Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1654: Four hundred and forty

When his father saw this daughter again, his heart still couldn't calm down, especially when he saw this daughter and the man Qi Zhenbai standing together, the sweetness of the couple, Chi father was very heartbroken.

In fact, after the boy Qi Zhenbai went to the military area for a while, he slowly accepted the boyfriend of his daughter, but the boy moved too fast, and his daughter was abducted before her age. The more Chi's father looked at the couple, he didn't have the anger that came to Kyoto at the beginning, but he was very worried, and the more he looked at Qi Zhenbai, the more eye-catching.

Had it not been for the boy Qi Zhenbai who had performed well before, and he had taken him to his old house to see Old Man Qi suddenly, his father would have been mad.

But once he came to the Qi family, Chi's father was also very satisfied with the attitude of the Qi family, especially his father.

He was also slightly relieved in his heart.

Chi's father talked with Mr. Qi all night, and he also learned from him that he was very satisfied with his daughter. The old man also solemnly stated that he would treat her daughter kindly. In addition, the boy Qi Zhenbai had been doing well. Chi's father did not want to accept this. In fact, the matter of his daughters getting married gradually.

He also wanted to understand now that he had to get a certificate with Qi Zhenbai and change his age. Without his daughter's consent, her daughter would not be able to get the certificate with others. Since she was willing, he didn't bother to be such a bad person.

It’s just that it’s too big. His daughter so easily bypassed his direct certification of being an elder. Chi father still held some anger in his heart. Of course, he couldn’t bear to send this anger to his daughter, so he had to send it to the son-in-law now, cold. He snorted, stunned that he didn't look good at this son-in-law.

The old man Qi laughed at Yan Yan. He had no objection to his family’s expression of his grandson, but he helped to bring the two father-in-laws closer together and said cheerfully: "I'm back? I'll be back, Zhenbai, just because your father-in-law is a little tired. You take your father-in-law back to the guest room upstairs for your grandfather."

Qi Zhenbai was very kind to the old man, and immediately replied to the old man: "Grandpa, I know!"

After talking, the old man glanced at Shu Yan again, with a kind smile on his face, and said to Qi Zhenbo again: "Okay, it's not too early, Zhenbo, also take your wife upstairs, if something happens, we will do it again tomorrow Talk, your dad and some uncles have also rested."

"Good!" the couple responded in unison.

Elder Qi instructed his grandson, and his tone was very soft and kind, and his father said: "It is rare for my family to come to Kyoto. I will stay in Kyoto and live in Qi's house for a few days. In the next few days, let a few children take you to the vicinity of Kyoto. Walk around more often.” Without waiting for Chi’s father’s refusal, Mr. Qi quickly rushed to the couple and said: “You two have also stayed in the old house these days to accompany your relatives. They are all a family, wife Zhenbai, let you Dad, don't meet with your family, you know?"

When Mr. Qi left his words, Father Chi's expression became more relaxed and more beautiful, and he no longer looked at Qi Zhenbai's son-in-law whose eyes were not eyes and his nose was not his nose.

Chi Shuyan also smiled and replied, "I see, Grandpa! Thank you!"

As she spoke, she walked to Chi's father's side, embraced Chi's father's arm intimately, and pulled Chi's father to go upstairs.

Before going upstairs, she hadn't forgotten the cousin Qi Hao. Seeing that he hadn't come back, her brows were a little bit twisted. Just when she wanted to call her cousin Qi Hao again, there was a faint sound of cars outside. In nine out of ten, Qi Hao returned to the old house, so she didn’t worry anymore. Before pulling her dad upstairs, she asked the man Qi Zhenbo to wait in the living room for a while to see if the kid Qi Hao was back. .

Qi Zhenbai naturally had no objection. On the contrary, he was relieved and had to say that in front of his father-in-law, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous if he didn't want to be nervous. He also understood his father-in-law's opinion very clearly in his heart. In the matter of obtaining the certificate, he was at a loss again, and he could only hope that he would perform well in front of his father-in-law in the next few days, so that his father-in-law would be more satisfied with him.

Fortunately, the old man gave him a lot of good feelings in front of his father-in-law, otherwise his father-in-law might not have a good face to him at the moment.

After his daughter-in-law took his father-in-law upstairs, Qi Zhenbai breathed a sigh of relief. Elder Qi was beside him and brought the rare nervous look of Zhenbai's grandson into his eyes. He was particularly pleased, a little funny, and a little gloating.

It is true that this grandson used to be too calm and not very emotional, but now there is a little more smoke and fire, and people look at it more normally.

Before the old man went upstairs, he walked by the grandson and patted the boy on the shoulder with a long voice and said, "Being well in front of your father-in-law these days. Grandpa has already spoken a lot of good things for you in front of your father-in-law. I rushed to get the certificate with you at the young age. It is our family's fault. I'm sorry for your daughter-in-law and father-in-law. Even if your father-in-law is really angry at you, your kid will have to bear it with me, you know, Zhenbai?"

Qi Zhenbo nodded calmly.

Old man Qi was dissatisfied with this kid's too calm look, and deliberately said alarmistly: "If your family is not satisfied with you, your kid has lost my granddaughter-in-law, don't blame my old man for asking you to settle accounts? You know that your family's letting you have no daughter-in-law is just a sentence The thing! Remember it for this old man!"

Old man Qi went upstairs after saying these words, but he didn't know that these words really made Qi Zhenbai feel a sense of crisis again. Before, he felt that his daughter-in-law had obtained the certificate with him, and it would be useless if his father-in-law was dissatisfied with him, but now the old man The words hit his heart and made him realize that his father-in-law let him have no daughter-in-law is indeed a matter of one sentence, can't he get a divorce after receiving the certificate?

Thinking of this, Qi Zhenbai's eyes were a little dark, and anxious and irritable as well as suffering from gains and losses hit again. If it weren’t for this moment, he knew that his father-in-law must have something to say to his wife, and he wanted to test his wife’s tone immediately. Ask his daughter-in-law if his father-in-law is satisfied with him? Of course, he can correct any dissatisfaction immediately.

"Brother, you haven't slept yet? Could it be that you are waiting for me!" When Qi Zhenbai was thinking about it, Qi Hao's familiar voice came from the door.

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