Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1558: 854

Feng Yuanlin waited for Shuyan to answer his question, how could she know that Shuyan only spit out two words, ‘Guess? He hung up the phone, and the choking Feng Yuanlin felt a little vomiting blood, reluctantly hung up the phone.

On the other side, Chi Shuyan took a taxi to the military hospital to see the old man. After he got in the taxi, Chi Shuyan took out his mobile phone to scan the circle of friends. It didn't take long for Brother Feng to let her out.

She clicked into Feng's circle of friends and saw that she had posted several suggestive circles of friends, not only with words but also pictures, the pictures were also photos taken when she, Feng and Jing Hengran were having a meal together.

Looking at Brother Feng, although he did not take Jing Hengran into the photo and upload it, he not only took photos of other people’s dishes and chopsticks but also deliberately put them beside her, creating an ambiguous illusion. Looking at Brother Feng below, he vowed to reply to someone saying that next time. Just pass the picture of the new'brother-in-law'.

Had she not been the client, she would have almost believed the words of this friend circle and editor Feng.

Chi Shuyan has to admit that Brother Feng is really a talent?

How did you enter the police station instead of becoming a paparazzi gossip reporter?

Chi Shuyan admired the circle of friends sent by Brother Feng, and then sent a private message to Brother Feng, asking him to delete the circle of friends as soon as possible, so don't let anyone misunderstand.

After she sent the WeChat message to her newly bought mobile phone in the fortress, Fan Yin's message came in like a swipe.

"Master, have you returned to Kyoto?"

"Master, when will you return to Kyoto?"

"Master, I'm not in a hurry here, I'm free anytime, when you go back to Kyoto, I have a car to pick you up!"

Chi Shuyan thought that Fan Yin had known that she had returned to Kyoto a long time ago, and had not contacted her because of something. She didn't know that she had been back to Kyoto for a few days, and she had been in contact with her master for the past few days. , I somewhat ignored him.

Chi Shuyan was quite apologetic, and immediately replied to the other party: "I'm back to Kyoto, I will be free at noon tomorrow, the location and time will still be the same as last time?"

After she finished typing the message, it took less than a second, but the other party immediately swiped the screen: "I'm free, Master!"



Chi Shuyan sent messages back and forth with Fan Yin along the way. Except that the other party had to bring the dumbfounding word "Gao Ren" every time, she chatted with each other fairly well.

Now that the time and place were determined, and soon he arrived at the hospital, Chi Shuyan replied to the other party that there is something to see tomorrow, and the other party stopped the message and seemed very happy.

At this time, the taxi stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Chi Shuyan checked WeChat and paid the money before getting off the car. After getting off the car, she found that she came in a hurry and came empty-handed, so she simply went to the nearby fruit shop and bought a lot of fruit. Go to the hospital.

This time, she was quite familiar with taking the elevator to the old man’s ward. It was just a coincidence that she came this time. She really didn’t expect that she just came to the old man’s ward with the fruit, and saw Qi father and Qi Zhenbai standing there. Confronting at the door of the ward, compared to Qi Zhenbai's taciturn, Qi's father seemed to be cursing with a cold face.

Chi Shuyan vaguely heard the extreme words "white-eyed wolf, cold-blooded, unconscionable", and her footsteps suddenly stopped.

Not far away, the man who was taciturn and still smoking keenly noticed her coming, his face changed suddenly, his eyes sank, he used his eyes to signal Father Qi to shut up, then turned and walked to her first, without waiting for her to speak. Speaking, first put all the bags of fruit in her hand into her own hands, and then said with a low and strong voice: "Grandpa is inside, you have fallen asleep, you go first!"

Father Qi was very dissatisfied with the son's attitude. He still managed to squeeze a kindly smile when he saw Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan was a little confused when she ran into this scene. After pushing the door of the ward and entering the ward, she realized that after such a long time, she was so obedient to listen to each other's words. She was not sure how much her personality was. Separation, especially in front of the man Qi Zhenbai.

However, the two father and son outside the door are obviously different from the previous harmony, on the contrary, there is a lot of gunpowder. She is even more difficult for an outsider to intervene, so she has to stay in the ward obediently. Seeing that the father is asleep at the moment, she simply walked to the father softly. Before, she sat beside him and checked the pulse for the old man again, and she was relieved to make sure that the old man was fine.

Chi Shuyan sat in the old man’s room for more than half an hour, only to see Qi Zhenbai come in with a gloomy face, and gently put a few bags of fruit on the edge of the bed. The gloom on his face remained the same, obviously the same as Father Qi. It's very easy to make trouble, otherwise the other party's emotional control will not reveal the slightest emotion.

Due to the current relationship between the two, she was not easy to ask, and seeing that the old man had been asleep for so long and had not waken up, she had to leave first.

"I'll give it to you!" Qi Zhenbai said suddenly, his tone still strong, making people intolerable.

Chi Shuyan did not refuse, and the two took the elevator downstairs as usual. This time the man seemed to have changed his clothes because of the smell of smoke. She looked at each other more.

The other person’s face was light and pale, with more bloodshot eyes. It was quite shocking to look closer. She was not sure that the other person had not slept for a few days. After the elevator opened, when the people in the elevator had dispersed, she couldn't help asking: "You No rest today?"

Qi Zhenbai seemed to be quite surprised that she would take the initiative to care about him, and soon her face returned to her calmness. She gave a soft ‘um’, and then changed her words: "Take a break at noon!"

"That's good!"

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