Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1523: Eighteen nineteen

On the other side, Chi Shuyan received a call from Mrs. Cai while resting in the hotel at 5 pm.

After listening to the old lady's words on the phone, she never expected that Mrs. Cai moved so fast and handled the matter for her so quickly. This call was a surprise to her. Chi Shuyan immediately got up from the sofa and talked to Mrs. Cai. The wife made an appointment with the time and place, and said that she could go to the Fujiamen personally to join the two newcomers.

Mrs. Cai naturally agreed to come down immediately, saying that she would go to the Fu's house and say okay soon.

It’s not about collaborating with Fu Qing. Zhao Junrong had planned for a long time. He didn’t know that an old lady Cai like Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared. After Zhao Junrong heard that Fu's father and mother really agreed to go to see what old lady Cai said, what the master? When he was willing to go with him to the blind man's calculation, Zhao Jun's face turned blue.

However, Zhao Junrong didn't doubt it at the moment. He only thought that Mrs. Cai had introduced a master to Father Fu and his mother with troublesome gossip. As for this ‘master’ in all likelihood, he was also a liar. Where can I figure out what? Thinking about this, Zhao Junrong was relieved and reluctantly agreed to agree.

At 7:30 in the morning the next day, Chi Shuyan went to the gate of the Cai family, and was then led by the old lady Cai to see the Fu family’s parents, because it was a horoscope with marriage, not only was Fu Qinghe and Fu Qinghe. Zhao Junrong was also there.

Before Mrs. Cai and Chi Shuyan came to the door, Zhao Junrong was still a little unhappy about Fu's father and mother looking for another master to calculate gossip. Although he didn't show it on his face, when he talked to Fu Qing, he meant that he was Cai Lao. There are too many things for your wife, and the master you are looking for is definitely not unreliable than what he is looking for.

Although Fu Qing liked Zhao Junrong very much, he would not slap his parents face to face because of this trivial matter. After all, Aunt Cai was also kind, and his parents agreed with Aunt Cai to introduce the master to the two of them. It is also kind, let alone these days because of Zhao Junrong. This boyfriend, she has always rebelled against her parents.

Her parents didn’t say anything now, and they agreed with her to be with Zhao Junrong in action. Just because of such a small matter, how could she hurt her parents’ hearts, she immediately said warmly: "Junrong, don’t worry, Aunt Cai is my home. Neighbors for many years, people are also reliable, the master she introduced must be good."

Zhao Junrong's face became more and more ugly, and he only hoped that the "liar" introduced by the old lady of the Cai family would go on the way. If he dares to spoil his good deeds, don't blame him for his cruelty.

At this time, Chi Shuyan followed the old lady to the door, and the old lady Cai also specifically stated that Fu Qing's two unmarried couples were also there, and also specially introduced the Fu family's population to the little master.

The Fu family’s population is very simple, including the Fu family’s parents, only daughter Fu Qing, and now a fiance surnamed Zhao.

Chi Shuyan listened carefully to Mrs. Cai's introduction, and thought that the old lady said that her master would also be there. Chi Shuyan was quite excited and curious about it. What was exciting was that she could see her master again, or when she was young.

In the last life, she saw her master again. Her master had already been destroyed, her personality was very cold, and her face was burned a bit. She was very alone and difficult to get along with.

She still vaguely listened to her master's previous acquaintances, saying that her master had a very good temper when she was young, and she was also very beautiful, but it was a pity that she married an inhuman, so her personality changed a lot.

So now that she can see what her master looked like when she was young, she was quite emotional and excited. As for curiosity, she was also curious about how her master looked when she was young.

Chi Shuyan's thoughts are extremely complicated, and the old lady Cai has taken her down to the Fu's lobby.


Father Fu and Mother Fu, Zhao Junrong and Fu Qing are all here.

Chi Shuyan saw Father Fu and Mother Fu at first sight, subconsciously revealing a bit of intimacy and familiarity, especially since she was the same in length as her master, Chi Shuyan was full of affection for Mother Fu.

Chi Shuyan looked at his father and mother for a while, and his eyes fell on Zhao Junrong when he was young, and finally fell on a very young, beautiful and generous woman.

The other party is only twenty-seven and eighteen, and looks very good. He wears a lavender cheongsam, which is very charming. What is more unique is the generous and generous energy of everyone in the whole body, which makes people feel good at first glance. And kindness.

From the first glance, Chi Shuyan fell on the other person, and he felt a strong sense of familiarity, not to mention that the extremely familiar face seemed to immediately take her to her last life for decades.

Her master is still her master, and she is her master's only apprentice.

Before coming to Fu's house, Chi Shuyan actually thought about how she would feel if she saw her master, but all her imagination was wiped out after she really saw her master's face.

Chi Shuyan's head was blank at this time, and her eyes were suddenly motionless, sticking to the person. There was excitement, disbelief and ecstasy in her heart, sorrow, and sigh of right and wrong. All kinds of complex emotions were intertwined. Her eyes couldn't help getting wet and she was extremely excited.

If there is only her master in the Fu’s lobby at this time, she really can’t control herself to rush to recognize each other, but even if she wants to recognize each other, now her master will never know her now, thinking of this, all the ecstasy And the excitement faded, and what remained in her heart was a deep sense of melancholy and melancholy and complexity. Especially when her master looked at her, the strange eyes and sights reminded her of the kindness of her master to her in her previous life, so she was confused. More.

At the beginning, Fu Qing was shocked that the master brought by Mrs. Cai was too young, and it didn't take long for the other party to be very complicated and excited.

She faintly felt that the little girl in front of her looked very familiar with her, as if she had known her early, and she did not reject the girl's very hot eyes at all, but had a good impression of the girl in front of her.

The inexplicability of this good impression made her feel surprised.

However, Fu Qing didn't think much about it, only felt that the girl in front of her was very close to her, otherwise she would have an inexplicable affection for this girl at first sight, even if the girl really wanted to match Junrong for her, Fu Qing Not only did he have no doubts in his heart, but rather agreed, subconsciously trusting the little girl in front of him.

Compared to Fu Qing’s feelings at this time, the thoughts of Father Fu and Mother Zhao Junrong are much simpler. The main reason is that this little girl is young and too young. If this little girl was not introduced by Mrs. Cai, Father Fu and Mother Fu And Zhao Junrong wouldn’t believe that this little girl could match up for others, she was a little master.

At the moment, Father and Mother Fu's face was a bit stiff and awkward, and he looked at Mrs. Cai subconsciously, hoping that Mrs. Cai could explain something.

And Zhao Junrong watched the old lady from the Cai family bring a young girl to the Fu family to join him with Fu Qing. Zhao Junrong was gloating and happy.

The happy nature is that the little girl in front of me is a liar almost all the time. What kind of character can I match Fu Qing for him?

Even if they were able to fit together, nine out of ten of these scammers would say good things and cheat some money, so Zhao Junrong was not worried at all but was very happy in his heart.

However, in his heart he still had a lot of opinions on the sudden emergence of Mrs. Cai Cheng Yaojin, not to mention that the old lady had never been used to him and encouraged Fu Qing to break up with him.

Zhao Junrong has hatred, and has always remembered these hatreds. At this time, he couldn't help but say to his father and mother: "Uncle, aunt, this little girl is so young, I believe it is a high school student, she can match Fu Qing for me. After speaking, he gloated at the old lady Cai and asked, "Aunt Cai, where did you bring this little girl? If you don't say, I thought this little girl was your granddaughter?"


Zhao Junrong stabbed the old lady's weakness with a poke. What old lady Cai hates most is that he has no grandson and granddaughter in his old Cai family. She who eats more salt than this kid eats more rice can't hear this kid dark Irony?

The old lady Cai was frustrated. She had more opinions on the little white face surnamed Zhao, and she wished to catch that little white face. I don't know why Fu Qing limped and looked at this little white face.

Old Mrs. Cai was mad at this boy, she didn’t care about with Zhao Junrong at the moment. Instead, she said to Fu father and Fu mother earnestly: "Brother-in-law, sister, don’t look at the little master when you’re young. The master is really capable. If you two don’t believe me, you can go to Wuyi Hutong and ask someone to inquire about it. Before, the little master had set up a stall there and had ten hexagrams on time every day. Most of them let her do the fortune-telling."

When Mrs. Cai said that, Father Fu and Mother Fu really believed in them. She was afraid that the parents of the Fu family would not believe them. The old lady even talked about her son’s derailment by her first daughter-in-law. As for the wild planting in her belly, Even if the old lady is not afraid of family ugliness, she wants face.

Said that it was thanks to the little master's guidance that she really went to investigate this because she found out that her former daughter-in-law was really cheating. It was because she really looked at the little master's ability before introducing someone.

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