Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1537: Eighty-three

After Chi Shuyan went to the Fu family’s door again the next day, she received the unprecedented enthusiasm of the Fu family. Chi Shuyan didn’t know at the moment. When Fu Qing went back to the Fu family yesterday, he gave the things she stuffed to her father and Fu. Mother looked at it. Of course, Fu Qing asked her parents to know that this matter was also specifically asked by the little master, and only said it with her permission.

This is not true. After Fu Qing returned to Fu's house yesterday evening, he took out a series of things that not only stunned the Fu's parents, especially the storage space of the jade pendant, which almost directly scared Fu's father and mother of heart disease.

Fortunately, the Fu family’s parents were still young and had no heart disease, but just like this, the old couple did not sleep all night in shock, and Fu Qing naturally could not sleep either.

Speaking of it, she still couldn't remember when she was a child to save her life to the little master. She also asked her father and mother specifically about this. Father and mother were also amazed, and she couldn't think of her daughters and daughters. Time to save the kindness of the little master.

However, although the father and mother could not remember whether their daughters were saved when they were young, the couple finally understood why the little master helped them and her daughters.

For this, Fu Fu and Fu felt that they would never forget the kindness of the little master for the rest of their lives.

At the same time, after the little master gave away many mysterious and unpredictable goodies from his daughters, Father Fu and mother again confirmed that this young little master is definitely not an ordinary person but a living god.

Otherwise, how could I give my daughters such a miraculous thing? They have only seen such good things on Shinhwa TV. This is not even the father and mother could not help but envy the good luck of his daughters.

Last night, the two couples also took that pill. According to the little master, it is very good for people’s health. When the two couples smelled the spirit bottle, they felt that this thing was by no means an ordinary good thing, especially since Father Fu had seen the world. I became more aware of the value of her daughters taking out that nourishing pill.

Not two of them took one before they fell asleep. Even if the couple did not sleep all night, the father and mother did not feel any fatigue in the body, but felt very comfortable. There was a heat flow in the body from time to time, and the father even felt that he was a child. The white hair on his head is still darker.

For this reason, Fu's father and Fu's mother increasingly felt that the little master was an extraordinary living god. This is not the case when Fu's father and Fu's mother immediately provided the highest standard of Fu's hospitality before the visit.

This person has just arrived, and Father and Mother Fu became more respectful, awed and grateful for hosting the little master, and invited her to sit on the top seat of Fu's restaurant.

Chi Shuyan was a little dazed by the series of unusually respectful and awe-inspiring attitudes of the Fu family. Fortunately, the attitude of her master has not changed from yesterday, and she has not treated her with the same respect as the Fu family. I don't know if I can swallow it in a while.

Although the attitude of father and mother was respectful but not flattering, he personally offered a lot of wine to Chi Shuyan during the dinner, or Fu Qing looked at the young master and helped to stop him.

Chi Shuyan was very warm-hearted by her master. Fu's father is a personal spirit. During the dinner, he also saw clearly the attitude of the little master towards his daughters. Although Fu Fu could not remember whether her daughters saved the little masters when they were young, But if her daughter can maintain a good relationship with the little master, Fu's father would be very happy to see it.

So when the two young girls talked, the father and mother didn't bother specially.

In the middle of the journey, Fu's mother couldn't help mentioning her daughter's marriage, subconsciously and politely said that if her daughter finds a partner, can she ask the little master to combine the eight characters?

Chi Shuyan naturally responded immediately and gave her contact information. She also said that she was very close to her master and hoped that the two families would move around as relatives in the future.

Fearing that the Fu family would not agree, Chi Shuyan made retreat specifically: "Uncle Fu, Aunt Fu, my father is the only one in my family, and someone else is in the army. If I can walk with the Fu family as relatives, I would have been climbing high. I don't know if Uncle Fu and Aunt Fu can value my Chi family!"

Father Fu and Mother Fu were ecstatic about this and extremely excited. Father Fu was shaking with his hand holding the wine glass, and praised again and again: "Okay, well..., as long as the little master doesn't dislike my Fu family, it's good to be able to walk with the little master. , It's my Fu family who can do it!"

Fu Qing didn't say anything, but the little girl beside him was extremely complicated and showed a warm smile.

Fu's mother also immediately agreed with Fu's words. As Fu's said, Fu's mother really feels that she is a high-level family in her own family. Her family has nothing but money, but the little master in front of her has the ability. If her Fu's family can continue to communicate with the little master Well, I will not worry about her daughter's good marriage in the future.

What a good thing!

The atmosphere at the Fu's dining table went up, and Fu's father drank a lot of alcohol.

Mother Fu hasn’t forgotten that the little master stayed in the hotel all the time. Whether it’s the little master helping them with the Fu family before, or when the two families move around as relatives in the future, Fu mother feels it is necessary to let the little master live in her own home, let alone Said that the two families are now relatives.

Fu's mother immediately asked her to move back to Fu's house from the hotel.

Chi Shuyan has a good impression of the Fu family, not to mention that the father and mother are the parents of her master, and to some extent they are her elders. She is still very willing to live in the Fu family and get along with her master, but she is still a student. After dealing with her master’s house and going back to Kyoto soon, she had no choice but to tell the truth: "Auntie, I might have to go back to Beijing right away in the past two days. Next time, if I come to S city again next time, you will definitely be different. Always live in Fu's house."

Fu Qing, who had not spoken all this time, suddenly spoke, his tone was very shocked and he was still a little reluctant: "Are you going back to Beijing soon?"

Fu Qing didn't know how long she had known the little master in front of her, but when she heard that she was leaving for Kyoto, she felt a little bit uncomfortable in her heart.

Chi Shuyan put her master's slightly frowning expression in her eyes, knowing that her master was reluctant, and she was happy and a little bit more reluctant, but her master was in S city and could be contacted in the future. Thinking that way, she Feeling better, she took the initiative to tell her father and mother and her master that she was in a hurry and had to return to Beijing.

Fu's father and Fu's mother and Fu Qing are also not good at asking her what is urgent for him.

Because Chi Shuyan was about to leave S city suddenly, Fu Qing was very depressed at the dinner table. He didn't turn his emotions until she almost had lunch. Seeing that her parents were going to send the little master, Fu Qing rarely got up and said, "Dad. , Mom, I'll send the little master out!"

Fu's father and mother wanted her daughter to take the little master to visit Fu's house, but she was afraid of delaying her affairs, so she simply followed her daughter's wishes.

Before going out, Fu Qing asked her to wait until the two of them got out of the door. Fu Qing took out a square box of sandalwood box and handed it over, "I send you the gift of meeting. Don't open it now. Go back to the hotel."

Chi Shuyan received a gift from her master for the first time in her life. She was quite flattered and missed. She didn't think much about it. After receiving it, she listened to her master's gentle tone: "You will come to S city in the future and contact me directly. Don’t book a hotel, just come to my house. I don’t know why, I don’t know you, but every time I see you, I’m very happy, as if we’ve known each other in our previous life!"

Chi Shuyan was bluffed by her master's sudden mention of'last life'. After listening to her master's words, she was all smiles. She suddenly thought of WeChat and immediately said: "Me too, master... Miss Fu, you have... ...?"

Before she finished speaking, Fu Qing interrupted her and said, "I'm older than you. If you don't mind, call my sister later."

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to obey her, a Fu family bodyguard suddenly handed over a letter, saying that an envelope was brought to her by the police just outside.

Chi Shuyan's eyes were sharp, and she saw the words'He Min Rou Ji' on the envelope. A cold light flashed deep in the bottom of her eyes. Before her master took the envelope, she took the first one. She noticed that she was acting a little hastily. Looking at her master with an apologetic expression: "Fu...Sister, the person who wrote this letter has no good intentions, do you believe me? If you believe in me, why don't you let me take care of this for you?"

In fact, when Fu Qing saw He Minrou's three words, she knew what was written in her envelope. After catching the **** before, she often said to her all kinds of pitiful words for her forgiveness, and even shifted all the responsibility to Zhao Junrong.

But she is not stupid. Whether He Minrou treats her well or hides maliciousness. She can see clearly now. This time she sent out the envelope from her vigilance, just wanting her to persuade her parents to put it on their previous relationship. Pass her, spare her, she doesn't want to go to jail.

Fu Qing had been wondering why the other party broke into her house in the middle of the night a few days ago. Even if the other party still didn't give a reason, she always felt that the other party had no good intentions to break into her house in the middle of the night.

The gatekeeper of her house has always been strict, and the other party broke into her house silently for a long time before being caught. This made her realize for the first time the danger of this woman He Minrou and the danger to her family. So now Fu Qing was silent before making a decisive decision, and nodded in agreement with the little master in front of him.

Fearing that she would suffer a loss from He Minrou's woman, Fu Qing couldn't help but exhorted: "You... be careful, she has deep thoughts and is dangerous!"

In the end, Fu Qing wanted to say that this matter could be solved by her father, but at the shining gaze of the little girl in front of him, Fu Qing simply nodded and stopped questioning.

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