Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1646: Four hundred thirty two

Ye Mingguang naturally didn't know that he was in a hurry to save Chai Qing, but the woman Chai Qing turned her head and sold him, not only told Yuan Yuan everything but also sued him.

As soon as Chai Qing finished speaking, Yuan Yuan's face changed drastically. Her expression was definitely not good. Her eyes were cold and penetrating. It was fortunate that the two of them were talking on the phone. Chai Qing only noticed that she was behind when she talked. Remaining silent must have been chilled by the hearts of Ye Mingguang and Yang Ji, who made them believe in outsiders rather than Sister Yuan.

Chai Qing thought she understood Yuan Yuan’s psychological thoughts very well, her tone was very caring, and she said with some complacency and comfort: "Sister Yuan, are you all right, don’t worry, Yang Ji and the others believe in that woman. I don’t believe it, I just believe it." Sister Yuan, you, they suspect you, it must have been instigated by a woman surnamed Chi."

Chai Qing's words seemed to please Yuan Yuan. Yuan Yuan did not express her attitude uncharacteristically. A strange smile gradually appeared on her lips and asked, "Did you enter the community?"

Chai Qing immediately replied, "I'll be at Neng's house just a few minutes after entering the community. Sister Yuan."

"That's good!"

The two were talking and talking on the phone. Within a few minutes, Chai Qing swiped his card and entered the seventh building in the community, walked to the elevator and pressed the elevator, and proactively reported with Yuan Yuan: "Sister Yuan, I am at the elevator door. Now, wait for the elevator for a few minutes to go upstairs."

Yuan Yuan's face improved after hearing Chai Qing's words, and her lips gradually showed a gloomy smile. The laughter seemed to be a little excited, more agitated, too excited, a shrill and very strange laugh suddenly came from the phone. When it came to Chai Qing's ear, this piercing smile just came to Chai Qing's ear. Chai Qing was inexplicably numb and horrified in her heart, and thought that the person who called her on the other side was Sister Yuan and not someone else. She must have heard the strange laugh.

After thinking about it, Chai Qing felt a little relieved, but her right eyelid kept twitching. She simply diverted her attention while watching that the elevator floor had reached the fifth floor, which was only five floors away, and the elevator was approaching.

At this time, Yuan Yuan asked again: "You haven't entered the elevator yet?"

"No, Sister Yuan, the elevator has reached the fifth floor, so it should be almost soon!" Chai Qing absently watched the night outside while calling. She didn't pay attention to the night when she called all the way just now, but looked out at the moment. It's so dark, in fact, there are lights outside the building, but two large plane trees have been planted on both sides of the building to block the light.

Chai Qing subconsciously ran to the door and took a look.

Fortunately, the lights are bright and there are two lights on the promenade.

Chai Qing thought about it for a while, and after a second, Yuan Yuan asked again: "Have you entered the elevator?"

"It's very fast, Sister Yuan, there are two more floors!" As soon as she finished speaking, the elevator had reached the lower floor, and soon the elevator door opened with a ding, and two strangers came out of the elevator.

Chai Qing ignored the stranger, and the tense mood just now disappeared as she saw other people. She was in a very good mood and said happily, "Sister Yuan, I'm going into the elevator. See you in a minute. Let's not talk for now. . Bye bye!"

"Well, I...waiting for you upstairs!"

The woman's tone seemed to be overwhelmed with excitement, and the excitement sounded very fast, and the gasp became louder and louder.

Chai Qing didn't think much, she hung up the phone and immediately ran over and stepped into the elevator. The next second, the phone rang again. At first, Chai Qing thought it was Sister Yuan's phone. After a pause, she took out her phone screen and glanced at it. , Ye Mingguang's phone number was waiting for her to see.

Chai Qing didn't even want to press the phone again. This time she turned off the phone directly. After turning off the phone, she entered the elevator, and pressed the floor and close buttons. It didn't take long for the elevator to close.

Chai Qing stayed alone in the elevator and looked bored while looking at the floor. She made up her mind and went back to the room for a while and then asked Yuan Yuan to complain about it. It would be better to get Yuan Yuan to deal with the woman surnamed Chi and find her back. Facially, Chai Qing was especially gloating at the thought that a woman surnamed Chi could be dealt with miserably by Sister Yuan.

She gloated in her heart and glanced at the floor. The elevator had risen to the ninth floor. She thought that the elevator time was quite fast, but tonight she felt that the elevator was a bit slow. Chai Qing's eyebrows flashed impatiently, and she just took out her mobile phone to start scanning. After a few webpages to pass the time, I only heard a sudden clicking sound from the elevator. The lights in the elevator suddenly went out and the elevator froze on the tenth floor.

Chai Qing was shocked. After all, she was the only one in the elevator, but fortunately, she didn't think much about it at this moment. She thought that the elevator was malfunctioning and cursed in her heart. How could other people wait for her to enter the elevator. Knowing that she just walked directly up the stairs.

At this moment, Chai Qing is useless to complain. She can only switch on immediately and turn on the flashlight to call the community property right away, and by the way, make a call to Sister Yuan.

She was about to make a call, but the elevator she was riding in seemed to be out of control. It suddenly rose to the 20th floor, and then fell down quickly in the next second.

Chai Qing was caught off guard by this situation. The whole face was pale and screamed. The lights in the elevator went out and then went out gradually. Chai Qing's crying screams never stopped, and the howling sound became louder and louder. Stop shouting for help.

The light struck the woman's bloodless face with extreme horror, and her entire face was cyan.

Soon, the elevator flew up again, this time the elevator went out of control and rose to the top for an instant. When Chai Qing screamed, the elevator froze and stopped again on the next floor.

In the elevator, Chai Qing was shaken to the ground by repeated ups and downs. The elevator suddenly opened. Her head happened to fall out and her body was still in the elevator.

Chai Qinggang got up with joy before she was alive. The doors on both sides of the elevator closed suddenly. When she screamed in horror and broke her throat, she instantly clamped her head.

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