Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1561: Eight hundred fifty-seven

Fan Xi who ate this lunch was shocked and wanted to vomit blood. Fortunately, the expert in front of him really didn’t intend to brutally kill his Song family as a fat sheep, or else he would have to negotiate with his brother wishing to move the house out. Now it is not only that he wants to vomit blood, but after returning to Fan's family, Fan's family and Fan's father both want to vomit blood.

After he made up his mind to return to the Song family this time, he must make a good suggestion that Fan's father should never let Ayin come to negotiate anything in the future, or the Fan family would be vacated by this kid sooner or later.

In addition, the atmosphere of the negotiation between the three was extremely good, and it was more harmonious than that of Jing's negotiation.

In view of Fan Yin’s generosity, Chi Shuyan is also more pleasing to people’s eyes. He regretted that he was too big to give four promotion pills. Now, there is really nothing wrong with the four promotion pills he sent before. After all, no matter how high the grade of pills is, as long as she is There is no shortage of pill for refining, not to mention the fact that she has obtained a few more promotion pill for the Fan family, which is a win-win for the two.

Coupled with Fan Yin's attitude, the cooperation with Jing Shi is still with Fan Jia, and Chi Shuyan prefers the latter. Of course, the most important thing depends on how their specific contract is written.

Chi Shuyan said clearly, Fan Yin and Fan Xi looked ecstatic. The former felt that the superior was more and more easy to get along with, and the latter felt that the superior was really unassuming, which was completely different from the previous superiors who loved to put on airs. , This meal, the three of them all had more thoughts.

However, despite the unfulfilled thoughts, they still scored points after eating. Fan Xi and Fan Yin were quite reluctant, especially Fan Yin, who never stopped during the meal. Li Barabala was talking about the various gossips he had with the Fan family recently. Chi Shuyan I was a little bit happy when I heard it. Fan Yin's words were really grateful. In the end, I got an expert to discuss business with Fan Jia and only talk to them. Fan Yin and Fan Xi were very excited and ecstatic.

Now let’s look at how Fan Ping Naya is acting as a demon. Even if he really finds out who the expert is, he doesn’t worry anymore, otherwise he is really worried that the expert will be snatched by Fan Ping Naya. Fan Yin wanted to vomit blood after thinking about it.

"Okay, time is almost up, I have something to do. You can talk about specific matters on WeChat in advance. If I see it, I will definitely reply." Chi Shuyan said.

Just as Fan Yin and Fan Xi were about to respond cheerfully, they just listened to the other person’s topic and continued: "By the way, my name is Chi Shuyan, so I don’t need to call any other experts. I am not a superior person. You can call me directly. first name."

After a meal, she was really confused when she heard the word ‘superior’.

Without waiting for Fan Xi to speak, Fan Yin first blurted out naturally, "Sister! Sister Shuyan!"

Fan Xi's right eyelid violently twitched:...

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan never said anything. He just looked more and more at the person in front of her who was older than her in terms of looks and age. Fan Xi was a little worried at first, but after seeing the "superior" in front of him gritted his teeth and twitched his mouth. The calm face responded: "Sure, you can call this!"

Isn't it better than shouting "superior"?

Fan Xi blushed on the side, wishing to pretend that he didn’t know his brother. It was the first time that he had learned how cheeky this kid climbed along the bar. It was also a shame that the expert didn’t slap his face, or else this kid could still laugh now. So happy?

At the end of the meal, Chi Shuyan paid the bill. The three of them parted ways at the entrance of the restaurant. It was Fan Yin who tasted the sweetness of "Yelling Sister". His mouth has always been sweet. He has always been a natural acquaintance, and he also looks good. Yes, even if it is flattering, it is not greasy, and it is more admiration to see the bottom of the eye, and Chi Shuyan is not disgusted at all.

She planned to take a taxi and leave after sending them to the car. She didn't know that this kid Fan Yin was talking to her. Suddenly, her eyes were blank and she shuddered.

Chi Shuyan was a little curious, following his line of sight, he saw Qi Zhenbai just getting off the car.

The man still wears a suit and leather shoes today, his eyebrows are calm and majestic, and his whole body is full of aura. When he is sturdy, he is particularly tough and difficult to touch. However, after the face is resting, his complexion improves in a straight line, not only the complexion, but also the appearance. Pull up.

All in all, Qi Zhenbai’s face cannot be ignored whether it is a man or a woman. It is quite amazing. Of course, because of the strong aura of a man, most people dare not look at his face at all, at least not like it. The kid Fan Yin stared at his face in a daze.

"Fuck, that man's looks...oooooooooooooooooooooooo good." Fan Yin, who didn't pay attention to him, immediately showed his original shape. He didn't stop him yet, so he made a sigh of envy, jealousy, and hatred. Immediately blurted out, making Fan Xi feel bitter. Without waiting for Fan Xi to stop, Fan Yin shivered again: "Fuck, why is that man staring at us? No, why do I think the other person looks at me wrong?"

Fan Yin is still worthy of being the heir of the Fan family. Although his ability is a little weak, his intuition is very keen, and he immediately felt the coldness, danger and badness that the other party saw.

Fan Xi didn't have this consciousness next to him, but he did see that the other party's sight was always looking at them. He was a little surprised and wary. I was afraid that it was the eyeliner Fan Ping sent to follow, but obviously the other party's looks, temperament and even aura. It would never be someone Fan Ping could support.

Fan Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Chi Shuyan naturally saw the man who got off the car, but she was not sure whether the other party came here for something or came to her.

Without waiting for her to think about it, Fan Yin suddenly said excitedly: "Come here! People are here! Is it possible that this person has enemies with us?"

As soon as Fan Yin's muttered voice fell, he heard a very nice deep and magnetic voice. The voice was directed at the expert, with a familiar tone: "Want to go? I'll give you away?"

Different from the appearance of his face full of fierceness and bad contact, the man's silhouette is slightly soft now, even his eyes are not gentle, but the man's eyes are like bottomless ancient wells, and the city is unfathomable. Thinking that such a person would know an expert, the relationship between the two is very unusual when I hear this familiar attitude.

Fan Yin couldn't help but gossip in his heart, and saw that the expert in front of him was stunned when he heard the other party's invitation, and then nodded in agreement, and then asked the other party if there is any serious business to delay?


Not to mention Fan Yin at this moment, even Fan Xi can see that the two have a close relationship.

Fan Yin's eyes kept turning, and suddenly he spoke tentatively: ", sister, is this brother-in-law?"

Fan Xi:...

Chi Shuyan:...

Qi Zhenbai:...

As expected, Chi Shuyan's right eyelid jumped fiercely after listening to Fan Yin's words along the lines. As for Fan Xi's blushing face at the moment, she really wanted to draw a line with her own brother.

This... is too shameful. I have seen someone who is naturally familiar, and I have never seen someone who is so naturally familiar. People have just barely accepted your name as'sister', but in a blink of an eye you will naturally call other men'brother-in-law', if it is not the occasion No, he wanted to ask this kid so natural and cheeky... okay? How did you practice?

At this time, Qi Zhenbai changed his indifference to other people, and had a rare smile at Fan Yin. Even though he didn't have much expression on his face, he could see a real temperature in his eyes, and he took the initiative to reach out to the other person. Say hello with a handshake.

Fan Yin was flattered and immediately took the initiative to reach out and shook his hand. By the way, he glanced at the face of the expert who was not repulsive, and continued to naturally call ‘brother-in-law’.

Fan Xi: ...he won't know this kid anymore! The skin is too **** thick!

In the end, Fan Yin dragged Fan Xi directly into the car and forced him to leave, and let his brother stay here. He couldn't afford to lose his face. He didn't see the word'brother-in-law' just dropped. He wanted to dig a hole. Go in.

After Fan Xi and Fan Yin got in the car to say hello and left, the atmosphere was a bit stagnant. I don't know whether it was the ‘brother-in-law’ sentence of Fan Yin’s kid just now.

Chi Shuyan blinked and looked at the man in front of him. She didn't see any expression on the face of the man in front of him. She was not hypocritical, and listened to the man's low voice: "I will send you to the car!"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Okay."

Chi Shuyan was a little absent-minded again sitting in the co-pilot position of the other party. She pondered for a moment, and finally asked about the old man's condition. When asked about the old man's body, the atmosphere between the two was obviously much more harmonious. Qi Zhenbai also patiently talked about the old man's affairs. , Which means that the old man's body has no major problems, all minor problems, and he should be discharged from the hospital in a day or two.

Chi Shuyan nodded to express his understanding: "That's good!"

After a while, the man suddenly asked again: "You go to see Grandpa in the evening?"

The man's tone was casual, and he looked carefully, the knuckles of the fingers holding the steering wheel were inexplicably white, Chi Shuyan did not pay attention, and naturally nodded: "Go!"


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