Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1639: Four hundred thirty four

Chai Qing said so swearingly, everyone in the ward listened to her words but wanted to blast the woman surnamed Chai out immediately. Although sometimes they didn’t look down on Chai Qing a little bit, they didn’t hate a woman like that. Do you see Yang Ji's forehead tense?

Wang Jinyang, who is the best with Yang Ji, couldn't help but just wanted to help Yang Jiyun in front of the woman. A familiar and calm voice came from outside the ward: "I don't think Yang Ji is like a short-lived person, but Ms. Chai had better be careful!"

Who is the person who pushed in from outside the ward?

Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Huang Chong, Yi Jun, etc. saw Master Chi coming in at this moment, the anger that was suffocating in their hearts immediately put aside, their expressions were delighted and happy.

Huang Chong, who was half lying on the hospital bed, exclaimed excitedly: "Master Chi, are you here? Just here? Great!"

Although Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Li Xiaoyan, and Yi Jun are not as excited and happy as Huang Chong has shown, they also have a little more smile on their faces. This is not because Ye Mingguang has heard the words of the little master Chi in front of him. A little smile.

Only Chai Qing's face was very ugly. She turned her head and saw the visitor. When she saw that the visitor was a woman whose surname was Chi, her face became more and more ugly, and then listened to the other party's words just now. Didn't she intentionally curse her?

Chai Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Is it you?"

Chi Shuyan ignored the other party, looked directly at Huang Chong, and saw that his complexion improved a lot. When I looked at him last night, the red line on his forehead had faded a lot, but there were still traces. Now, the red line disappeared completely. After Huang Chong, there should be no major incidents like Yang Ji, and his death was over.

With a sigh of relief in her heart, she still rushed to Huang and asked: "How is it? Your health is much better?"

Huang Chong immediately nodded excitedly and said that his health was much better, and there was nothing serious about him. When he replied, he couldn't help but glanced at Chai Qing who was beside him. If it weren't for Master Chi's sudden arrival, he would like to treat the woman named Chai directly. Sweep out.

Seeing the two answer questions and answers, occasionally Yang Ji, Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan, and Ye Mingguang talked about Chai Qing completely as a transparent person. How could Chai Qing stand up to this humiliation, her chest ups and downs for a long time Without suffocating a word, his face turned green and then green. It is estimated that there is a lot of suffocation in the heart, and the crowd is quite satiated.

Even Yang Ji's complexion improved a lot.

In the end, Chai Qing couldn’t bear to be ignored. In her opinion, she had taken the initiative to remind Yang Ji. Unexpectedly, he would not appreciate it, and other people would not appreciate it. Chai Qing couldn’t bear it and directly rushed to Yang Jitong and said: "I have already told me. I've said everything, believe it or not," At this point, Chai Qing deliberately or unintentionally glanced at the others with a cold eye, and continued to sneer in a cold voice: "If it wasn't for the sake of knowing for many years, do you think I would talk too much? Kindly treat it as a donkey liver and lungs, and you will die, and you still don’t understand who is doing you good. You will continue to listen to this woman and see if she can save you?"

After leaving these words, Chai Qing left without looking back. Before leaving, she did not forget to stare in the direction of Chi Shuyan. Chi Shuyan didn't put people in her eyes at all, and slightly ignored the other's anger. Her face was about to look away, and the red line suddenly fell on her forehead.

Chi Shuyan called out in time: "Wait!"

Seeing that people didn't stop, she quickly kicked the door that was just opened and closed it again.

Chai Qing:...

Others: ... Huang Chong, Yang Ji and the others are eager for Chai Qing to leave immediately. How do you know that Master Chi suddenly kept people? What is Master Chi?

Chai Qing naturally regarded the other party's kicking action as deliberately provoking her. Suddenly, she was so angry that she trembled and stared at Chi Shuyan bitterly, "What do you want to do?"

Chi Shuyan did not speak at this moment, but stared at Chai Qing's face. With this look, Chai Qing Alexander, I have to say that the chi woman in front of him occasionally sees the popular scene quite a lot, she actually I can't help but feel a little emboldened. Of course, Chai Qing is most worried about whether this woman is going to be against her?

It is said that this woman is indeed a celestial master. Although she has always regarded people as a liar, she is still a little bit dubious in her heart. In case the other party is really a ‘three-legged cat’ celestial master, as long as she is a celestial master, there are simply not too many ways to avenge others.

At this moment, Chai Qing was afraid that the other party would pull her hair, and then secretly retaliate against her behind her back. The more Chai Qing thought about it, the more afraid she became. At this moment, she regretted coming over to see Huang Chong alone. She knew she should have been behind Sister Yuan. See this woman, dare to move her?

Chai Qing couldn't help stammering and said cruelly: "Sister Yuan...Sister Yuan is waiting for me outside. If you woman dare to do...what I do, Sister Yuan will definitely not let you go!"

Yang Ji, Huang Chong, Li Xiaoyan, Yi Jun, etc. are really not worried about what Master Chi would do to Chai Qing. Of course, even if Master Chi really did anything to Chai Qing, they cursed Yang Ji to die just now. Don't bother to sympathize with her.

But Chi Shuyan was not interested at all and was too lazy to waste time doing what to the woman surnamed Chai in front of her. Her attention was all on the bright red line on Chai Qing's forehead.

Not only that, the thick lifelessness on the woman's forehead, Chai Qing, almost enveloped her entire face. It was just that when she closed the door just now, the blackness and lifelessness on her face disappeared.

Chi Shuyan was naturally very familiar with this face, and she was bound to die, which meant that once this woman went out, she would die today.

Chi Shuyan carefully saw the other's face and the red line that appeared between her forehead.

And besides death, a weird red light flashed by, which means that this woman died in a miserable state, but she was full of resentment but was suppressed and swallowed by other things.

Chi Shuyan's brows furrowed uncontrollably, her eyes thoughtful, but Chai Qing's expression became more wary: "What are you...what are you looking at me doing? What do you want to do to me?"

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