Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1581: Three hundred and seventy six

After Yuan Yuan got in the car and the car drove away, her gaze was still staring at Xia Mingcheng at the entrance of the villa, but unfortunately Xia Mingcheng didn't stay long after she got in the car. She immediately turned around and went in. Yuan Yuan stared at the rear through the rearview mirror very unwillingly.

But now Mingcheng hasn’t forgotten that the woman likes her and she can’t show her stuff. She clearly understands that once she reveals her feelings for him, Mingcheng will definitely try her best to stay away from her. Thinking of this, Yuan Yuan thought Not reconciled and jealous, not reconciled to Xia Mingcheng still not liking her, even more jealous after all these days, Yan Liling still has something in Mingcheng’s heart

Quite a lot of status.

Not long after Yuan Yuan was jealous, the phone ringing in her bag rang first. She picked up the phone, and Huang Chong heard a familiar and frightened voice over there, and she heard Huang Chong horrified: "Sister Yuan, can you come over? Junzhong and Xiaoyan and I feel something is wrong, Sister Yuan, can you come over now?"

Yuan Yuan was about to agree, and another call came in midway. She saw that she was a wealthy wife who had a good relationship with Xia’s mother. She immediately changed her mind and said, “Huang Chong, I’m busy now. I’m in a hurry. Call you back?"

Without waiting for Huang Chong to say anything, Yuan Yuan hung up the phone first, and immediately returned the call of the rich wife. When she dialed the phone, she heard that she wanted her to come over and see her face tonight. Yuan Yuan didn't want to smile directly. promise.

Three minutes later, she called Huang Chong again. The reasons were found this time. She said that she had no time to go tonight because of urgent matters. Huang Chong had all kinds of requests and fears, fears, and worries. Yuan Yuan didn't take this matter to heart, and repeatedly stated that she was really ill, and that she couldn't pass tonight. She also mentioned that she didn't foresee anything, so she didn't need to worry about it, and she said that she would come and look for them tomorrow.

Huang Chong finally had no choice but to hang up the phone obediently.

After hanging up the phone, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan and Jiang Mingguang didn't need to ask Huang Chong more, they knew what Yuan Yuan meant over there!

The four of them frowned tightly. Since Guobin's accident this morning, they have agreed to live together, and everyone will live together, and take care of what happened.

As for Yuan Yuan and Chai Qing, the four originally planned to invite them to live together again and again, but after Chai Qing hugged Yuan Yuan’s thigh, the two had the best relationship. Chai Qing refused to live with them without hesitation. Moved to live with Yuan Yuan.

As for Yuan Yuan, she said that she was not used to living with everyone and was busy on weekdays, so she refused their request for living together.

The more Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan, and Jiang Mingguang thought about Yuan Yuan, the more unreliable the woman was. They heard Huang Chong hang up the phone and stammered and said: "Sister Yuan said she still...something, come here tomorrow. !"

Huang Chong didn't think much in his heart. After all, they had to rely on Sister Yuan to save their lives. Huang Chong didn't dare to offend her more. He could only hold back the grievances in his heart, and he didn't dare to speak ill of her.

On the contrary, Jiang Mingguang sneered first: "What's the urgent matter? Is it possible that our lives are not comparable to her urgent matter?"

Jiang Mingguang had always been in a normal relationship with Yuan Yuan before, but now he has to rely on Yuan Yuan to save his life. In addition, Yuan Yuan does have a few brushes. Jiang Mingguang had tolerated his temper before, but now after listening to Huang Chong’s excuse, he is I can't bear it.

He is straight-tempered and smart. Coupled with his understanding of a woman like Yuan Yuan, he rushed a few days ago. This woman has been only showing faces to some wealthy wives. From the behavior and behavior, he can see who this woman is?

I'm afraid now that it is an urgent matter, nine out of ten of the richest wives asked her to look at her face. Jiang Mingguang couldn't bear it and suddenly said, "I plan to find Yang Ji and the others. Are you going?"

He has been leaning on the woman Yuan Yuan. To tell the truth, Jiang Mingguang was very uneasy. He was afraid that some of them would have an accident, and who would suddenly benefit Yuan Yuan, this woman would give up their lives for profit.

And there is only one life for them, plus Liling, Guobin, and even Lin Dong were involved in an accident. Which time was it not terrible and terrifying. Just thinking that the three were skinned and died tragically, Jiang Mingguang could not sit still. , The scalp numbs and I feel terrified.

Jiang Mingguang is also a very thoughtful person, so he made the decision immediately.

As soon as Jiang Mingguang decided, Li Xiaoyan agreed with him first.

Yi Junzhong is also a person with ideas. After thinking about the behavior of the woman Yuan Yuan, he is also very uneasy. Even if the woman Yuan Yuan does have a few brushes, she doesn't care about their lives so much. Let's find another way first.

Compared with Yi Junzhong and Li Xiaoyan agreeing to go along with Jiang Mingguang’s proposal, Huang Chong disagreed a bit: "Sister Yuan said that the little girl is definitely not a capable person, she is a liar in all likelihood, she can help. What are we? As for Sister Yuan, she said just now that she didn't foresee anything. She didn't come when she knew we would have something to do. We really want something, Sister Yuan will definitely help! Besides, we know Sister Yuan as a capable person now People, it’s not good to offend her! After all, we didn’t have a good relationship with her before!"

If Yi Junzhong and Jiang Mingguang didn't think about Huang Chong before, but now think about Yuan Yuan does have some skills, but even if they have the skills, Liling, Lin Dong, and Guobin are still dead. What does this mean?

It shows that even though Yuan Yuan has some skills, she only has a few brushes and can't save them at all. In that case, they might as well find another way out, which is good for them and harmless!

As for Li Xiaoyan, she agreed even more. She used to have a better relationship with Liling, and she had always been a bit dirty with Yuan Yuan, because she always felt that Yuan Yuan was approaching Liling with impure thoughts, but there was no evidence, so she could only usually In the words, I reminded Liling that Yuan Yuan had heard it several times, so the relationship between the two has not been very good.

Ever since they encountered this, Yuan Yuan saw her eyes always gloating and disdainful. Li Xiaoyan was actually quite depressed. Sometimes she regretted offending Yuan Yuan.

But regretting offending is already offending.

And she always felt that if something happened to her, Yuan Yuan might not be willing to save her, she might just be a superficial job. Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyan felt very uneasy, her expression trance, and her heart beating. In that case, she might as well fight. Li Xiaoyan rushed to Jiang Mingguang and said: "Brother Jiang, I will go to Yang Ji and the others with you."

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