Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1506: Eight hundred and two

If Fan Yin had used such a small tone in the past, maybe Fan's father would not hesitate to give this kid a severe meal, but now Fan's father is very eager to promote Dan, how dare he offend this son.

What's more, Fan's father was very happy just because this son could really get four promotion pills. He changed how he looked at his son in the past, but now he is in a good mood. Not only doesn't care about it, but talks about it. Shang had to continue to say good things, and the cheeky continued to ask: "Ayin, this pill... is really a promotion pill?"

Fan Yin thought his father was questioning the little master, and rolled his eyes with a look of impatience and said: "It's not a promotion pill, how did my cultivation level advance?"

Without waiting for Fan's father to continue speaking, Fan Yin coldly snorted: "The master is a real master. You have to question your own son before, and you can't question the master."

Fan's father asked like that just now, but there was no doubt in his eyes. There was only an ecstatic smile on his face. Seeing that the son in front of him had been talking badly to him, the smile on his face had not disappeared, but he nodded very cheerfully: " What your kid said! That master is indeed an extraordinary expert, and this pill is also extraordinary, son, let’s discuss these three pills first, let your dad check the aura level, and then return you later?"

In fact, Fan's father was still worried that the promotion pill was resting on this kid. This kid has grown up to be very carefree. What if he can't find the promotion pill to be lost by this kid?

What's more important is that Fan's father is still afraid that the promotion pill will cause disaster to the boy. If others know that there is a promotion pill in the kid's pocket, killing and seizing the treasure is not just talking about it.

Fan's father is naturally very worried about the safety of this son, he only has such a son.

At first, Fan Yin wanted to take Qiao to refuse, but after hearing the second half of his father's words, Fan Yin really wanted to know the level of the promotion Dan. The master probably forgot to tell him about it.

In short, he felt that although he almost broke his body after taking this promotion pill, he felt very good afterwards. Even taking this promotion pill had no side effects at all. I don't know if it was his illusion.

Therefore, Fan Yin hesitated for a while, and made sure that his father would still be promoted to Dan to give him the pill grade. Fan Yin nodded in agreement. When he agreed, he did not forget to say a few threatening words: "Dad, the ugly words are first, although you Always remember to make profit for the Fan family, but these promotion pills are my own. After the grade is verified, you not only have to tell me, but you also have to return it to me, or you are my father, and I have to turn my face with you. !"

Fan's father was irritated by the little boy's words, but he knew that some of his previous actions hurt this boy's heart. He used to only care about the interests of the Fan family and occasionally ignored this son.

Fortunately, mother Fan next to him said something good for him. In the end, these promotion pills were handed over to Father Fan. As soon as Father Fan got it, he said a few words with the mother and son and left immediately.

Fan Yin was very dissatisfied when he saw his dad hurriedly rushing away with his promotion Dan. Fan's mother couldn't help but laugh and teased: "You kid is afraid that your father will swallow your pill? Your dad usually faces. Cold and warm, how could he not like you if he only has a son like you? Your dad used to think that you were ignorant, so he deliberately pretended to be more serious with his cold face, and wanted to make you more sensible!"

Fan mother is also afraid that the two father and son will be separated by past events.

Hearing what Fan's mother said, Fan Yin recalled that in the past, his father did not look at him, but he was really good to him. Little things didn't protect him, but big things absolutely protected him.

Thinking about it this way, Fan Yin felt less stubborn about Fan's father, but he still hoped that his father would return him to the promotion Dan as soon as possible. Of course, he would barely give his father a promotion Dan as a filial piety.

At this time, Fan's father really didn't know what Fan Yin's son was thinking. He couldn't wait to take a few henchmen to test the grade of this promotion pill.

At first, Fan didn’t have much hope. He only thought that this promotion pill was almost three-rank. Of course, it was the third-rank promotion pill. Fan felt that it was quite good in his heart. If Fan’s family had three third-rank promotion pill, that would be a great thing. .

If it is really a third-ranked Dan, he really has to consider whether he wants to stay with A Yin again. Of course, Fan's father does not want to swallow his son’s good things, but the third-ranked Dan stays with A Yin. On his body, it would only be a disaster for him.

Of course, if this promotion pill does not reach the third rank, it doesn't matter if the pill is left on Ayin. Even if someone in the Fan family wants to swallow it alone, he will not allow others to **** his son's promotion pill.

Fan frowned while thinking about it. Seeing that he hadn't gotten the pill grade for a long time, Fan couldn't sit still. He got up and walked over to ask the confidant who checked the promotion Dan: "Are you okay?"

"Family... Patriarch, okay... It seems that this pill-grade medicine-testing machine is broken, and the subordinates... this is going to replace one immediately!" The confidant said nervously.

Father Fan didn't think much, and nodded in agreement. This time he didn't wait for a reply from his confidant. Instead, he stood beside the pill-grade drug-testing machine without moving, paying attention to the machine's detection with his own eyes.

It was only after the machine detected that the concentration of the elixir’s spiritual energy reached the sixth-level elementary level. At first, Fan subconsciously thought that this machine was also broken. In a blink of an eye, he waited for a few confidants to change a few machines again, and the data obtained was still the sixth-level elementary level. Father's face was horrified, his complexion changed drastically, and his teeth trembled.

"Family... Patriarch, this pill... This turned out to be... a sixth-level elementary?" Several confidants were more irritated than Fan's expression, and asked with incoherent expressions of horror.

Fan's father was not in a hurry to reply. He stared at the data with a sullen face and did not say anything for a long time. It can be said that this sixth-rank junior promotion pill completely exceeded his expectations, which made him very unbelievable. He never expected his son Yiyi. The promotion pill that Zhu Jinpinlian exchanged for turned out to be a sixth-level elementary.

You must know that there are no six-rank primary pill now, but they are the treasures of the town house provided by each family, or only the ancient martial family with very strong heritage has a few sixth-rank pill.

If this is to let others know that A Yin’s promotion pill is a sixth-level elementary level, the consequences would be disastrous. No wonder this kid smashes three levels with a rocket face after taking a cultivation base. As for A Yin, this kid does not explode. It was the master's handwriting. Thinking about it this way, Fan's father once again had a deep understanding of his son's luck, and at the same time he had a more profound understanding of the master his son met.

At this time, Fan's father was irritated by the 6th-Rank Junior Grade Promotion Pill, and his heart almost popped out of his chest, and he barely calmed down by taking a few cold air and breathing deeply.

I feel once again that his son might have really gotten the **** luck this time. He can't help but envy and hate his son's **** luck, let alone others, the sixth grade elementary promotion Dan must not be Let others know that this pill must never be put on that boy A Yin.

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