Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1628: Four hundred twenty three

Chi Shuyan finished the phone call with her man after school in the evening, only to see the message Feng had sent to her, and after a while, Feng had called.

She only knew that Huang Chong had an accident at noon today and almost died. At this moment, several attending doctors are still in the rescue. There is no news. Feng Yuanlin is also a little anxious at this moment, and the other people are in a very state. No, Feng Yuanlin asked Shuyan if she could come to the hospital.

Not to mention that Chi Shuyan has already taken the matter, but there is no, Feng Ge came forward, Chi Shuyan can not give Feng Feng face, immediately said: "Come, Feng Brother, I will rush over as soon as possible."

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to take a taxi to the hospital, but she didn't know that a familiar vehicle came into her sight. Whose was this Qi Zhenbai's?

The car window in the distance rolled down, and the back seat revealed the man's frosty silhouette. When Chi Shuyan looked over, the man also happened to turn his head, and the two immediately faced each other.

Chi Shuyan saw a familiar man with a happy smile subconsciously, and immediately walked towards the man. His car was still his own man, and Chi Shuyan was not polite with this man. He walked around the other side and opened the car door with a bag in his hand. ,boarding.

When he got on the bus, Chi Shuyan immediately rushed to the driver and said, "Go to the First A hospital in the center of Zhaoyang Road, thank you!"

The driver who drove was a member of the Qi family. Naturally, knowing the relationship between the little girl and Qi Shao now, she was flattered and nodded respectfully.

Chi Shuyan finished the address with the driver, then immediately looked at the tall man beside him, and automatically explained: "Someone has something wrong again. Brother Feng called me to the hospital just now to see if I can help!"

Her own wife took the initiative to explain that Qi Zhenbai felt very relieved and soothed, the cold and hard silhouette instantly softened incredibly, and her voice was deep, powerful and soft and said: "Listen to you!"

The driver in front vaguely saw Qi Shao's soft expression through the rearview mirror, and his heart was still a little weird, but speaking of it, the man who found his wife was different, and this was not true of Qi Shao.

But thinking of the cold-hearted character of Shao Qi before, he really didn't expect that Shao Qi would one day be able to temper a woman into a soft temper, and he would be a different person from the whole person.

Qi Zhenbai and Chi Shuyan did not know the feelings and thoughts of the front-seat driver at this time. The atmosphere in the car was very quiet, mainly because Chi Shuyan had no intention of talking to the man next to him at the moment, and his attention was focused on Feng Ge just now. Talking on the phone means Huang Chong's accident.

Qi Zhenbai saw that his daughter-in-law hadn't spoken for a long time, and his attention was not on him. His face finally changed. His complexion was not worried, but his tone was still very gentle: "What do you think?"

"I want to seal what Brother just said!" Chi Shuyan blurted out.

After Chi Shuyan finished speaking, she rolled down the car window next to her and put her hand on the car window and continued to meditate, until a slender and warm palm suddenly attached to her right hand. She couldn't help writing tightly, and her big hand wrapped the small hand in his palm. Inside, Bian kept it in his pocket and kept it on.

Chi Shuyan was a little uncomfortable and couldn't help but struggled a few times, but the man was strong enough, and her hands were steadily written. The weather was still a bit hot. Chi Shuyan was wrapped in her hands and was still in her pocket. There was a sticky, fine sweat on the palms of her hands, she was really too hot, and her head was thinking about things again, and she felt a little irritable immediately.

She subconsciously struggled a few more times, but it was a pity that the man didn't notice her struggle at all, so why didn't she let go.

She had to look sideways at the man next to her, trying to remind her.

The man next to him looked serious and sat looking forward, as if he hadn't noticed her thoughts at all. Chi Shuyan was just too hot and a little irritable just now, but at the moment she met the man’s serious profile face, her heart softened subconsciously, where Can say something that makes people let go, and the few moments of irritability and disgust in her heart just now made her feel very guilty. This man is good enough for her. She is too unkind if she wants to dislike others. If the other party wants to hold it, let her hold it Come on.

Chi Shuyan didn't expect this grip. The man never let go of her hand along the way until he reached the door of the hospital and wanted to get out of the car. A man beside him was still reluctant and unwilling to let go.

But getting off the car and not letting go is unlikely.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. It is true that both hands have been holding too hot, especially Qi Zhenbai, a man with strong age and good health. He holds his hands just like a heater. It's warm. Maybe in winter It's a welfare, but in recent hot weather, she really can't bear it.

Her palms were sweaty, wet and sticky. This man didn't dislike it, she disliked it herself.

When she got out of the car, she was afraid that the man would continue to hold her hand, put her hand in her pocket, and then looked at the man in front of her and said, "I want to go first, are you with me?"

The second half of the sentence reveals obvious questions.

Chi Shuyan actually didn't really want this man to go to the hospital together. This man is busy on weekdays and has more time to rest. As for her, she only attends classes on weekdays and there is no pressure. Life is simply not too easy.

She was kind, but the tall man in front of him was a little misunderstood. Suddenly frowned, his face recovered a little bit cold and ugly, and there was a long silence before he slowly asked: "You don't want me to go in with you? "

As soon as Chi Shuyan heard this man's words, he knew that this man must have misunderstood, and immediately explained: "You are busy during the day, and you have time, it is better to take a good rest!"

Don’t say that Chi Shuyan’s stern look at the man in front of him is a little bit awkward, but both of them have already obtained the certification. Given that this man is good to her, she really is not afraid of each other. This man is in front of her. No matter how serious her face is at ordinary times, she is a paper tiger to her, so she can just coax a few words, so she is very easy to get along with.

At this time, Qi Zhenbai's face improved a lot after listening to his wife's words, and his face was somewhat satisfied. He was about to speak when the phone bell suddenly rang. Chi Shuyan touched his pocket subconsciously and found that it was from With a cell phone, she immediately took out the cell phone to answer the call, and the familiar and anxious voice of Brother Feng came from there immediately: "Shuyan, have you come here?"

Chi Shuyan immediately replied, "Come here, here, at the door. Brother Feng, I will come in now!"

She didn't pay attention when she called. After listening to the call, the gentle face of a man in front of him darkened inexplicably, his dark eyes were also very dark, and his pupils gradually darkened.

When I hung up the phone, Chi Shuyan immediately rushed to the man in front of him: "Brother Feng is looking for me in an urgent matter. I'm going in first. Take a good rest in the car. Don't follow me in. The hospital disinfectant smells bad. I'll be back later. I'm looking for you."

After talking, Chi Shuyan turned and hurried to go to the hospital, but might as well be caught by the man behind her wrists suddenly, only to hear the man's deep and mellow voice suddenly sound: "Feng Yuanlin is more important or me?"

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