Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1565: Three hundred and sixty six

When Chi Shuyan entered the ward again, he exchanged greetings with the old man for a while, and the old man became sleepy. She and Qi Zhenbai sat in the ward for a while before leaving.

Out of the hospital, the other party offered to send her back, but she did not refuse, but along the way, Chi Shuyan always felt that the other party's eyes fell on her stomach, which made her very confused.

This did not wait for the car to stop at the door of the villa, but the other party's fiery eyes still stayed on her stomach.

Chi Shuyan:...

"What are you looking at?" Chi Shuyan looked at the man beside him curiously.

She just asked, the man driving next to him first looked away, his eyes were deep and he looked into the distance, and Chi Shuyan didn't understand what the man was thinking.

Tonight is considered to be getting along well with the man Qi Zhenbai. Before getting out of the car and entering the villa, she greeted with someone, saying that she had gone in first.

As soon as the car door was unscrewed, his left wrist was suddenly held again. Chi Shuyan immediately looked over and found that the other person was not looking at her. The atmosphere in the car was very quiet. The man's palm was rough and there were many calluses, which he held on her wrist. It's a bit thorny and itchy, and now she doesn't reject people, the heart tickled by the wrist is a little strange, and the deep feelings of men that were deliberately cold before are also rekindled.

She felt that if the other party suddenly said something about the compound, she would probably agree without hesitation, but the other party has not spoken, and Chi Shuyan doesn't know what to say, so she has to look out the car window with her eyes open. Holding the big hand of her wrist, her head wondered what was going on right now?

Should she break away or let the man hold it like this without struggling?

The other party also wants to reconcile immediately?

If she refuses to break away, will the other party misunderstand?

Chi Shuyan thought too much, and was worried about the other party's misunderstanding, so she sat in the car quietly for a while.

The atmosphere in the car is strange but harmonious.

Until a ringing tone suddenly rang, Chi Shuyan immediately took out his phone to look at the screen of the phone and tapped the answer button. Until Jing Hengran's familiar voice came, he heard him say: "Shuyan, I'm at your house, what are you? Time to come back?"

As soon as the words fell, Chi Shuyan had not had time to reply and asked why the other party was suddenly at her house. She first felt a sharp pain from her wrist. She looked down and saw that the man’s back of his hand was bulging against her wrist. The force to hold her wrist is also unprecedentedly strong and tight, and it can crush her bones.

Chi Shuyan took a breath, and the other party immediately relaxed a bit. The big hand holding her wrist never let go. Chi Shuyan answered the phone and looked at the man next to her. The car lights were already dimmed, and she couldn't at all. Knowing the expression on the man's face at this time, he could only vaguely see his thin lips pressed tightly, his face seemed to be a little blue and gloomy, especially unsightly.

It happened that the other party didn't utter a word for most of the day. She only heard the concerned and worried voice from Jing Hengran, the other side of the phone, from time to time.

Ask her what's wrong? Where is the person? He went to pick her up!

Chi Shuyan could only ignore the man next to him and continue to talk with Jing Hengran, indicating that she is coming home soon, so he doesn't need to trouble him to pick it up.

When the two talked back and forth, Jing Hengran deliberately showed all kinds of concerns. He didn't know how to listen to them, and he really thought they had a close relationship.

Chi Shuyan was very clear in her heart that Jing Hengran's purpose of showing concern was that the tone of the other party's conversation with her was not only gentle, but also actively caring for a few words every time she talked to her.

At first, Chi Shuyan was uncomfortable listening to the other party's initiative to care. Later, the other party used ‘friend’ as an excuse. Due to the cooperation, Chi Shuyan was not good at the other party’s face and had to pretend not to know.

Later, I realized that all the other party's concern was based on the value she showed, not on her true feelings for her. At most, she had some good feelings for her. Chi Shuyan was too lazy to think about the care and ambiguity that the other party showed from time to time.

In addition, Chi Shuyan got used to Jing Hengran's gentle and caring tone when talking to her more frequently, and did not think much about it.

She didn't think much, but Qi Zhenbai, who sat in the driver's seat and listened to other men's words of concern for his wife from the mobile phone, had to think more.

His face suddenly changed, and a storm was condensed in the depths of his eyes. The hostility of his eyebrows and the whole body rose up a little bit. The expression on that face was even more wanting to kill, and the darkness was particularly shocking. .

Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention to the look of the man beside him, and couldn't help but guess Jing Hengran's purpose for coming to her house so late.

The other party suddenly came to his house, out of ten, for the benefit of Lingcha and Jingshi.

Can someone like Jing Hengran care about the benefits that Lingcha brings to Jing's family?

Chi Shuyan thought for a moment, and had a little bit of tactics in his heart, and took the initiative to say with Jing Heng Ran: "It's done, I'm almost there, you wait first, I'll come over immediately."

As soon as she finished speaking, the wrist of the man next to her increased again. She took a few breaths because of his wrist pain, and immediately glared at the man next to her.

She didn't care for Jing Hengran to say more, and after a few brief words, she immediately hung up the phone.

When she hung up the phone, she turned her attention back to the man next to her. Seeing that he hadn't spoken, staring at the front without blinking, motionless, she didn't know what to look at. Chi Shuyan was still a little curious in her heart and followed his gaze. Outside, it was dark outside, and there was nothing to look at at all. She retracted her gaze and looked sideways at people. The interior of the car was also dark. She couldn't see the man's expression at all.

After sitting for a while, she couldn't be stunned. Before Jing Hengran had anything to look for her, she was quite in the mood to sit with this man in an ambiguous manner.

But at this moment, the other party has already come to her house, and everyone is looking for it. It's not good for people to wait too much. Chi Shuyan had to speak first: "It's late, I get off the car first?"

Seeing that the man didn't speak, he only took out a cigarette and bit it on his lips. It didn't take long for him to take out a lighter and light the flame. After lighting it a few times, his hand trembles, but he didn't light it a few times.

Since Chi Shuyan had a complex mind, he didn't pretend to have a man chasing him desperately.

The relationship between the two people is really useless if the two parties take the initiative to take the initiative. She simply took the initiative to say: "You invite me to dinner tonight, next time I invite you, don't turn off your phone these days."

Before Chi Shuyan got out of the car, she still snatched the lighter of the man next to her. Although she didn't want to interfere with the man's smoking too much, the man had already smoked too many cigarettes before. Hand, twist the car door and get out of the car. Before leaving, stand outside the window and rush inside and say: "I'm leaving, see you next time! Don't turn off your phone!"

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