Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1635: Four hundred thirty

Yuan Yuan became more excited as she thought about it. Before going to bed, she thought she would not fall asleep, but she did not know that she fell asleep as soon as she lay in bed.

Vaguely she had another dream. In the dream, something ding-dong ding-dong kept beating under the bed, and after a few minutes, the sound of the ding-dong became more and more intense.

Then she opened her eyes soon, and she saw a fuzzy figure sitting on her most of the night and staring at her while crunching and grinning at her. This'person' has a particularly big mouth, which seems to be hidden inside. A black hole can swallow her whole person.

Not only that, this'human' scalp did not know when there was a bunch of hair added to the back of his head. As the other party grinned, the long hair spread out in front of her, and a few bunches still dangling on her face, very terrifying. .

Yuan Yuan was so frightened that she didn't catch her breath and almost choked to death. When she reacted, she **** off and asked for help while shaking her legs and flipping the ugly thing on her body.

In the dream, she kept running, but how she ran, she could only be in the bedroom, couldn’t even touch the door, not far away, there was a fuzzy figure sitting on her bed, two strangely stiff. The dull eyeballs stared at her greedily and gleefully, as if trying to stare out a hole in her whole person.

The moment the thing turned its head, the bedroom suddenly lit up, and Yuan Yuan faced the ugly thing that was squeezed against her face all over her body, and that thing had a bunch of loose and long hair on her scalp.

Not only that, at this time the thing was completely rotten, and each face was rotten to turn out a large piece of rotten flesh, and there were maggots on it. As the thing moved, a lot of maggots shook out of the rotten flesh. She fell on her bed and was very disgusting. Yuan Yuan almost vomited her stomach out of her stomach when she first saw it clearly. When she thought that she just slept in the bed, Yuan Yuan was even more disgusting. No, disgusting and horrified.

The disgusting thing on the bed not far away saw her vomiting upside down, and she smiled happily. She smiled and shook out a lot of maggots and fell on the bed. There were a dozen folds on her face that were not flat and rotten.

Yuan Yuan couldn't help but screamed for help, but no matter how she asked for help, no one helped her. Shaking her body and rushing to the hot pot, the ants kept touching the handle of the door, just when she touched the handle. A bit of surprise and excitement just emerged in my heart.

When did that thing stand behind her next to her? As she moved, a lot of maggots fell on the ground, and some maggots still crawled on her.

Yuan Yuan usually fears software bugs, not to mention such disgusting maggots. Seeing these maggots crawling on her, she was so scared that her eyes turned black and screamed, and then she faced the last one which was extremely ugly. The rotting cheeky face, goose bumps and fear rushed from the chest to the scalp, and the scalp was tingling and dizzy.

Just before she was about to faint, the thing suddenly grabbed her hair and dragged it to the bathroom. Yuan Yuan only felt that the whole scalp was about to be torn off by this thing, and kept screaming.

And that thing had only a grinning expression from the beginning to the end, without any other expressions. Two stiff eyes stared at her from time to time. As she moved, some of the maggots that shook off the thing fell on the ground, most of which fell on her. There was still a mouth on her body, her nose was disgusting and frightened, and she felt something crawling in her tongue, and some crawled into her esophagus.

Yuan Yuan was really sickened in her stomach, her tears flowed like no money, she kept screaming and desperate and terrified, who could save her?

Who can save her?

She called for help vaguely, but was finally taken out of the bathroom by the thing. When the thing stripped her all over, including the scalp, no one rescued her.

The blood everywhere in and out of the bathtub in the bathroom, like the water overflowing Jinshan, is shocking.

This nightmare was too horrible and disgusting. Yuan Yuan was shocked and awake as soon as she finished this nightmare. After she woke up, her face was full of tears and nose, and her body was sweaty, and her pajamas were wet and sticking to her clothes. It seemed that he had just taken a bath, his face was very haggard and pale, and his eyes were all frightened. Look carefully at the color of his lips and face, and he was a little blue from fright.

Yuan Yuan twisted her face and shook her hands and touched the wrong place before turning on the light immediately. When she saw that there was nothing around the bright bedroom and nothing happened, Yuan Yuan's body was still shaking, vomiting and unable to vomit. She stretched out **** to dig into the mouth and throat tube, and kept inducing vomiting, but still couldn't vomit out. She couldn't wait to insert both fingers directly into the throat tube, and also pulled out a lot of blood.

Yuan Yuan was incited by herself to vomit again with a burst of tears and nose.

After a while, she gradually calmed down.

How could this be?

How could this be?

Yuan Yuan vaguely knew that this dream must have something to do with Huang Chong's death. Last time Yang Ji did not die, she also had a nightmare. This time Huang Chong did not die, and she made this nightmare again.

If she would end up with the disgusting death in tonight's nightmare, she would rather commit suicide first.

For a moment, Yuan Yuan regretted taking the initiative to provoke this thing.

No, all dreams are false, all dreams are false, she can't die, she can't die, she can't die if other people die.

In the end, Yuan Yuan was still cherishing her life. She looked straight at the safe. She immediately got off the bed and wanted to reach out to hook the safe. She just got out of bed, her legs fell soft and fell to the ground. Yuan Yuan did not care, immediately. He got up and pounced on the safe, and then took out a Russian doll from the insurance.

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