Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1612: Four hundred and seven

Not to mention that Feng Yuanlin’s “husband” was like a blockbuster in Wang Jinyang and Yi Jun’s ears. The two were finally brainwashed by Chai Qing’s woman, saying that Master Chi is very likely to be interesting to Xia, and suddenly appeared in a blink of an eye. A husband, how can they not be surprised or shocked?

Wang Jinyang even blurted out and asked: "Master, do you... and your husband? When did you get married?" Master can still get married?

At this time, Xia Mingcheng was not surprised after hearing the words, but Wang Jinyang and Yi Junzhong were not shocked, at most surprised and curious.

As for Yang Ji, who had heard about Master Chi's marriage earlier, he heard from the Bureau earlier, so I was not surprised at this moment, but was very curious about the man who could marry Master Chi. At this time, I couldn't wait to go out and meet Master Chi's family.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know what Chai Qing’s brainwashing and smearing words in front of Wang Jinyang today and Yang Ji’s eagerness in her heart at this time. Seeing a few boys were very curious and looked at her. She thought that everyone was just curious at most. She was very curious. With a generous smile, he admitted: "Well, I just got married recently. I didn't expect luck to run into you!"

Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Yang Ji, and Xia Mingcheng who choked with the words "good luck" were speechless. They would rather not have this kind of luck, but now they are lucky to meet Master Chi.

Let them finally see the hope. Didn't see Yang Ji, right now, nothing happened here?

Wang Jinyang, Xia Mingcheng, Yi Junzhong, and Li Xiaoyan trust her uncharacteristically, but Li Xiaoyan doesn't know if it's because of the hospital. She looks a little dazed and can't lift her energy by listening to anything, including the gossip at this time.

Chi Shuyan seemed to see that Li Xiaoyan's expression was abnormal. He didn't rush out, but suddenly looked at Li Xiaoyan and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Without waiting for Wang Jinyang, Yi Jun and others to speak, Li Xiaoyan hurriedly lowered her head and shook her head to deny that she was all right but she was a little uncomfortable, and she struggled to squeeze a smile.

In fact, Li Xiaoyan’s melancholy expression is not clear to other people. Xia Mingcheng in the car also tried to ask her what she saw in the hospital. Li Xiaoyan only said that she had read it wrong, and she didn’t reveal much of the other word, so they I really don't know what happened to her, and it's hard to talk to Master Chi.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Li Xiaoyan, his eyebrows flashed thoughtfully.

Since they don't want to say, Chi Shuyan is not so compelling, and it depends on the wishes of others. If they don't want to say, it's useless if you force them.

Chi Shuyan took out the phone and looked at it, and saw many missed calls. She had to call Yang Ji to go out with her.

Yang Ji was very flattered and extremely nervous, stammering nervously: "Master, I... Am I really going back with you?"

Everyone except Xia Mingcheng admired Yang Ji's treatment, but they also understood this arrangement.

Feng Yuanlin also looked at the time behind him and said: "It's almost there, Shuyan, your husband is still waiting at the door! Hurry up and take someone out."

Shuyan is the only one who can make Zhenbai willing to waste time waiting.

Chi Shuyan also didn't want her man to wait too much, and immediately took Yang Ji out.

If it were not before Chai Qing, Wang Jinyang and Yi Jun would not be so curious about Master Chi’s husband at all. No, the two of them now think that Master Chi’s husband is at the door. They are itchy and curious. Both Ren immediately found an excuse to give people away, saying that he would send them out.

Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it, but Feng Yuanlin saw that the two boys looked unusually interesting, but he didn't explain that since the boys were still free, he didn't bother to interfere with the freedom of a few.

As Wang Jinyang and Yi Junzhong said, Xia Mingcheng and Li Xiaoyan had to go out together.

It took only four or five minutes from the detention room to the entrance of the police station, and soon a crowd of people saw a green leather military vehicle at the entrance of the police station.

A completely different black luxury car.

The surface of this car is about the same as other black cars. You can look carefully at the license plate and logo. This car is really a luxury car worth half a billion. The license plate number is also very eye-catching and unique. It is not a rich and powerful person. Can't open.

Among them, Xia Mingcheng, Wang Jinyang, and Yi Jun, which are the best in the family, looked the most clearly. The expressions of several people were a little unusual. After Yang Ji moved to Kyoto, he also improved a lot. He often mixes with Xia Mingcheng and the crowd. If this luxury car is not rich or expensive, it is even more so for those who drive luxury cars.

All the people had different thoughts, but not far away, the car lights suddenly turned on, the door opened, and then a very tall, dignified, and aura man got out of the car.

The man’s eyes lightly swept away, and wherever he went, he unconsciously silenced his breath and held his breath. The aura was really powerful and compelling. He was dressed in an exceptionally simple suit and leather shoes, but his whole body showed a different momentum. Generally, there is a sense of existence, so I dare not look at it.

In the end, the man's gaze only fell on Master Chi's body motionless, and the cold silhouette immediately softened a bit. The man's mellow and gentle voice suddenly said: "Get in the car, wife!"

Chi Shuyan saw the man early and saw him say hello to her now. After saying goodbye to his brother with a smile on his face, he called Yang Ji to get in the car.

Qi Zhenbai only glanced at the opponent lightly, but made Yang Ji feel cold all over, so he soaked in the cold water, and hit a violent spirit. Fortunately, Master Chi’s husband only glanced at him, and his eyes fell on him. The seal behind him.

Feng Yuanlin was familiar with Zhenbai and greeted him on the initiative, and also teased a few words.

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