Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1530: Eight hundred twenty six

Only after Chi Shuyan left did she realize that her act of leaving a phone call to her master just now was a little bit abrupt and a bit reckless, especially since she left her dad's phone number.

She thought she still had to tell her dad, but she didn't have the guts to call, so she sent a message to remind her dad that if a stranger called him, his name was Fu, don’t hung up, let his dad remember Help her find a reliable and outstanding target in the army.

After sending this message, Chi Shuyan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and he was relieved.

Two days later, although Chi Shuyan has been at the hotel in City S, she has been paying attention to the news of the Fu family deliberately or unconsciously. However, the Fu family's concealment is very strict. Even if she deliberately or unintentionally passes by the Fu family every day, she has not figured it out at all. What happened to the Fu family recently?

Fortunately, she has been in contact with Mrs. Cai, and asked the other party to help her inquire about her intentionally or unconsciously. This will not be sent to Cai's house by the'Yingzi Talisman'. She intends to ask about Mrs. Cai's inquiries.

No, she went to Cai's house this time. Not only was the old lady of Cai's family, but Cai Youcai was also there. The two mothers and sons almost shook their hands to take the welcome sign. They looked ecstatic and ecstatic, as if they saw Cai's daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) giving birth to old Cai's family. Next grandson (son).

As for this time, she saw the two granddaughters of the old lady of the Cai family in the lobby of the Cai family. They are very cute, but their skin is a little dark. The two little girls acted like their mothers were a little weak and cautious, especially the older one, the younger one. The little girl of is better, younger, not as memorable as the older one, and quite dependent on the old lady of the Cai family and Cai Youcai.

At the same time, she saw the original partner of the Cai family again this time, her complexion improved a lot, and there was a smile on her face, and she looked at Cai Youcai with reliance without the slightest resentment.

Of course, Cai Youcai still likes this original match very much. According to the old lady, the two are childhood sweethearts, no wonder they still have some feelings after so many years.

In fact, Chi Shuyan still doesn't understand the thoughts of the original partner of the Cai family, and has no affection for Cai Youcai, the ‘scumbag.’

It stands to reason that Cai Youcai's husband abandoned her and abandoned her children at the time. Even if he was forced by his mother to change a woman, he might not forgive him in all likelihood, but this original partner looked like he had never blamed Cai Youcai's husband. , But think about it, the other party and the child are both dependent on the Cai family, and they don’t have the slightest ability to feed the children. Chi Shuyan can barely understand the thoughts of the original partner of the Cai family, just for the child, she dare not hate the Cai family, let alone Some villages are very conservative, even if they are divorced, women still hold on to the idea of ​​being consistent.

Chi Shuyan really hoped that she didn’t help, and hoped that the original partner of the Cai family could live well in the Cai family, and that the two children lived well. As for the welcoming talisman, it can also help her improve the Cai family. status.

Although Du Shufen had only attended elementary school, she was very grateful. It was not later that when Shu Yan arrived at Cai's house, she served all kinds of tea, handed water and cut fruits, and was very passionate about her.

Chi Shuyan flushed Du Shufen's lips and nodded with a smile.

Du Shufen thought of something at the moment, and said to the old lady of the Cai family: "Mom, it's still early now. I will go to the vegetable market near my home to buy some good food to entertain the master."

After getting the old lady's answer, Du Shufen went out first without waiting for Chi Shuyan to stop.

As for the Cai family’s mother and son who are still immersed in the happy event that the old Cai family is about to have a grandson, Chi Shuyan urges a few words on how to use the welcome sign and where to put it most effectively. The Cai family’s mother and son listened very carefully.

Chi Shuyan saw that the two mothers and sons were still in the eyes of their grandsons before they had any shadows. They were speechless, and had to interrupt the old lady Cai's conjecture, and went straight to the subject and asked what happened to the Fu family.

Mrs. Cai immediately became sober, patted her thigh and quickly said: "Master, it's up to you to remind me now, or I would have forgotten to tell you about it."

Cai Youcai, a big man who doesn’t listen to the Fu family’s secrets, took the initiative to find an excuse to leave. Before leaving, he carefully took the welcoming talisman handed by her mother and planned to put the talisman under his wife Shufen’s pillow. These days, he listened to the master’s words and prepared. Work hard to create people, and there may be good news soon.

Cai Youcai became more and more excited when he thought about it. God knew he was crazy about wanting his son, and his mother was even worse.

Mrs. Cai couldn't think much about it right now, and she quickly told the little master in front of her gossip she had inquired about from the Fu's family: "Little master, your calculations are accurate. Do you know that, the surnamed Zhao Xiao Bai Lian is really carrying the Fu family and the young girl outside. By the way, it is said that a girlfriend who took the initiative to introduce Zhao Xiao Bai's face to the young girl also has a leg with the Xiao Bai Lian, who is named Zhao. I don't know what the woman is hiding. I took the initiative to introduce the man who had been with me to the young girl. My old lady felt disgusted by this. Let alone the young girl. Anyway, the pair of scumbags and scumbags have a good leg, Fu Jia They were all caught on the spot. I also heard that two days ago, the woman was kind enough to persuade the young girl to reconcile with the surnamed Zhao. Who knew that in a blink of an eye the **** went to the bed with the little white face surnamed Zhao? Two scumbags The scumbags want to deny it, but they can’t deny it! Nine out of ten scumbags and scumbags are looking at the wealth and wealth of the Fu family. The Fu family was smashed by the little white face surnamed Zhao Na and the **** who deliberately approached the young girl!"

Chi Shuyan listened to the old lady of the Cai family, although the development of the matter was very in line with her wishes, and even a little bit beyond her expectations, she always felt a little strange and abnormal.

Mainly, she was worried that the woman He Minrou was born again, and knew all kinds of things early, and in this life, she didn't like Zhao Junrong as much as the same scumbag in her life, so naturally she would not leave any handle.

Even if the Fu family wanted to grasp the small handles of the two of them, it might not be easy with the other's scheming. In all likelihood, they could only catch some of Zhao Junrong's tricky handles. She still wanted to prepare for her master how to expose them. The face of the woman.

Who would have thought that this old lady's words would surprise her so much!

Chi Shuyan was so surprised and surprised that he caught Zhao Junrong's scumbag and He Minrou in bed on the spot, and couldn't help but confirm again: "Mrs. Cai, what are you telling the truth?"

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