Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1632: Four hundred twenty seven

A few days later, Huang Chong finally passed the dangerous period and turned the crisis into peace. On the first day he woke up, Chi Shuyan was going to see people in the hospital ward, and was going to see him at noon after class.

At this time in the hospital ward, Huang Chongzheng was crying and horrified, lying on the bed and crying to Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan and others about what happened to him before. Tears and nose flowed, especially miserable and embarrassed. When he said that, others were physically Shaking constantly, and crying hoarse, obviously scared.

However, when Huang Chong finished intermittently, he was almost dug into a dozen sections by the excavator's bucket, and his face was almost shoveled into a flat surface. They were Wang Jinyang, Xia Mingcheng, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan, Yang Ji and others. Not only did he turn his face pale with fright, but his legs shivered and made him unstable like noodles.

The courageous Wang Jinyang and Li Xiaoyan have been supporting each other together, and the other courageous ones have never looked better.

After Huang Chong finished talking about his own affairs, he immediately burst into tears and begged Yang Ji madly: "Yang Ji, Yang Ji, where is Master Chi? Please can you introduce that Master Chi to me immediately, I don't want to die , I really don't want to die!"

In fact, Huang Chong was really not too afraid of death. He was afraid that the method of death would be too tragic. Thinking of the construction work at noon a few days ago, Huang Chong was afraid that his heart would get cold and creepy. He thought Yuan Yuan could save him, but he Before the accident, Yuan Yuan hadn't told him any predictions at all.

Huang Chong didn't think too much about the other party's uneasiness and kindness. At most, he thought that the other party was incapable. Compared with Yang Ji now standing in front of him, Huang Chong naturally trusted that Master Chi more now.

Huang Chong cried too loudly and miserably. Yang Ji was very sympathetic to stepping forward and comforting the other party first. Wang Jinyang thought of something and suddenly said: "No, Huang Chong, I didn't give you a master Chi's talisman before. Have you always carried it with you!"

Huang Chong nodded without thinking, and said that he had been in his pocket, and other people looked at Wang Jinyang.

At this moment, Wang Jinyang immediately put Huang Chong's coat in his pocket. When Huang Chong had an operation, his coat was taken off and he was stained with a lot of blood, and he was lying on the side. The nurse said just now for a while to help throw it away, but Huang Chong didn't have it. care.

Wang Jinyang thought it was Huang Chong who didn’t bring Master Chi’s talisman. Others were also quite puzzled. They waited for Wang Jinyang to dig out the talisman. They didn’t know that he digs out both pockets of his clothes, and finally only took out a black one in the second pocket Ashes, there are no other talismans at all.

Wang Jinyang didn't react at first, and he spit out: "Huang Chong, where is the talisman for you? I didn't mean to carry it with me? Why did I take out such a handful of things from my pocket?" Wang Jinyang really didn't see it. What the black gray is, the more he wonders: "What the **** is this!"

Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, Xia Mingcheng, and Li Xiaoyan also did not respond, and immediately asked Huang Chong what the Fulu Wang Jinyang gave him before?

Huang Chong was a little stunned at first, and couldn't answer the question. He stared blankly at the burnt ashes in Wang Jinyang's palm. Just about to look away, Huang Chong suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly stiffened, and then he looked at Yang Ji seemed to be crying at the last straw, yelling in a low voice and begging frantically: "Yang Ji, you must introduce Master Chi for me, Yang Ji, you must do me this favor, wow..., I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn’t believe Master Chi, really, Yang Ji, no one except Master Chi can help me avoid this disaster. Please, please...Yang Ji!"

Huang Chong was crying more miserable than just now. He didn’t know that his parents were crying for death. In short, the cry was so loud that even the nurse passing by the door could not help but knock on the door to remind people to whisper. Don't disturb other patients.

But Huang Chong couldn't stop crying.

Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Xia Mingcheng, Li Xiaoyan, and Yang Ji were all so startled by Huang Chong's howling. People who didn't know thought he was going to have something serious?

Yang Ji was also shocked, and hurriedly agreed to Huang Chong's condition, saying that Master Chi would definitely not leave them alone. A few days ago, he specially came to see him during the rescue.

Yang Ji’s consolation finally stopped Huang Chong’s crying. Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, and Li Xiaoyan only learned from Yang Ji’s stuttering explanation that the scorched ashes in Wang Jinyang’s palm just now The ashes of the talisman, as for why the talisman turned black, it was because he saved him in the first place.

When the excavator's bucket was also smashed down, Huang Chong was shocked on the spot thinking that he would be smashed into several pieces, especially when the bucket was shoveling his face later, the bucket was suddenly motionless, as if it was resisted by some resistance. prevent.

At that time, he was dying, and he couldn’t think too much. Now he is alive, recalling the details of his nearly tragic death before, many

The details can't stand scrutiny and are very unusual.

And at that time, besides that talisman, he was still that talisman. This talisman was so mysterious and suddenly turned into black ashes. Huang Chong didn't believe it when Huang Chong said that the talisman did not stop him.

Huang Chong became more and more afraid now. If Jinyang kindly gave him a talisman at the time, he must have been cold at the moment, and his death is extremely miserable. I am afraid that his body will be broken into more than a dozen pieces, and he will not be able to fight. As soon as he thought of this, if Huang Chong hadn't been lying on the hospital bed and couldn't move, he wanted to rush to Wang Jinyang and give him a hug.

Huang Chong was afraid and excited at this time and rushed to Wang Jinyang to thank Wang Jinyang, "Jinyang, you saved my life. If it weren't for the talisman you gave me before, my quasi-dead corpse would be cold right now. Jinyang, you are my savior, and Master Chi!"

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