Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1610: Four hundred and five

Let Yang Ji come to see Yuan Yuan immediately. It’s no good. Let’s not say that the next victim is Yang Ji. None of them dare to let Yang Ji come to the adventure alone. Moreover, Yuan Yuan was very emotional this time and called Yang Ji. What can Ji do?

Wang Jinyang and the crowd saw that Yuan Yuan was extremely unstable today, and they looked at her for a while and found an excuse to leave.

Except for Huang Chong and Chai Qing, everyone else was ready to leave.

Xia Mingcheng is no exception. If in the past, Yuan Yuan would not be willing to leave him. At this moment, seeing other people leave, Yuan Yuan's eyebrows became more and more mad, her face was faintly blue, but she didn't speak any more, her face was gloomy and mad and without temperature. Staring at the crowd leaving the ward.

It is estimated that Yuan Yuan's expression was too gloomy and gloomy. Yu Guang occasionally glanced at the two of them. Huang Chong and Chai Qing felt a little chilly and flustered inexplicably, so they quickly found an excuse to send someone outside the ward.

Fortunately, Yuan Yuan didn't keep anyone, and the two of them let out a sigh of relief.

After covering the ward, Chai Qing suddenly shuddered and asked Huang Chong secretly: "Huang Chong, do you think Sister Yuan... just now has a scary expression?"

Huang Chong thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, for fear that the people inside could hear it, so he deliberately calmly said: "Don't talk nonsense. Let's go downstairs to give someone away!"

Wang Jinyang and a group of people have come out of the first floor of the elevator, and when they walked out of the hospital building, Li Xiaoyan couldn't help but rushed to Xia Mingcheng, Yi Jun and others as they walked and asked: "Brother Xia, Brother Yi, why do I think something is wrong with Yuan Yuan just now? ?"

Wang Jinyang is a crude-minded, straight-headed man. He first returned to Li Xiaoyan's words: "What's wrong? I think it's normal. Yuan Yuan is probably okay after listening to Yang Ji. She was excited and happy. This was just a little excited!"

After a while, Wang Jinyang thought that Yang Ji was okay, and he was happier. If that Master Chi could really save Yang Ji, he would definitely be able to save them in the future, and they would have hope that they would be all right.

The more Wang Jinyang wanted to make an appointment, he was excited and happy.

Yi Junzhong and Xia Mingcheng looked a little strange. They had the same thoughts as Li Xiaoyan. They also felt that Yuan Yuan was a little strange and strange, but Jinyang also made sense. Maybe the other party really heard that Yang Ji was all right and looked too excited and too gloomy. .

Xia Mingcheng thought a little bit more than Yi Junzhong, that is, he didn't see the slightest joy in Yuan Yuan's eyes just now, that is, when Wang Jinyang said that Yang Ji was okay, he should be more joyful according to normal people's thinking, but he couldn't see the slightest of each other. Joyful, this is the point of his most confusion. Xia Mingcheng rubbed his eyebrows, thinking that he was thinking too much. Yuan Yuan is Liling’s best girlfriend, and Yang Ji is one of the people who protect Liling the most. Where are the two? Will there be grudges?

Xia Mingcheng finally decided that he had thought too much, and said the same as Wang Jinyang: "Yuan Yuan guessed that Yang Ji was indeed fine after hearing Yang Ji, too excited!"

Li Xiaoyan had to shut up.

As a group of people walked, Li Xiaoyan’s personality was very sensitive. She was always sensitive when she realized that someone was staring at them from a distance. It was a big day, but even during the day, Li Xiaoyan felt a little abnormal. She couldn’t help asking directly. Aloud: "Brother Xia, do you think anyone is staring at us from a distance?"

Xia Mingcheng, Yi Junzhong, and Wang Jinyang didn't notice the abnormality at all, and looked surprised: "How come?"

Wang Jinyang turned his head and glanced around. He didn't see anyone watching them. Xia Mingcheng and Yi Junzhong did the same. In the end, Li Xiaoyan had to admit that she was too sensitive to think too much, and nodded: "That's probably because I thought too much. !"

That's what Li Xiaoyan said. After walking a few steps, the staring gaze from a distance still didn't leave them, her scalp was inexplicably numb, she suppressed the tension in her heart as if she didn't notice it, and walked a few more steps before suddenly following her gaze. Turn back quickly.

Li Xiaoyan saw a vague figure sticking to the French window of a ward in a tall building in the distance. The figure was squeezed against the window. Not only was her body distorted, her face was also twisted and squeezed against the window, because she was too far away. Li Xiaoyan didn't know the other person's outline expression and the appearance of the specific person at all, but only looked at the outline and movement of the distant body.

Li Xiaoyan's face was startled first, and then slowly stopped, her eyes staring into the distance like a demon.

Wang Jinyang saw Li Xiaoyan walking slower and slower. They slowed down and reminded humanity: "Xiaoyan, hurry up, we have to go back to the police station!"

Li Xiaoyan responded, just about to turn her head, but suddenly saw a pale and strange hand appearing behind her in the distance against the blurry figure by the French window, she saw that hand gradually groped into the other party's hair from behind and then vaguely touched her. Before long, a piece of human skin and hair were torn off. The red blood sprayed from the floor-to-ceiling windows was everywhere, and it gradually slipped down with the water.

Li Xiaoyan yelled out in amazement, her voice sharp and frightened, she couldn't breathe in fright as if she was going to frighten her back. Not only was the people who came and went were startled by Li Xiaoyan, but the most frightened were Xia Mingcheng, Wang Jinyang, and Yi Junzhong several.

The three rushed to Li Xiaoyan's side to help others, and heard her cry in despair while screaming: "I saw something happened to Yuan Yuan. Is the sixteenth floor of that building where Yuan Yuan lives?"

As soon as Li Xiaoyan finished speaking, Xia Mingcheng and Yi Junzhong looked at each other, fearing that Yuan Yuan really had an accident, immediately rushed into the hospital lobby, took the elevator upstairs to find Yuan Yuan's ward, and pushed the door in.

The two men panted and pushed the door, and saw Yuan Yuan just sitting on the hospital bed. Seeing the two of them, her expression seemed a little surprised, and her gloomy complexion eased a lot. Her eyes fell on Xia Mingcheng, her eyes were quite surprised, and she subconsciously ignored Xia Mingcheng's side Yi Junzhong shouted in surprise: "Mingcheng, why did you come back to see me all of a sudden?"

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