Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1641: Four hundred thirty six

Chai Qing not only didn't take Li Xiaoyan's words to heart, but instead took them as if a woman surnamed Chi cursed her, her angry expression was a blue, and the hands on the phone shook and shouted, "Li Xiaoyan, I I asked myself, I was pretty good to you before, and I didn’t offend you much. Would you like to curse me like this? Is the late woman cursing me? I knew that woman was not at peace with me! You, Yang Ji and others Have no peace with me! Curse me deliberately."

The more Chai Qing said, the more angry she became, and she also pointed out that Sang cursed Li Xiaoyan a few words, and hung up the phone with Li Xiaoyan's **** head.

Li Xiaoyan who was hung up:...

Li Xiaoyan was really stunned at the moment. She even forgot the persuasion draft that she had just typed in her abdominal cavity. She was hung up in a daze and looked dazed and anxious.

Except for Chi Shuyan, as for the other people's expressions, they looked at Master Chi who was standing aside for the first time. Seeing that her expression was as calm as ever, everyone shook their hearts, not sure what Master Chi thought at the moment.

Just now Li Xiaoyan talked to Chai Qing, although she did not use the hands-free, but later Chai Qing cursed people so loudly that others couldn't understand it clearly. Master Chi must have heard it too.

The crowd simply didn't listen too clearly to what Chai Qing said about Li Xiaoyan and Master Chi just now, especially when they saw Li Xiaoyan's bewildered and dazed appearance, the more they looked at it, the more they became angry.

Here, even the best tempered Yi Junzhong and Ye Mingguang are angry and their faces are heavy.

Just now, after all the people learned that Chai Qing was about to have an accident, they were indeed very sympathetic and could not help but feel soft, but now the new hatred and the old hatred, inevitably remembered that the woman surnamed Chai just cursed Yang Ji, Wang Jinyang has the most anxious temper. I couldn't help but burst out: "Since the woman thinks we are uneasy and kind, we don't have to worry about it, or else the woman thinks how we are going to harm her. Besides, what does she have to do with us? You heard the woman curse just now. Yang Ji is dead, anyway, Chai Qing, this woman is dead or alive, I don’t care!"

When Wang Jinyang went crazy, the others looked at each other. Of course, although the others did not express their opinions, they had the same idea as Wang Jinyang at the moment, and they all felt that the woman Chai Qing was too stupid to know what it was, she would dare to ridicule Master Chi directly?

I don't know if that woman will regret the incident just now.

And to be honest, they really don’t understand how Master Chi offended Chai Qing, so Chai Qing has to keep'concerning' Master Chi?

Huang Chong couldn't help but added a cold snort: "The woman has always suspected that Master Chi was uneasy and kind to her. Even if we tell the truth, you are sure that the woman will believe us instead of Yuan Yuan that woman? What does it mean for a woman to scold Xiao Yan inexplicably and still scold it so badly?"

Huang Chong really didn’t have any affection for the woman Chai Qing. He had seen her extremely selfish character since he approached those days, and he always had an instinct. If she really saved Chai Qing this time, it might not be It's a good thing. Maybe this woman will cause any trouble in the future. This woman can really do something to live her own life. Of course, the most important thing is that this woman is too stupid and too easy to be used by others.

Huang Chong immediately apologized to Master Chi, who had not spoken, and then said: "Master Chi, should I forget about this, right? She has never believed you!"

Seeing that Huang Chong made a decisive decision, the others didn't say anything for Chai Qing anymore. Someone who was still a little soft and didn't know Chai Qing's true face hesitated.

For example, Ye Mingguang, he still couldn't help but doubt what the little girl in front of him said, but last time the other party said that Huang Chong had an accident after Yang Ji's accident, and he was right, not to mention that the other party still knew Tianshi Gu. Ye Mingguang still couldn't help but be convinced that the little girl in front of him had a little conflict in his heart.

Second, after knowing Chai Qing for so many years, it is a matter of life and death, he is more calm and rational, but it is a pity that Chai Qing has offended everyone miserably. It is probably useless for him to say a few words for the other party, not to mention. As Huang Chong said, Chai Qing didn't believe in Master Chi in front of him, and no one forced her to believe it, so even if he said good things, it was useless. After all, it was Chai Qing himself.

Ye Mingguang simply remained silent.

As for Chi Shuyan, who was not a hot-faced person with a cold ass, just now I heard Chai Qing ridicule her. She would go to Baba to beg for help when she was crazy. She was not too idle.

Besides, the woman surnamed Chai did not die, it really had nothing to do with her.

Seeing everyone looking at her, waiting for her answer, Chi Shuyan's eyes became warmer again, her lips slowly raised, and her tone was as usual: "I will tell Brother Feng on this matter, you don't have to worry about it. worry."

After speaking, she turned and left, but Li Xiaoyan suddenly called out, "Master Chi, Chai Qing...?"

It’s impossible for Chi Shuyan to hear what Li Xiaoyan meant. It’s impossible for her to rush to save others. She looks good, but her temper is really not that good. Those who are familiar with Chi Shuyan should understand the woman Chai Qing. She really offended her, even if the other party begged her personally at this moment, she wouldn't help if she knocked a hundred heads. Isn't she helping the enemy?

However, she still has a good impression of Li Xiaoyan, who has a good temper with less words and less words. She stopped and did not deliberately avoid the topic, but directly responded to her words: "As for that Miss Chai, you should also know, no I don't want to help, but the other party doesn't believe me. If that's the case, then I can't help it. They all say that everyone has their own destiny, maybe that Miss Chai is dead!"

The last sentence Chi Shuyan's tone was light and fluttering, without a trace of emotion, he nodded to the crowd, turned and left.

Li Xiaoyan actually wanted to go out and persuade a few words, but was stopped by Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, and Yi Jun. Wang Jinyang even directly said: "Is your girl being scolded by a woman surnamed Chai? Are you still talking to her? Chi? Didn't the master make the meaning clear?"

Huang Chong couldn't help but rushed to Li Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, sometimes you don’t need to be too sincere to people who are not sincere. Maybe she will yin you in the back anytime in the future! Look, if it weren’t for Master Chi, Yang Jide How miserable was it to be cheated by that woman?"

In fact, when he was with Yuan Yuan and the others, the woman Chai Qing really said bad things about Yang Ji, Li Xiaoyan, Yi Junzhong, Wang Jinyang and others. That's why he felt that Li Xiaoyan was so caring about Chai Qing. It's really not worth it, this is what he saw through after the accident.

Li Xiaoyan:...

"By the way, where's Gu Tianshi? He hasn't come back yet?"

Out of the ward, standing at the entrance of the hospital, inhaling fresh air, Chi Shuyan was in a much better mood. Although she didn't plan to care about Chai Qing, she still planned to report with Brother Feng so that Brother Feng would be ready to collect the body.

Speaking of which, with the lifelessness and face gathered on Chai Qing, this woman will live to the end of the night nine out of ten. She wants to avoid the catastrophe, and to be honest, even if she goes out, she may not be 100% possible. The other party is alive.

Now that there is no one to help, the other party will undoubtedly die tonight.

Chi Shuyan only hoped that when the woman had an accident tonight, she also had the confidence to call someone a bitch. Thinking of this, the corner of her lips sneered.

She opened the screen of the mobile phone and found the phone number of Brother Feng. Before the call was dialed, the phone rang first. It was not her man who called her?

Chi Shuyan swept away the anger that had just been suffocated in her heart. He answered the phone with a smile on his face, and heard the deep and thick voice of the man opposite the phone: "Have you had lunch? You are not at school?"

Chi Shuyan didn't expect this man to go to her school to find her? She immediately said: "Where are you? I'm in a nearby first-class hospital. I'll come here for a while. I'm about to leave right now!"

Qi Zhenbai didn't ask his wife other much, knowing that she was making money by taking this kind of order. Most of the time, Qi Zhenbai wanted to say that her family did not lack money, but his wife rarely had the ability and talent in this area and was also interested. He was also reluctant to force her, he didn't say much, only asked his wife to tell her the location immediately, and he went to pick her up.

Chi Shuyan only felt that the man's idleness was painful. Even if the man came to pick her up, she would not have time to get along with him, so she had to go back to school immediately. Isn't this a waste of gas and time?

She immediately asked the man on the opposite side to pick her up, and she just took a taxi back to school.

Unexpectedly, the next second a man threw a blockbuster directly, turning Chi Shuyan's eyes black: "Dad is here in Kyoto, where I am!"

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