Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1548: Eight hundred forty four

Chi Shuyan didn't rush to speak when he heard this, but rather carefully looked at the woman who rushed in front of him. She was probably in her twenties, and she was really ordinary in appearance, only her temperament was a little outstanding.

Behind her were four or five men. All of them were about the same age. They were all around the age of 23, 4, and 5. The most striking was one of them, the tallest, handsome, and brand-name young man. Chi Shu Yan heard everyone call him Brother Xia.

As for the appearance of other people, they are not as good as this ‘Xia Ge’. They are relatively average. After the woman’s words fall, it seems that other people are not willing to disclose anything to Yang Ji.

Only the man named Brother Xia looked gloomy and worried after looking at Yang Ji and then looking at her, gritting his teeth and suddenly said, "Can you really help us?"

"Brother Xia, only Sister Yuan can help us. What can she help us? She must be coaxing Yang Ji to lie to us. Sister Yuan can at least help us foresee the disaster and help us avoid it. What can she help us? "The woman who was speaking was still the woman who prevented Yang Ji from talking to Chi Shuyan just now. Before Chi Shuyan could speak, she immediately grabbed the conversation.

Obviously the other party didn't want to see her very much, even the office policemen like Feng and Xiao Shan and the group around this woman.

Chi Shuyan frowned slightly.

Because the skin looks good, even the act of frowning is very eye-catching, but Chai Qing's people can't help but distract their attention on her face.

What Chai Qing hates the most is women who relied on their beauty to hook up with men. Will she die if she doesn't seduce men?

As soon as the thought of this woman's eyes still staring at the best of them, Xia, Chai Qing couldn't help her disgust for this woman.

What she sees a lot of women who strike up with Brother Xia through other interfaces is that this woman is not trying to help them at all, but is trying to strike up with Brother Xia as a target.

Chi Shuyan was keenly aware of the hostility of the other party, and she was a little surprised. It should be the first time they met. Is there anyone who held such a hostile attitude towards her the first time they met?

"This young lady, how do you talk? Your parents didn't teach you what it means to nurture this kind of thing?" At this time, Wu Haoming listened to Chai Qing's yin and yang and said why his sister-in-law's words were not right. This woman got angry when she wanted to get angry. But why do you get angry at them inexplicably, and at your sister-in-law? Is there a wink!

Not to mention that Wu Haoming has no liking for the woman Chai Qing, Yang Kun, Yan Zhengming, Xiao Shan and even Feng Yuanlin all have no liking for the woman who is talking about the yin and yang (Master Chi) in these words, frowning and looking at each other.

Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming both wanted to say a few words to vent their anger for Master Chi, but they are such a big man who is not easy to care about with a woman. The two looked at each other, and each rolled their eyes to each other, paying attention in their hearts, this woman. Sooner or later, he will regret offending Master Chi.

Chai Qing was turning blue at this moment by Wu Haoming’s remarks about Sang cursing Huai’s “training”, and fearing that Brother Xia would be like the woman opposite, she immediately whispered to the person named Xia: "Brother Xia, Yang Ji has an accident. I have already notified Sister Yuan, Sister Yuan will come in a while!" Yang Ji who rushed to the bed again said: "Yang Ji, Sister Yuan will be here in a while, don't worry! We'll leave in a while!"

The tone was rather domineering, and he didn't put anyone in sight.

Feng Yuanlin frowned and interjected suddenly: "Even if your sister Yuan comes over, this kid blatantly violates public order and security, so he has to go back to the bureau and detained for a few days."

The implication is to tell them not to take everything as their own decision, and the few of them in uniforms are not all transparent people.

Chai Qingqi glared at Feng Yuanlin, but the guys who followed looked at Feng Yuanlin's police uniform, and no one dared to talk back.

Most people looked worried and looked at Yang Ji and pleaded with Feng Yuanlin. Their tone was quite sincere, and Chai Qing's tone was better, so don't just quarrel with others.

When Chai Qing was said by her own partner, she was still mad and wanted to say a few more words. Xia Mingcheng finally said a few words, and this woman Chai Qing calmed down completely.

Feng Yuanlin became angry, and it was not easy to care about the same woman. What worries him more is these gangsters. After all, he never hopes that some **** tragedy will happen in Kyoto.

Of course, he was also quite curious about what ‘Sister Yuan’ this group mentioned.

Feng Yuanlin and Shuyan glanced at each other. Seeing that Shuyan never spoke, he winked, and Chi Shuyan finally spoke: "Sure, since this lady doesn't want me to intervene more, I won't intervene!"

She is not a nosy person, and if the other party does not have a good attitude, she still wants to intervene forever, not to suffer? She is not a virgin woman, so she insists on trying to help others when she criticizes Sang Huai. Why?

Although she has no affection for the woman surnamed Chai, she still sympathizes with Yang Ji who rushed to her in the hospital bed for help. After seeing her own words, the other party looked panicked and desperate, pulling at the corners of her clothes. She rushed to her and shook her head for help. It happened that there was a pen and paper on the table beside the bed. She directly wrote down her phone number and handed it to the other party: "You can find me if you have something. The price is easy to say."

Yang Ji didn’t hesitate to think and didn’t want to put the paper in his pocket immediately, his eyes were full of trust, Chi Shuyan had a better perception of this young man, and continued: "You want me, the price will be calculated when the time comes. You are cheaper!"

When the words fell, Chi Shuyan no longer stayed here, Chongfeng Brother and Xiaoshan said goodbye, and took Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming away. Before leaving, Chi Shuyan heard a sharp voice from a woman inside: "Yang Ji , Does that woman have to collect money? No, you can't be cheated by her. Anyway, I don't agree to find that woman again. We don't need her!"

"This woman is simply silly!"

"In the future, the facts will tell that woman why the flowers are so red in this world!" Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming couldn't help but complain to the woman inside through the door at this time, and fortunately Master Chi was too lazy to care about that kind of people.

Of course, both of them are human spirits. Just now I understood that Master Chi took a few more glances at the boy surnamed Xia, so the woman deliberately found faults afterwards, and the woman outnumbered the boy surnamed Xia just now. interesting.

I don't know if the other party is her boyfriend. If this woman is jealous, she can barely count, but if not, that woman is so weird.

Yan Zhengming guessed at this time: "I bet that young man will not look down upon that woman in all likelihood."

Yang Kun also immediately echoed: "I see too!"

Chi Shuyan was also a little bit happy to hear that the two steady agents behind her would also make complaints about others. Now she also realized why the woman was always looking for her troubles just now. She was not pleasing to her eyes. She remembered to look at her a lot. After a few glances at the handsome guy named Xia, it's no wonder that.

Yan Zhengming and Yang Kun originally thought that Master Chi would leave the hospital with them. Who knew that when they got out of the hospital, Master Chi helped them by taxi to let them leave first. They also thanked them for trouble tonight.

Tonight is really troublesome for the two of them, Chi Shuyan still knows that as an agent, he is very busy on weekdays, and time is squeezed out.

They were unlucky tonight. Someone jumped from the building. This wasted so much time.

Yang Kun and Yan Zhengming hurriedly waved their hands with flattered faces, and said that they could contact them immediately if they had any trouble.

"Sure! I will definitely be different from you in the future!" Chi Shuyan smiled.

Before leaving, Yan Zhengming repeatedly suggested to her whether Taobao store can order more goods, especially Lingmi, saying that they have never eaten such delicious rice, and they still do not gain weight, which is good for the body and is simply an entertainment artist. The staple food of the number one choice, there is no need for other remedies to lose weight.

Chi Shuyan did not respond immediately, but said: "Look if I will be free in the future, I will get more when I have time!"

After the two left, Chi Shuyan did not take long to receive a call from Brother Feng. He only heard Brother Feng's hurried voice asking: "Shuyan, are you really gone?"

"No, I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the hospital!" Chi Shuyan said.

When Feng Yuanlin heard this, he was really happy, and immediately said: "It's a bit late at the moment. Brother Feng will send you off. By the way, I will ask you to have a supper. We will have a dinner and talk at the time!"

"no problem!"

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