Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1652: Four hundred thirty eight

Feng Yuanlin glanced at the look in Shuyan's eyes and immediately guessed what Zhenbai had said to Shuyan. It was so late, and he didn't keep many people. He was a little tired and waved his hand: "Go, Shuyan, back Your husband! Say hello to Zhenbai for me by the way!"

Chi Shuyan quickly finished speaking with Qi Zhenbai and hung up the phone, nodded and said: "Success!" Seeing that Brother Feng was tired, she didn't know how to comfort people, so she said, "Brother Feng, you too early tonight. Rest, I will notify you immediately if there is news!"

With Shuyan's words, Feng Yuanlin felt more at ease, and nodded to let her go first.

But Chi Shuyan hasn't taken a few steps yet, Gu Beizheng suddenly took out his mobile phone to look at the time, and then said: "Time is almost too, Miss Chi, shall we go together?"

That’s how he asked, but he followed Chi Shuyan’s pace closely. Qi Hao couldn’t help but take a few more glances. If it weren’t for Gu Beizheng’s topic all along the way to talk about spiritual tea with his sister-in-law, he would still I can't help but suspect that this man will show his sister-in-law from time to time!

As for Ye Mingguang, he wanted to go with Gu Beizheng, but what he thought of, he hesitated for a while, did not leave first, but followed Feng Yuanlin.

The three of them walked out of the community unknowingly. While talking with Gu Beizheng, Chi Shuyan saw a familiar vehicle not far away and a familiar tall man standing straight beside the vehicle.

It was a little dim in the distance, and a little spark was faintly seen between the man's fingertips. The moment she saw it, the man immediately pinched the cigarette butt, crushed it with his foot, and his eyes were deep.

Qi Hao saw his cousin sharply right now, and immediately ran over to say hello: "Brother, are you really here? Isn't this me? I just drive my sister-in-law back."

In fact, Qi Hao thinks that his brother has been making a fuss about his sister-in-law's affairs. This is why he has accompanied his sister-in-law to come together. His brother is still worried, but he still has to come to pick up people in person. He sees the relationship between his brother and sister-in-law. It's really a bit envious and jealous.

He has never seen such a sticky newly married couple. Besides, his brother used to be a sticky person. On the contrary, his brother's personality is very cold, and he has become too quick to meet his sister-in-law.

Qi Zhenbai didn't respond much to Qi Hao's cousin. His eyes were looking at his wife who was talking softly and gently to other men. His eyes sank inexplicably, and his face sank with it.

When Qi Hao saw his brother's expression on the side, he gave a groan in his heart, and quickly followed his brother's eyes.

It’s normal for his sister-in-law to chat with a man surnamed Gu. The distance is also a little bit apart, and it looks like business affairs when they look at them. Qi Hao feels that there is nothing wrong with the two at all, but he sees his cousin’s expression getting more and more serious. The deeper the body, the more condensed the whole body.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for his sister-in-law to finish talking with the man surnamed Gu and walked towards them.

But Gu Beizheng was about to leave, not far away, when he suddenly met with a man with a cold face not far away.

Gu Beizheng naturally recognizes this person. There have been several encounters in the past. He saw Qi Zhenbai startled a little before. He just wanted to say hello to the other party. He suddenly grabbed his hands and put his hands close to the tip of his nose. He frowned, and then saw the man's eyes flashing scarlet, his eyes were thoughtful, the man's face darkened as he looked at the distance.

While Gu Beizheng was stunned, Chi Shuyan greeted him again, and then got into the car. After getting in the car, she saw that Gu Beizheng stayed in a daze and didn't move. Thinking of something, she immediately called Qi Hao and asked him to give it away. Going back, he rushed to Gu Beizheng and said, "Gu Ju, where you live, just tell Qi Hao in a while. He also drove a car and asked him to send you off...!" Going back, the last two words haven't fallen yet. Shu Yan only felt a sharp pain coming from her wrist. She snorted and looked to her left wrist subconsciously. She saw the man beside her pinching her wrist with great strength. A few veins on the back of the man's hand were faintly bulging and quickly released. Drive her.

Chi Shuyan:...

Fortunately, Qi Hao replied quickly and immediately rushed to Gu Beizheng and said, "Gu Ju, I will see you off, where are you going?"

Qi Hao knew just now that his brother was driving and his sister-in-law must have gotten in his brother's car. Qi Hao got into his car and immediately waved to let Gu Beizheng get in the car first.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gu Beizheng in Qi Hao's car from the car window, but didn't notice that a man in the driver's seat in the car's face grew darker and paler.

When Qi Hao drove away first, Chi Shuyan retracted his gaze, and looked at the man beside him with a puzzled expression: "Why don't you drive?" When the man suddenly lost control and pinched her wrist vigorously, Chi Shuyan looked at him more and more confused. The man next to him questioned: "What happened to you... just now?"

Could it be that she suddenly left the old house and the man was very angry?

The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more she felt so, she immediately took the man’s hand next to her, she just pulled it, and felt that the man’s hand was really cold, cold and cold, she helped rub it, and immediately confessed her mistake and explained: "I was in the old house before. Suddenly I received a call from Brother Feng. The matter was extremely urgent. I had to come here, so I had to go out? Husband, don’t get angry, OK?"

There were no driving lights in the car, only a few lights outside hit the man's silhouette. Chi Shuyan couldn't see the man's face beside him for a while, only blurred to see that the man's silhouette was deep and extremely cold. Seeing the man did not speak, Chi Shuyan continued Coaxing people: "Husband, don't be angry, okay, let's talk about it, before I left the old house, I greeted my dad and mom. If you were in the living room at that time, I would definitely greet you first. By the way, my dad What about the others? Are they still in the old house? Have you fallen asleep?"

Chi Shuyan's attention soon fell on his dad. When she thought of her dad's arrival in Kyoto, she didn't know how to face her dad for a while, and only hoped that this man could talk to his dad better.

After listening to his wife's words, Qi Zhenbai's expression somewhat eased, but he remembered that his wife just talked to other men softly and approached, his expression was still gloomy, and his chest couldn't help but an unnamed fire and irritability flowed out. I was a little tired and squeezed the eyebrows, and habitually touched the Buddhist beads on his wrists. The emotions were slightly relieved, and the tone was a little cold and replied: "Dad is still in the old house!"

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