Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1563: 859

When the other party is looking for her on business, Chi Shuyan is not good to ignore it. He intends to reach out and take the phone and prepare to reply a few words, and then thinks of the man in front of him just saying'Look after dinner'. She was having dinner with the man on the other side while returning to others. The message seemed very impolite, and he was ready to make an excuse to get the phone back. He raised his eyes to see the man in front of him with a deep gaze. At this moment, he was staring at her phone with no expression.

Chi Shuyan couldn't understand the other party's emotions, but after all, after so long before, she could still tell whether the other party was happy or not.

I can see that although the other party's face is still expressionless, he seems to be in a very bad mood, and his face is still a little gloomy. Chi Shuyan is not sure why the other party is angry suddenly in a blink of an eye?

She racked her brains and couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think much anymore. She only took an excuse to hold the phone, fearing impoliteness, and said she would put it down immediately after a while.

Seeing that the other party didn't say anything to stop her, she was relieved, and immediately turned on the screen and immediately glanced at the message Jing Hengran had sent her, and began to reply.

She didn't pay attention. When she was earnestly replying to Jing Hengran's message, Qi Zhenbai put the chopsticks in her hand on the table. He didn't take another bite of the food in the bowl. He didn't speak, his face was cold and his thin lips were tight. He faintly stared out the window, his gaze was deep and complicated. At the same time, various storms in the depths of his eyes gradually caused him to lose control, and the back of his hand burst into a few veins, which was quite hideous.

When Chi Shuyan returned to Jing Hengran's message, she did not forget that she was eating with the man Qi Zhenbai. Since she said it for a while and then put it down, she was quite punctual and planned to put down the phone after returning for a while.

It's a pity that she wants to find time to talk again, but Jing Hengran sends her messages very frequently. In the final analysis, she still cares about whether she cooperates with Fan's Lingcha and Jing's interests.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to say that she might not have time to go to the Jingshi auction house in the past few days. If she is free, he can come and talk to her.

Having said that, she had made up her mind to cooperate with Fan's family in this Lingcha business.

As the saying goes, "Don't put eggs in the same basket." She is still very clear about the basic criteria of investment risk, and she doesn't want to deepen the interests of the Jing clan, in case there is any conflict with the Jing clan in the future, and the loss is too great.

After Chi Shuyan replied this sentence, seeing Jing Hengran replied ‘OK’ and didn’t send a message to her again, she immediately put her phone aside and prepared to continue eating.

Chi Shuyan immersed himself in eating a few bites and saw that he was only picking up vegetables. Then he realized something was wrong. When he raised his eyes, he saw that the man in front of him was looking out the window blankly. The dishes and chopsticks were all on the table and he didn't move. Fan, he only took a bite or two.

Chi Shuyan was a little stunned, and said in doubt: "You... why didn't you eat it?"

I saw the man in front of her faintly glanced at her and looked away again coldly: "You eat!"

Chi Shuyan didn't know for a moment whether the other party had eaten dinner early or was really full, but it's probably impossible to be full. Maybe it was because of something that I had eaten before.

Chi Shuyan thought about it so that he didn’t persuade people anymore and continued to eat, but eating so many dishes for one person is not only a waste but also boring. Besides, even if the other person has eaten something to puff his stomach, he will be hungry at night if he eats so early. She took a bite and looked at the stern face of the other party and couldn't help suggesting again: "There are so many vegetables, no more?"

Since I was just picking vegetables for others, Chi Shuyan did not pretend to pick up chopsticks for the other party again and put them in his bowl and said, "Why don't you eat more?"

If the other party is not willing to eat anymore, she has nothing to do. Chi Shuyan does not intend to continue to persuade her. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the man to pick up the chopsticks and eat the dishes she had picked up. He just took a bite of the dish and then planned to put down the chopsticks. , Chi Shuyan hurriedly picked up a few chopsticks and said, "Don't..., eat more, I can't eat so many dishes. You should also eat more food to save you from being hungry at night."

After Chi Shuyan saw it, the man in front of her ate all the dishes she had picked up. She was relieved, but it was a pity that the other party only ate the food in his bowl, and the chopsticks had to put it down again.

Before the two of them ate, the man ordered too many dishes. No matter how much she could eat, the appetite would only be so small. The man just ordered another table of dishes. Wasn't it a waste?

In order to let the other party eat more and save waste, Chi Shuyan has been dedicated to picking vegetables for the other party after he was full, and waited for the other party to eat the piles of dishes and chopsticks.

She was afraid of wasting and didn’t think too much, and she didn’t notice how much cross-border and intimacy she was doing when she was picking vegetables. She still saw the other party eating a bowl of rice and the chopsticks on the table again. Chi Shuyan realized that she was. A move that is too intimate.

Seeing that the other party's face was very cold, Chi Shuyan was not only a little embarrassed in her heart, but also a little embarrassed on her face. She immediately put down his chopsticks and asked, "Let the waiter serve you another bowl of rice?"

Qi Zhenbai took the napkin next to him and wiped the corners of his mouth lightly, and replied blankly, "No need!"

Chi Shuyan: ...Sure!

After that, she went to the bathroom. When she came out, the man had already paid for the bill. He was waiting at the entrance of the restaurant with his back facing away. No matter the face or the head, the other party stood out from the crowd, nearly 1.9 meters away, standing straight at the door and following a mountain. There are many men with a height of 1.8 meters, and a height of nearly 1.8 meters is still very bluff in Asia.

Therefore, every guest who passed by in and out of the restaurant couldn't help but look at him a few times, and was caught by the momentum of the other person's body, afraid to take a closer look.

Chi Shuyan went to the front desk just now and said that she had bought the bill. Seeing Qi Zhenbai waiting for her at the door, she walked over immediately for fear of delaying the other party's time and asked, "Shall we get in the car now?"

"You get in the car first, and I will follow." After a long while, the man replied, his voice deep and magnetic, very nice.

Chi Shuyan was thinking about responding. Following her sight, she saw the other party’s finger with a cigarette and a few scattered cigarette butts on the ground. Qi Zhenbai pinched out the cigarette **** in her hand at the first glance and threw it on the ground. He crushed his feet, and then changed his words: "Go, get in the car!"

Although Chi Shuyan doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, she still understands that men like to smoke. As long as you don't smoke too much, you can do it. As for the man Qi Zhenbai, she couldn't help but look more at it. In her memory, she She rarely sees this man smoking. Recently, she has been seeing each other smoking, and it seems to be smoking particularly fiercely. Last time I saw it, there were cigarette butts everywhere on the ground, and this time it was the same.

Chi Shuyan was quite curious about when this man developed the habit of smoking and smoked so fiercely, and she implicitly realized that every time this man was in a bad mood, he smoked particularly fiercely.

But before coming to the restaurant, the other party was in a good mood. Chi Shuyan couldn't figure out why the other party's mood suddenly turned straight down. Seeing that the other party immediately pinched out the cigarette **** and got on the car as she wanted, she was so embarrassed that she waved her hand to show a bit The smile said politely: "Don't, you want to smoke and continue smoking, I'll get in the car and swipe my phone for a while," she happened to be able to play games for a while, fearing that the other party would be embarrassed, she simply changed her words: "It just so happens that someone else is looking for me!"

After speaking, Chi Shuyan turned around and walked to a familiar vehicle to get on board and wait for others.

She had just walked a few steps, and the man behind her suddenly squeezed her wrist with a brutal force, Chi Shuyan turned her head in surprise, just to meet the man's dark and heavy eyes and gloomy and iron complexion, and the other's eyes were full of deep. Chi Shuyan didn't understand it for a while, only vaguely felt that the other party's mood was getting worse, and he could immediately see the ugly face of the other party.

Seeing that the other party wanted to say something but stopped, and had something to say to her, Chi Shuyan waited for the other party to speak.

However, he saw that the man quickly let go of his wrist, and the other party didn't look at her. He walked over to open the car door for her first, and his thin lips pressed tightly and said coldly, "Get in the car!"

After she got in the car, the man on the side closed the door and moved around to the driver's seat on the other side, turned on the lights, and started the engine. Chi Shuyan Yuguang clearly saw a beam of light hitting the man’s face, revealing the extremely gloomy and iron-ridden face. Chi Shuyan thoughtful for a moment.

It's a pity that she wanted to break her head, until the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, she didn't think of the reason why the other party's mood suddenly changed. Chi Shuyan saw that she had arrived at the hospital, and no longer thought: "Here? Grandpa hasn't slept at this time. Right?" She raised her wrist to see the time. Seeing that it was indeed early, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's get off the car!"

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