Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1543: Eight hundred thirty-nine

The next day, Chi Shuyan took the blindfolded puppet and went to school by herself. On the way to school, she was relieved to see that none of the classmates and teachers noticed anything abnormal.

Of course, the most enthusiastic thing was that she was fat at the same table, Gong Xinli. She had just carried her schoolbag, and after actively greeted the other party, the other party immediately helped her and then the schoolbag helped put her on the table.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to do something, she, the big fat guy at the table, worked very hard to organize the book for her, and twittered very enthusiastically to tell her what classes were available in the morning.

Chi Shuyan:...

Ten minutes after the last class in the morning, the big fat guy at the same table couldn't help but asked cautiously and happily: "Shuyan, are you finally willing to care for me?" After a short conversation, he continued to tentatively asked: "A few days ago, you Why keep ignoring me, did I do something wrong?"

In his class, he was treated better to him at the same table. He was considered his only best friend. He was very worried when he ignored him at the same table for a few days.

In the past few days, he kept thinking about what he had done wrong, but he racked his brains and never expected. He also tentatively asked this question yesterday, but unfortunately he never responded to him at the same table, and he was very perfunctory. cold.

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan choked at the pitiful look in her tablemate’s eyes, which was not easy to explain the truth to him, fearing that the other party would notice the abnormality, so she just babbled a reason and said: "I was in a bad mood a few days ago. Talking in the mood, I'm not angry with you!"

Da Pang's eyes widened and he was delighted but couldn't believe it: "Really?"

Chi Shuyan nodded quickly, afraid that there would be such a time in the future, and also worried that her deskmate would detect abnormalities, she continued: "From now on, I will have a few days every month in a bad mood and don't want to talk. You don't want to talk to me. I won't be angry with you, just a few days later!"

Da Pang was truly relieved, with a very brilliant expression on his face, but this chubby, not-good-looking look made this expression but his eyes were a bit spicy.

In fact, Chi Shuyan thinks that her facial features at the same table are quite delicate and pretty, but they are all squeezed by the fat on his face and a little deformed. There are three layers of fat on her chin. I don't know the facial features of this big fat man at the table.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but tentatively said: "Do you want to lose weight?"

When she asked this, on the one hand, she did feel that she was a little fat at the table, which was not good for integrating into the relationship of friends, and secondly, getting fatter would not be good for the body.

The big fat Gong Xinli at the same table flushed immediately and was very shy and embarrassed. After a while, he said that he had lost weight countless times before and couldn't lose fat.

Chi Shuyan looked at him up and down, did not say anything, but thought about how to lose weight for this tablemate. So far, she gets along with this tablemate very well, and she is still very willing to offer help. .

Before long, the bell rang and school was over at noon. Her tablemate revealed another news, saying that her friend Zhen Yu seemed to have taken a half-month leave. Originally, she said she could come back to class tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. At first he was unwilling, but then I heard that something had happened to a close relative of Zhen Yu's family, and only then agreed.

Chi Shuyan also immediately remembered that she hadn’t seen Zhen Yu for many days. As for Zhen Yu, she asked for more than half a month’s leave. She felt that nine out of ten were related to what happened to Yang Zhi’s family, but Yang’s things should be pointed out. She has given instructions. If there is something urgent, Zhen Yu will naturally contact her, so she is not worried.

After school, she plans to visit Li Yuchu and the two little guys in the imperial restaurant. As for the evening when she is free, she will go to the director Wang's studio.

However, as soon as she left the school, Chi Shuyan found two familiar cars parked in front of the school. One police car was Feng Ge’s car that hadn’t been seen for a long time, and the other silver-white car was Jing Hengran’s car. It's okay for Brother Feng to take the initiative to find her without saying hello, but Jing Heng is also there? Still came to her?

In fact, when the other person asked her if she was single, she still had a headache when the other person suddenly looked for her so frequently, and was afraid that what the other person said before was true.

In fact, Chi Shuyan also knows that the other party did not act a gentleman wrongly. It is entirely because she has a psychological problem. After the previous relationship, she did not plan to fall in love again, but after careful consideration, it is not that her psychology is not only to identify one. the man.

With multiple targets, Chi Shuyan didn't feel proud at all, but found it troublesome, and she was afraid of trouble, so she hoped that her attitude would let the other party dispel this idea early.

She thinks this way. When Chi Shuyan sees people, she still has to politely and actively greet him. Feng is an acquaintance, so it's okay to say hello later, so she first walked to Jing Hengran's car and asked, "Young Master Jing, what's the matter? "

Jing Hengran didn't think much before, but now he is quite dissatisfied with the name of the little girl in front of him, and said, "Shuyan, I still said that. I thought we were very familiar? If you called my name directly, I would be even more happy. !"

Chi Shuyan:...

Feng Yuanlin:...

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to refuse, Jing Hengran once again smiled gently and thoughtfully: "Well, if you are really unhappy, when I was joking just now."

When the other party said that, Chi Shuyan became more embarrassed and had to call his name, of course, with the last name and the first name. Jing Hengran was quite frustrated. He had never thought that it would be so difficult to get a woman's heart, let alone. It's just a simple request for the other person to call his name.

So when she called her name and surname, Jing Hengran was quite frustrated, and he teased and added: "I will be happier if I remove the surname."

"Haha!" Chi Shuyan smiled awkwardly.

"Shuyan, are you free to eat together at noon?" Jing Hengran just finished speaking, and Feng Yuanlin, who was parking by the side, could not see the strange man rushing to Shu Yan Xian attentively. Although the two of them couldn’t understand him at all, just watch. The other party's look at Shu Yan's shining expression, he had already confirmed in his heart that this man was indeed interesting to Shu Yan, and was not generally interesting.

But in Feng Yuanlin's heart, Shuyan is the daughter-in-law of his brother Zhenbai, and there is no room for other men, Xiao thinks. He couldn't help but yelled his fingers and whistled to interrupt the two of them, making Shuyan pay attention to him. Here, after blowing the whistle, Feng Yuanlin shouted: "Shuyan, don't forget Feng Ge here!"

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