Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1550: Eight hundred forty six

Chi Shuyan had no opinion when seeing Brother Feng going out to make a phone call, but she was a little curious about Brother Feng's sneakiness. Could it be that Brother Feng had news recently, such as what kind of woman he met?

However, she didn't see from the face of Brother Feng that he had peach blossoms recently, and Chi Shuyan was not a curious person. After this thought flashed, she was too lazy to think about it, and simply immersed herself in eating skewers.

At this moment, Feng Yuanlin received a call from Zhen Bai, suppressing the little panic and guilty conscience in his heart, pretending to be calm and suspicious, and innocently shouted: "Zhen Bai! What can I do for you?"

It's a pity that the person on the other side never uttered a word. The angry Feng Yuanlin gritted his teeth and angered.

The more the boy Zhenbai held back his words, the more angry Feng Yuanlin's temper became. If you don't say anything, can others know what you mean right away?

To be honest, he didn't understand how he chased Shuyan after such a haircut?

Now seeing him after reading his WeChat Moments, he can endure such a calm expression, and the other party does not speak. Feng Yuanlin simply said, "Zhenbai, are you looking for me for something? Why don't you speak? You don’t speak, Shuyan and that Mr. Jing are still waiting for me to pass before making a hot pot. Oh, yes, today I happened to meet Shuyan’s new boyfriend and Shuyan, and the other party specially invited me to have a supper together. , I didn’t think two people were worthy before, but now the more I look at them, the more I think they are worthy. Besides, I’m looking at Shuyan with people, it’s really pretty..." Happy.

Before finishing the last two words, the phone immediately heard the beep of being cut off. Feng Yuanlin was stunned. He couldn't believe that he stared at the screen of the phone and didn't believe that Zhenbai actually put him on the phone. Up.

He stared at the phone screen for a few seconds before he was sure that Zhen Bai had really cut off his phone. Wait, the remarks he had just said were not too irritating and irritating, right?

Chi Shuyan has been fishing for vegetables in the hot pot at this moment, fearing that the vegetables will be boiled, but I have fished a lot for Brother Feng. Just after he finished a spoonful, I saw Brother Feng Yichang sneaking out to answer the phone. Excited, and not long after an eye came back with constipation and an ugly face. He was very confused and couldn't help asking, "Feng brother, is there something urgent?"

"It's okay, it's okay, a little business!" Feng Yuanlin couldn't say that he had just talked to Zhenbai on the phone and was hung up again. He was angry at this moment, and the more he thought about it, the more he got angry.

You said he wants to be a peacemaker, why is it so difficult?

If a normal person hears that his wife is about to be hooked up by other men, don’t he rush over immediately with a knife?

Zhenbo's kid was good, but he didn't hear him, and he immediately hung up the phone.

He doesn't even know what Zhenbai brother thinks now?

Do you care about Shu Yan or don't care at all!

Yes, he has almost done this. No matter how much he interferes, no outsider can interfere. Feng Yuanlin is also dead now, regardless of which man Shuyan will be hooked away in the future?

In short, given the close relationship between him and Shuyan, no boyfriend Shuyan will forget his brother.

Next time, when Shu Yan is really going to hook up someone, the kid wants to ask him to be a peacemaker again, no way! Let the kid regret it on his own.

Because of the phone call just now, Feng Yuanlin also lost his appetite. It happened that Chi Shuyan also ate almost the same. Seeing that Brother Feng couldn't eat, he was ready to get up and pay the bill and leave.

The last person who pays the bill will be Feng Yuanlin, and Chi Shuyan is not as polite as her own brother. As for the frown on Feng Ge, Chi Shuyan thought he was worried about the recent case in Kyoto.

Chi Shuyan wanted to comfort Brother Feng, because she had a hunch that the person named Yang Ji in the ward would come to her sooner or later.

Before the two parted ways, Chi Shuyan told Brother Feng to take a good rest. Seeing that he is black now, it is estimated that he has not slept well these days.

Feng Yuanlin still insisted on sending her back to the villa, and refused to part ways. Just now he said that he would send people back after supper. Now what is the parting way?

In the end, Chi Shuyan tried to persuade and persuade her with a bitter heart, saying that she would be fine if anyone had an accident. She also stopped a taxi. Feng Yuanlin reluctantly agreed. Before agreeing, Feng Yuanlin took out a policeman. Show the certificate to the driver and ask him to take the person back carefully.

Chi Shuyan saw that the taxi driver was frightened by the documents that Brother Feng had taken out. He didn't know that he thought he had committed some crime.

She still took this heart for the kindness of Brother Feng, and also said that she could tell whether a black car was a black car through her face. This is not enough for Feng Yuanlin to be completely relieved, and shook her hand: "Okay, look at Brother Feng, who has a bad memory. Forget Shuyan, your ability to look at people, by the way, Shuyan, next time I run into that person named'Sister Yuan', I might have to ask you to help me see someone."

"no problem!"

After Tong Feng had finished speaking, Chi Shuyan asked the driver to drive. The driver stepped on the accelerator and called a quick speed, but the speed was not fast.

It is estimated that the power of Feng Ge was still there, and the other party didn't dare to talk to her, and the car didn't dare to accelerate along the way. The car drove smoothly. Chi Shuyan leaned in the back seat to rest and almost fell asleep.

When he was almost at the villa, Chi Shuyan opened his eyes, paid the money, got off the car, and turned around to enter the villa. He saw a black car parked not far from the door of his house. The car had no lights, so Chi Shuyan didn’t. Note that the car suddenly turned on the lights and rolled down the windows. Chi Shuyan turned and instantly met with the serious man in the back seat of the car, who was looking at him clearly, with his eyes facing each other.

Chi Shuyan was a little stunned, and only after a long time came back to his senses: "Is it you?"

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