Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1596: Three hundred and ninety one

Chi Shuyan went upstairs with the old man and immediately went downstairs. Most of the others in the Qi family knew that the old man had stuffed things for Zhenbai’s wife.

However, the Qi family is not so short-sighted. The old man's things are up to him to decide on his own. Only the third aunt of the Qi family murmurs a few times in her heart. As for the second aunt of the Qi family, it is directed at the wife of Zhenbai to her son. Well, she must have no opinion in her heart.

This dinner at Qi's family was fairly happy, but Qi's father came back halfway, which made the atmosphere awkward.

Fortunately, the second uncle and the third uncle of the Qi family made the rounds. As for Qi's father, even if he had some opinions on this son, he still didn't dare to get angry in front of the old man, so the meal was considered smooth.

The two couples didn't stay in Qi's house for long. Qi Zhenbai first found an excuse to leave the old house. Old man Qi said unwillingly: "This house is so big, why can't you still live in your couple?"

When he said this, the old man glanced over Father Qi, and Father Qi didn't dare to make any expressions of his face and fire, and he looked like a good son in filial piety. Just listen to the old man continuing: "Besides, the name of this old mansion is written under the name of my old man, and anyone who doesn't have eyesight dare to drive away my grandson and daughter-in-law?"

A sentence of dismissal made Qi's father even more embarrassed and stiff. Chi Shuyan secretly glanced at the father-in-law's face next to him, thinking that if it weren't what the old man said, her father-in-law would be angry, but the old man would be the nemesis of father Qi. At this point, the father said, Father Qi didn't dare to give it a bit, so he could only hold his breath.

Although Chi Shuyan didn't understand the conflict between Qi's father and Qi Zhenbai, compared with Qi's father, she naturally stood eccentrically on Qi Zhenbai's side.

Facing Father Qi's face unchanged, Qi Zhenbai insisted on leaving the old house. He didn't know how he changed his mind and sighed: "It's OK for two couples to live outside occasionally, but don't forget to go home from time to time!"

Qi Zhenbo nodded: "Yes, grandpa!"

When he looked at the backs of the two children, Old Man Qi sighed, and Mother Qi couldn't help wiping her tears. She complained to Father Qi, "My son and daughter-in-law are gone now. You are satisfied!"

This time, Qi's mother didn't even care about the old man, and turned back to the room after complaining.

Father Qi flushed even more with anger, and couldn't help but said to the old man: "Dad, that unfilial son was even the fourth child..."

Before Qi's father was finished, the old man interrupted Qi's father first, especially when he heard him mention the fourth child again, he was rarely angry: "Shut up, don't speak if you can't speak. Besides, the death of the fourth child is Zhenbai alone. 'S fault?"

Father Qi was speechless, speechless.

The fourth child is naturally the pain in the heart of the old man, but the death of the fourth child has always been the fourth child's own sin. What can the old man say? Not to mention whether the fourth child or Zhenbai, one is his own son and the other is his grandson, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat.

Since the palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all fleshy, he only depends on who is right or wrong!

He now also wants to understand more and more that it was the fourth child who wanted to die by himself, not that Zhenbai deliberately targeted it. No wonder Zhenbai had something wrong with the fourth child.

As for Father Qi, Father Qi also understands his soft character, and it may not be that he really doesn’t care about this son. I think at the beginning, when Father Qi just learned that the fourth child had harmed Zhenbai, he was not so angry that he wanted to kick the fourth child. Feet, even wishing to fight hard with the fourth.

But now it's not that Zhenbai is the fourth child, Qi's father is so soft and guilty, thinking that the fourth child is his own brother, but forgets that Zhenbai is his own son.

Speaking of it, the boss is really not dedicated enough to the son of Zhenbai. He has ignored this son since he was a child, and has always treated this son according to his own emotions. When did he remember that he was kinder to this son when he was kind to this son occasionally. , I usually ignore this son most of the time.

Does he really think that Zhenbai will always understand him?

The gap between the father and son has long existed.

The boss will regret it sooner or later!

Before the boss regretted it, the old man thought for a moment and directly called Father Qi to follow him upstairs into the study.

The others looked at each other and watched Qi's father pickled Baba and followed his old man. Qi Hao gloated the most at his uncle's guilty appearance, wishing to take a picture and send a picture to his brother to make his brother happy!

Inside the car, Chi Shuyan was sitting in the passenger seat. Since they left the old house, she has been paying attention to the man’s face from time to time. Seeing that his expression has not changed, she still sighed in her heart. This man is too emotional, sometimes She really couldn't see what the man was thinking.

As the car drove out for a while, Qi Zhenbo Yu Guang said quietly: "What are you looking at?"

Chi Shuyan was a little guilty, and she became even more guilty under the oppressive gaze of a man. She couldn't ask him about his relationship with Father Qi, so she had to take out a box from her pocket and look carefully. This is a square Xiaotan. Incense box.

The appearance is a bit old, I can see that it is some years old. This thing was just given by the old man. Chi Shuyan didn't see what the old man gave her just now. At this moment, he couldn't help saying, "This is what the old man gave. Take a look?"

Qi Zhenbai has been raised by his father since he was a child. He knows what he has in his collection. At this moment, when he saw his wife take out a sandalwood box, his pupils were slightly narrowed, surprise flashed by, and he calmed down quickly, with thin lips. Aroused: "You can open it yourself!"

Chi Shuyan thought that the man next to her was as curious as her, and now he couldn't help but open it and saw a key in the box?

A bunch of keys?

At this time, only the man next to him whispered: "The old man has a box of antiques kept in the bank. With this key you can go to the bank to take it out!"

What Qi Zhenbai didn’t say is that this box of antiques is the most valuable in the father’s family. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is priceless. The box contains not only valuable antique jewelry, but also the famous paintings and unique copies. Antique valued and cared very much. He did not expect that one day the old man would give this box of things to his wife!

The man's calm and unwavering eyes gradually gave rise to several waves, quite moved.

Chi Shuyan didn’t pay attention to the face of the man next to him because the night was late, and there was no light inside. Chi Shuyan was surprised when he heard what he said. The man next to him had a calm tone, only saying that it was “antique”. According to the Qi family's understanding, this antique is extremely valuable.

Just as she took a breath in her heart, the man next to her took out something from his pocket again, and threw it into her hand: "Next!"

Chi Shuyan's eyes were quick to catch something with his hand, and the inside was dim. Chi Shuyan only touched something with his touch.

and many more?

This man finally remembered to buy a wedding ring for two people?


The shape of this ring is a bit rough, and the carving pattern seems a bit ugly.

Chi Shuyan was curious once in her heart, and didn't want this man to know, so she had to take the ring and put it in her pocket first, go home and look again, yes, go home and look again.

Before long, the car drove into the villa garage.

The two couples were familiar with the road back to the villa. This time they ran into Li Yuchu and two little guys in the living room.

Li Yuchu should have known that Qi Zhenbai lived here, and his expression was very calm and respectful. On the contrary, it was the two boys Han Yu and Li Yu, especially Li Yu, who was a little excited.

He blurted out immediately: "Why are you here?" After he finished speaking, he looked upset and wanted to question Chi Shuyan before being covered by Li Yuchu, wishing to hold him back to the room.

Chi Shuyan was a little happy with the irritated little guy, and immediately rushed to Li Yuchu: "Li Yuchu, don't cover his mouth and let him talk."

While talking, gloating at the man next to him, he quickly found an excuse to take a bath, leaving the man in the living room, with the reputation of connecting.

The face of the man beside him had been very calm as if he hadn't seen the gloating on his wife's face, and he took the initiative to hold the two children. Unfortunately, the two children seemed to be more afraid of him than before and rejected him very much.

Li Yu first yelled: "Li Yuchu, this king is going to sleep, this king is going to sleep! Take this king to the room! Quickly, take this king to the room!"

As the little book boy of the Ninth Prince, Han Yu has always been with him, but his small body has been trembling. He always feels that the man walking towards them in front of him is too dangerous and terrifying, like a giant beast and like a monster. The terrible big devil might swallow them at any time, and neither he nor the nine princes liked the breath of the man in front of him.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know how Li Yu and Han Yu felt. She went upstairs and watched the man Qi Zhenbai interacting with the two children in the living room. She smiled, and the man sitting in the living room seemed to feel suddenly. Looking up, the two of them faced each other, and the man's eyes were deep, gloomy and bottomless.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to look away and go back to the room to take a bath.

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