts are similar to those of Fan Fu and Fan Ping. Qi Qi agreed that this kid definitely had some adventure. At this moment, the clan elders, Fan’s father, Fan’s mother, and Fan Ping were more excited than each other and asked quickly. How did this kid rise to three levels in a row!

Even the most calm elder of the big clan was completely irrational at this time, looking excited and asked Fan Yin what happened to advancement!

Fan's father is more anxious than the big family elders. Seeing this kid with a smug expression on his face, his anxious mouth bubbling urges him to quickly say: "How did your kid get advanced?"

Other elders also blew their beards and stared at Fan Yin, waiting for him to answer.

Fan Yin was even more proud when he saw his father and other elders' anxious mouths were getting angry. He also glanced at Fan Pinghui's extremely ugly face, and felt that it would be better to hit people with strength. I was stunned again, and I opened the mouth and opened up the matter of Jin Pinlian and the encounter with the alchemy master again. By the way, he just got the news that the master handed in the promotion pill. No, the master is really honest and trustworthy. Give him a promotion Dan.

In order to verify, he didn't take one. With good luck, he was only able to reach the third level with his cultivation base.

Fan Yinsheng was afraid that Fan's family would think of him for promotion to Dan, so he said quickly: "We have already said before. I personally photographed the Golden Pinlian. It has nothing to do with the Fan family. The master master was also my own encounter. , I said it at the beginning, but no one believed me, so these few promotion pills belong to me!"

Fan Yin said that the more he spoke, the more proud he was, the more he spoke, the more he felt more beautiful, no matter what the fall of the three words "Jinji Dan", what shock and stimulation would be caused to Fan's father and other elders of the Fan family and other members of the Fan family in the lobby.

When he saw that his dad and other clan elders were hearing the three words "Jinji Dan" and looked shocked and stunned again, Fan Yin was in a better mood.

Here Fan father, the Fan family elder and even Fan mother, Fan Ping, and Fan Xi were indeed stimulated by the'Promotion Pill', and they were shocked by the stimulation. Their brains exploded with a buzzing sound. If it weren't for Fan Yin, the boy Xiuzhilian Ascending three levels, the crowd would not believe what he said at all, but now the truth is right in front of them, even if they don't want to believe it.

Fan's father and other tribes never expected the words of Da's old and Fan's mother to be true. It turns out that Fan Yin, a boy, really has a noble life. He really met nobles, and he really refined the promotion pill for him. There are now four promotion pills in his hand, and Fan Fu and the other clan elders are shaking one by one.

"Master, do you say that all my luck in this life is to meet you!" Fan Yin not only got excited, but also completely changed the name on his lips. He was familiar with "Master", all kinds of rainbows. Fart blowing wildly, but Fan Yin doesn't feel like a rainbow fart at all, but tells the truth.

If he hadn't met the master, could he meet such a great thing?


Chi Shuyan automatically ignored the kid’s rainbow fart, but it is always a good thing to be praised. Chi Shuyan is in a good mood, but when the other party directly praised her for half an hour, if she didn't stop it in time, she felt let this The kid boasted one day, he probably wouldn't repeat it for a whole day.

Hearing the word ‘death’, Chi Shuyan thought of the weirdness of Pan Jiang’s man, and a flash of light flashed across his head, but the aura quickly made her disappear without catching it.

Chi Shuyan thought about it, Ruan Shenglin didn't dare to disturb her. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the agent, Yang Kun, to look much better. After he calmed down, he thought of the act of peeing his pants that he scared. It was almost unacceptable.

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