Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1539: Eight hundred thirty five

As soon as Chi Shuyan returned to Kyoto, she received a call from her master. Fu Qing made sure that the little master went back to Kyoto smoothly. The two of them greeted and said something before hanging up the phone.

On the day after I went to S City to deal with business matters and just returned to Kyoto, Chi Shuyan just wanted to relax for a day. How could I think that as soon as her master's phone number fell, the phone number of Jing's auction house Qian Zhengde came, and the treasurer Qian was very excited and said yes. I want to talk to her about the Lingcha deal.

However, she had promised the Fan family before in the Lingcha deal, so she didn't agree with the treasurer Qian.

The shopkeeper Qian didn't hear Miss Chi's consent, and was very anxious. He knew that Miss Chi's spirit tea refining and washing is so good, even better than their Jing's 100-year-old spirit tea.

How could he have been willing to sell the spiritual tea that Miss Chi washed and refined at such a low price, it was better for Jing Shi to digest it internally. Thinking of this, the treasurer Qian felt very distressed.

Especially when I think of the low price that Miss Shuyan Lingcha used to shoot, and the bunch of Lingcha that Miss Chi just sent a few days ago, all of them were photographed within one day, and they Jingshi didn't save a bit.

The treasurer Qian couldn't wait to hold his chest, the pain was terrible, and the bowels of regret were knotted.

No wonder the dozens of people have been asking Miss Chi to wash the spirit tea, not Miss Chi's spirit tea.

Had he not noticed some nuances and abnormalities later, and suddenly found the spiritual tea that Miss Chi had given her before, and tasted a bit of surprise, how could he know that Miss Chi's talent for washing and refining spirit tea is no less than that of alchemy? .

This did not know that I was really at a loss.

The treasurer Qian now regrets that his intestines are all blue. Not to mention him, it is their young Jing. Now that I know the aura of the spiritual tea washed by Miss Chi, I am afraid that it is similar to what he thinks at this moment. They are all regretful intestines. It's all green.

It's a pity that now they don't regret it anymore, who told them that they didn't take the spirit tea that people washed and refined in their hearts.

Shopkeeper Qian wanted to discuss the spirit tea cooperation, but it was a pity that Miss Chi's tone was quite firm, and shopkeeper Qian couldn’t say more, so she could only hang up the phone first, and then said that she had sent the spirit tea before. All the pictures have been taken, and the money has been transferred to her account, she can check it.

Chi Shuyan immediately checked the remittance amount that Jing’s auction house had recently sent to him. After seeing the amount of remittance, Chi Shuyan was very surprised. The main reason was that the amount of the other party’s remittance was much higher than before. She was very surprised.

But thinking about the quality of her own spirit tea, Chi Shuyan is not surprised or confused. As the saying goes, the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

It has been a good thing one after another recently!

Not long after the phone number of Shopkeeper Qian was dropped, she immediately received a call from Jing Hengran. Jing Hengran’s words were not as direct as those of Shopkeeper Qian. She only said that for so long, she rarely returned to Beijing and wanted to invite her. Have a meal?

Chi Shuyan was a little surprised: "Why do you know that I have returned to Beijing so soon?"

Jing Hengran immediately said: "Look at WeChat."

Chi Shuyan usually doesn't post much on WeChat Moments, but when she came back from S City this time, her master personally sent her to the airport, so she specially posted some airport selfies and screenshots of the flight ticket back to Beijing.

No one saw the Moments she posted, and immediately learned that she had returned to Kyoto. Chi Shuyan was quite fortunate that she did not forget to block her own counselor Zhang, otherwise there are two Chi Shu who are exactly the same. Yan, I'm afraid Counselor Zhang and school teachers are going crazy.

Chi Shuyan vaguely felt that the other party invited her to dinner for Lingcha. She did not intend to offend such a partner, but she did not intend to sell everything at the Jingshi auction house. She had some thoughts in her heart, so she thought In a moment, he agreed to the other party's invitation.

However, since the other party invited her several times before, Chi Shuyan took the initiative to say that she would choose the restaurant this time, and she would treat her.

After listening to the phone, Jing Hengran had no objection, and immediately agreed.

Chi Shuyan said: "I will choose a restaurant in a moment to send you a location."

"to make!"

The two of them were about 6 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, there was no one in the villa. She simply rested and slept at home for a few hours.

With her current level of cultivation, she doesn't actually need to sleep anymore, but she has always had the habit of sleeping or taking a nap occasionally, so she can relax to a certain extent.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Chi Shuyan, as the host, arrived at the restaurant early to wait for the others. She had already sent the location to the other party at 4 o'clock in the evening.

I thought I would have to wait for a while, but when she arrived early, Jing Hengran had already arrived first and was sitting on the sofa by the window on the first floor waiting for her.

This time she did not specifically book a box, but in the restaurant on the first floor.

The main reason is that she always feels that the atmosphere of the two people with Jing Hengran in the same box is always a bit weird. It is good when discussing business affairs. After the business affairs are discussed, the two people are alone in the box. There are always some problems with loneliness, especially Last time, the other party asked her specifically whether she was single or not.

She felt that if she didn't think too much, then the other party really meant something to her.

And now she really has no idea to have a relationship with other men, and she doesn't want to be ambiguous with each other, and she doesn't want the other party to misunderstand her meaning, so she chose this crowded restaurant to avoid suspicion!

Jing Hengran seemed unaware of her thoughts, so a gentleman asked her to sit down and asked her what she wanted to eat first with the menu, very considerate.

Chi Shuyan didn't think much, lowered his head and was about to choose a dish. After the light, he saw a familiar man with sharp eyebrows slowly coming in at the restaurant door. This time, under the light, the man's face was very clear.

High nose and deep eyes, cold complexion, sharp eyebrows and unfathomable, a simple black windbreaker with a Buddhist bead on his wrist, which is very simple, but that face is amazing every time I look at it, I can't ignore it.

This man is not Qi Zhenbai who hasn't met for a long time, and who is it?

Not only that, but the other party happened to be sitting on the sofa next to her, half a metre away from the table with her. At this moment, the man was sitting in distress, expressionless, as if waiting for someone.

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