Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1526: Two hundred twenty two

Chi Shuyan returned to the hotel suite. Today, the excitement and joy of seeing her master still couldn't be suppressed. She was so happy, excited, and disappointed that she was just a stranger to her master now.

But her master is more important than everything. Thinking about this, Chi Shuyan feels better.

She didn't go out at noon, so she just soaked a pack of instant noodles in the suite, planning to take out the cinnabar pen and talisman paper for the Cai family to start drawing the welcome talisman.

I have to say that this time she was able to persuade her father and mother and her master to even go to the Fu family so quickly to pierce the tricks of Zhao Junrong’s scumbag. The Cai family’s old lady did a lot of effort, just the old lady said for her. Quite a few words, stepping on the feet of Zhao Junrong's scumbag is enough to make her grateful.

Today, the old lady's strength is indeed sufficient, and the combat effectiveness is also strong. Therefore, Chi Shuyan is very willing to sell the Cai family's face and draw a welcome sign for the old Cai family.

Although the old lady Cai is extremely patriarchal, she is not really a bad person. She can actually understand her ideas. To be honest, in the current situation of the Cai family, giving Lao Cai a grandson is the real protection for the Cai family. The status and life of the original partner and the two children.

Since she helped the original partner of the Cai family from the beginning, it is better to save the life and send the Buddha to the west!

Chi Shuyan never painted the Yingzi Talisman, but still found the painting method of the Yingzi Talisman in the white jade. Generally speaking, the higher the grade, the easier it is for people to conceive. Chi Shuyan drew a third-class Yingzi Talisman for Lao Cai’s family. Sub character.

She was about to draw some other talisman, when suddenly there was the sound of ringing the doorbell, Chi Shuyan had to get up and open the door. As soon as the door opened, she saw a waiter pushing the dining car with a lot of food on the dining car.

Chi Shuyan looked a little surprised. When the waiter said that the food in this dining car was hers, Chi Shuyan refused with a look of surprise: "Sorry, did you make a mistake? I didn't order these."

The waiter said with a warm smile: "This lady, I am not mistaken. The food in this dining car is indeed prepared for you. Although you did not order lunch, someone specially ordered it for you, not only for today’s noon. The staple food for the remaining few days is specially ordered for you."

After listening to the waiter's words, Chi Shuyan was even more surprised. Her first thought was that she could meet peach blossoms in S city?

Chi Shuyan didn't really want to take advantage of others, not to mention that she didn't lack the money for such a few meals. The reason why she didn't order is too lazy to bother, and she often has to go out, so why confine her to the hotel.

So Chi Shuyan didn't want to refuse directly. The waiter immediately said that she had to waste the food if she didn't eat the food on the dining car. Besides, someone specially ordered her food, even if the customer didn't want to eat, their hotel must do it.

Chi Shuyan frowned, still not wanting to accept the kindness of strangers. Seeing the waiter's entangled expression, she didn't want to be embarrassed anymore, so she had to ask the waiter to push the dining car into her room, and told the waiter that she hoped the rest All orders for the day will be cancelled and the refund will be returned to the other party.

The waiter immediately said: "Miss Chi, this is not something I can guarantee. Unless the other party personally goes to the front desk to request a refund or calls the front desk, our hotel will not be able to refund the customer."

The choking speechless Chi Shuyan:...

In the end, Chi Shuyan had to use the waiter to find out if she was an acquaintance of the person who ordered her meal. She asked that, but she felt that when she came to S city for the first time, where did she have any acquaintances? It was a stranger, and Chi Shuyan felt uncomfortable when he thought of a strange man rashly covering all her meals.

The one who pushed the dining car was a waitress, or a pretty waitress. I don’t know if this waitress is also a face-controlling person. When I heard her question, my eyes lit up and he looked jealous and jealous. She described the appearance of the other party. In short, she learned from the waitress that the other party was a handsome and handsome man with a height of 1.9 meters and a suit and formal suit.

Chi Shuyan listened to the other party’s exaggerated face and bright eyes, comparing the other party to TV stars on TV, and said that the handsome guy’s appearance could be hundreds of streets out of various movie stars, and that she was still the first Once I saw such a good-looking man, and the only shortcomings and shortcomings of the handsome guy is that his expression is too little, his face is too cold and the aura is too strong, which is very difficult to contact.

In short, when this handsome guy just entered their hotel, the waitresses on the first floor of their hotel were dumbfounded, but many of the male waiters were dumbfounded, and they looked dumbfounded by men of the same surname.

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan was a little helpless and speechless when she heard the little girl in front of her exaggerating her good talk and not repeating her appearance. Fortunately, the little girl finished her words very quickly. Although she did not forget how she knew such a handsome man during the period, she was a waitress. The little girl still knows what professional ethics is. It’s not good to stay in the guest’s room and gossiping. She helps to put the food on the dining car on the table, and asks a few words and leaves soon.

At this time, Chi Shuyan also quickly determined that she did not know such a fairy man in the sky and no ground. Sometimes she couldn't help but think about Qi Zhenbai, even though she suddenly fell down in S City before. At the door, the appearance is also in line, but according to the current relationship between the two and the fact that they have not been in contact for so long, it is unlikely that.

When the waitress left, she frowned and looked at the various dishes crowded on the table. It was very rich. Where did she eat so much by herself?

I don’t know what to think of ordering food for her. Is it possible that her stomach is a cow's stomach?

Seeing that these foods are not wasteful, Chi Shuyan touched his stomach. Just now, I didn’t have any appetite. I was looking at the red and spicy peppers on the table, and suddenly I also had some appetite. I decided to sit down and settle the food. Say it again.

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